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Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from: · City Councillors S. Smith and Scutt. Councillor Gawthrope Wood attended
as Alternate. · South Cambs Councillors Stobart, Cahn and R.
Williams. Councillor Garvie
attended as Alternate. Councillor Bradnam proposed, and Councillor
Gawthrope Wood seconded, the nomination of Councillor Thornburrow as Vice Chair
for this meeting. Unanimously resolved that Councillor Thornburrow be Vice Chair for this
meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received a reserved matters application for the approval for appearance,
landscaping, layout and scale for 373 dwellings, access roads, cycle and
pedestrian routes, cycle and car parking, landscaping, utilities and associated
ancillary structures at Lots S1 and S2, North West Cambridge Development
following outline planning permission S/1886/11 as varied by planning
permission S/2036/13/VC. The
Committee received a representation in objection to the application from a
resident of Huntingdon Road. The
representation covered the following issues:
Huntingdon Road and Girton residents had been severely negatively impacted by
the Eddington centre development.
Referred to comments submitted by
residents on the original application, many of them did not receive notice of
the revised application.
Issues with the Edington
development had been going on for circa a decade but the final stage S3 (and associated
infrastructure) were the applications which particularly concerned residents,
being directly to the rear of their properties. Looking out of the rear windows
of some of the properties, one could see the impact of stage 1 – instead of
hedges with low lying fields beyond, there were huge mountains of spoil, only
grassed after much agitation, which towered over 8 foot hedges. When created, these ‘mountains’ caused disruption plus noise and
air pollution, and appeared to be permanent. iv.
a construction management plan to
mitigate issues such as anti-social work hours or inadvertent spoil mounds. v.
Residents’ gardens were now prone
to flooding, believed to be a result of the huge mounds created at the back of
their properties where water run off rates as well as underground water streams
may have resulted in rising water tables. Residents had no opportunity to be
made aware or to object to the spoil mounds and believed they should have
required detailed planning permission. vi.
Queried what was happening to the
existing large rubble mountains on the S1/2 site? Expected clear conditions
that when removed they were not put anywhere near residents. vii.
Noted the encroachment, rather
than redesign, since the discovery of the incorrectly
assumed boundary lines on the other side of the S1/S2 development. The
designers had shifted the whole development 5 metres west, due to the boundary
line discovery. This increased the encroachment on and coalescence with Girton properties (especially once S3 is built) - which the
North West Action Plan said was to be avoided. The same goes for some of the
increase in height of some of the buildings. Expressed concern this gave little
or no reassurance that anything in the original masterplan could be relied
upon. viii.
Residents had no confidence in the
University or developers being a considerate neighbour - or contractor, given
experience to date and so needed clear conditions and monitoring. The
Committee received a representation in objection to the application from a
local resident. The
representation covered the following issues:
proposal departed from the Design Code and planning conditions.
concern: a. Local Plan criteria was too readily set aside. b. Loss of privacy ... view the full minutes text for item 22/30/JDCC |
22/02591/FUL - RSC 40 and Land South of Robinson Way, Addenbrookes Hospital PDF 439 KB Minutes: Councillor Carling
joined the meeting from the start of this item. The Committee
received an application for full planning permission for the retention, change
of use and extension of Regional Surge Centre 40 (RSC 40) to Provide
Orthopaedic Theatres, Orthopaedic Wards, new and realigned vehicular access,
and associated infrastructure for a temporary period of 10 years. Ms Charlton (Applicant’s Representative) addressed the Committee in
support of the application. The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Expressed concern that temporary buildings could
become permanent. Queried how to prevent this. Temporary buildings were built
to different standards compared to permanent ones.
Queried how to ensure long term orthopaedic
facilities on site. The Planning Officer (Strategic Sites) said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
The Applicant would not divert a water course and
put other parties at flood risk. This was controlled by condition.
A green roof was not appropriate for the site.
The site provided above the normal level of staff
bike parking facilities.
There were two main pick
up and drop off times allocated for the site. These had arisen from modelling
and the Highways Agency Transport Assessment. Ms Charlton added that parking by the
facility was purely for surgery patients. After surgery care would be
undertaken by outpatient department, so little patient commuting was expected.
The building structure complied with most
standards. Where it did not, it was just below and off-set elsewhere, so
overall acceptable. The Strategic Sites Delivery Manager said
Condition 2 controlled materials to be used. The Committee: Unanimously resolved to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with the
Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report, and
subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer, subject
to the amended wording of condition 18 (fire hydrants) to read as below: Prior to the first use and occupation of the
building for the purposes hereby approved of the RSC 40 extension a scheme for
the provision and location of fire hydrants to serve the development to the
standard recommended by the Cambridgeshire Fire and
Rescue Service shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority. The development shall not be occupied or brought into use
until the approved scheme has been fully implemented. The approved scheme shall
thereafter be retained and maintained
at all times. Reason: To ensure an adequate water supply is
available for emergency use. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received two s73 applications 22/01966/S73 and 22/01967/S73 to vary conditions 5
(Compliance with Plans), 13 (Accessible and Adaptable Dwellings), 14 (Wheel
Chair User Dwellings) and 17 (Sustainability Statement) of S/1231/18/OL
(Outline Planning Application (all matters reserved except means of access in
respect of junction arrangements onto Coldhams Lane
Cherry Hinton Road and Airport Way) for a maximum of 1200 residential dwellings
(including retirement living facility (within Use Class C2/C3)) a local center comprising uses within Use Class
A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/B1a/D1/D2 primary and secondary schools community facilities
open spaces allotments landscaping and associated infrastructure) to allow for
a variation to the approved parameter plans and to amend condition wording. The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from a representative of Cambridge Ramblers: i.
Requested that public footpath 109
was kept open during construction. ii.
Expressed disappointment footpath
109 was closed April to October 2022. iii.
Referred to Public Right of Way
Officer comments. iv.
The variation to the route was not
particularly good. v.
Suggested the developer should
only get planning permission if the footpath was kept open. Mr Fletcher (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of
the application. The Strategic Sites Delivery Manager said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
Condition 13 required 100% compliance with M42
except in the coach houses.
The County Council and City Council were monitoring
demand for a school and would deliver when required. The Planning Officer (Strategic Sites) said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
There was an exclusion zone around the high
pressure gas main on site to restrict land usage near it. The gas main went
through open spaces and followed along the road.
Officers had no updates to the Quality Panel
comments but were satisfied with the proposal.
The Adoption Plan set out the City Council would
adopt most parks/open spaces. Some would be privately owned. The Principal Sustainability Officer said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
It was possible to retrofit the application to passivhaus standard to enhance energy performance in future
although the application had high standards now.
Officers would feedback discussion points from
today’s meeting to the Applicant, such as Councillors requested consideration
be given to install water meters for individual dwellings. Councillor Bradnam proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation
that Condition 8 be firmed up to ensure public right
of way was kept in place. This amendment was carried
unanimously. Councillor Porrer proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation
that condition 15 contain details about specialist
housing. Housing designated and designed for elderly living should be M43
compliant. This amendment was carried
unanimously. The Committee: Unanimously resolved to: i.
Approve application
reference 22/01966/S73, subject to: a. The conditions and informatives
set out below in this report; and b. With authority delegated to officers to carry through
minor amendments to those conditions and informatives
(and include others considered appropriate and necessary) prior to the issuing
of the planning permission. i. Approve ... view the full minutes text for item 22/32/JDCC |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Due to issues with
the version of Design Code included in the agenda pack, Officers recommended
Councillors should not determine this item today. The Committee: Unanimously
resolved to defer the application from today’s Agenda. |