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The Committee
received two s73 applications 22/01966/S73 and 22/01967/S73 to vary conditions 5
(Compliance with Plans), 13 (Accessible and Adaptable Dwellings), 14 (Wheel
Chair User Dwellings) and 17 (Sustainability Statement) of S/1231/18/OL
(Outline Planning Application (all matters reserved except means of access in
respect of junction arrangements onto Coldhams Lane
Cherry Hinton Road and Airport Way) for a maximum of 1200 residential dwellings
(including retirement living facility (within Use Class C2/C3)) a local center comprising uses within Use Class
A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/B1a/D1/D2 primary and secondary schools community facilities
open spaces allotments landscaping and associated infrastructure) to allow for
a variation to the approved parameter plans and to amend condition wording.
The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from a representative of Cambridge Ramblers:
Requested that public footpath 109
was kept open during construction.
Expressed disappointment footpath
109 was closed April to October 2022.
Referred to Public Right of Way
Officer comments.
The variation to the route was not
particularly good.
Suggested the developer should
only get planning permission if the footpath was kept open.
Mr Fletcher (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of
the application.
The Strategic Sites Delivery Manager said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
Condition 13 required 100% compliance with M42
except in the coach houses.
The County Council and City Council were monitoring
demand for a school and would deliver when required.
The Planning Officer (Strategic Sites) said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
There was an exclusion zone around the high
pressure gas main on site to restrict land usage near it. The gas main went
through open spaces and followed along the road.
Officers had no updates to the Quality Panel
comments but were satisfied with the proposal.
The Adoption Plan set out the City Council would
adopt most parks/open spaces. Some would be privately owned.
The Principal Sustainability Officer said the following in response to
Members’ questions:
It was possible to retrofit the application to passivhaus standard to enhance energy performance in future
although the application had high standards now.
Officers would feedback discussion points from
today’s meeting to the Applicant, such as Councillors requested consideration
be given to install water meters for individual dwellings.
Councillor Bradnam proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation
that Condition 8 be firmed up to ensure public right
of way was kept in place.
This amendment was carried
Councillor Porrer proposed an amendment to the Officer’s recommendation
that condition 15 contain details about specialist
housing. Housing designated and designed for elderly living should be M43
This amendment was carried
The Committee:
Unanimously resolved to:
Approve application
reference 22/01966/S73, subject to:
a. The conditions and informatives
set out below in this report; and
b. With authority delegated to officers to carry through
minor amendments to those conditions and informatives
(and include others considered appropriate and necessary) prior to the issuing
of the planning permission.
Approve application
reference 22/01967/S73, subject to:
a. The conditions and informatives
set out below in this report; and
b. With authority delegated to officers to carry through
minor amendments to those conditions and informatives
(and include others considered appropriate and necessary) prior to the issuing
of the planning permission.
Delegated authority to officers, in consultation
with the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes, to draft and include the following
additional conditions:
a. Amend
Condition 8 to ensure public right of way was kept in place.
b. Amend
Condition 15 contain details about specialist housing. Housing designated and
designed for elderly living should be M43 compliant ie
wheelchair accessible.
Supporting documents: