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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shirley School, Nuffield Road Cambridge CB4 1TF

Contact: Glenn Burgess  Committee Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from City Councillor Bird and County Councillors Pellew and Sales.


Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest)


The Chair welcomed the public and explained the format of the meeting.  


Declarations of Interest:







Personal and Prejudicial: Governor of Kings Hedges Primary School. Councillor Pitt left the room during the discussion on this part of the item.



The minutes of the meeting held on 17 May 2012 are attached for information. As no specific actions were highlighted at the meeting, an Action Sheet is not attached.


The minutes of the 17 May 2012 meeting were approved and signed as a correct record. 


Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 165 KB


The committee received a verbal update from the Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant on crime and policing in the four wards. The report, as produced for the meeting held in May, was also circulated.


The update covered the following points:


        i.            Whilst the Police were managing expectations, resources had been stretched due to the high number of events taking place over the summer period.

      ii.            Crime across the area was low, with the bad weather having a positive impact.


Feedback was then provided on the agreed Neighbourhood priorities:


Anti-social driving in Fen Road


        i.            The Police continued to concentrate significant resource in this area.

      ii.            Section 59 powers (a warning followed by the threat of vehicle seizure for any subsequent offence) had been used by the Police with great success. Three warning letters had been issued in Chesterton, but no subsequent seizures had been required.

    iii.            Arrests had been made in the local area relating to the Chittering murder.

   iv.            Stolen goods had been seized during police raids in the area.

     v.            No complaints regarding anti-social driving or speeding had been recorded in the last two months.


Anti-social behaviour in the vicinity of 222 Victoria Road


        i.            The Anti-social Behaviour Team had taken the lead on this priority with support from the Police.

      ii.            A good relationship had been established with the management of 222 Victoria Road.

    iii.            No complaints had been reported regarding Histon Road Cemetery.

   iv.            Occasional issues had been reported regarding street drinking on Mitchams Corner and this was being monitored.


The committee received a verbal update from the Community Fire Safety Officer.


The update covered the following points:


        i.            Proposed the continuation of the arson preventative work priority.

      ii.            A ‘Fire Watch’ initiative had been set up and volunteers were being sought to help identify and monitor problem areas.


Members of the public and Councillors asked a number of questions, as set out below:


1) Resident: Noted that on three separate occasions her guide dog had been attacked by other dogs in the Arbury Court area. These dogs had not been on leads and it was suggested that the Police monitor the area.


The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant responded that the location of the dispensing chemist in the area added to the problem. It was noted that the Police do already heavily monitor this area, but it was agreed that the issue of dogs not on leads would be looked in to. 


2) Resident: Highlighted pedestrian safety issues at the junction of Gilbert Road caused by cyclists jumping the traffic lights. The lack of rotation buttons at the crossing here and at the Arbury Road/Milton Road/Union Lane junction was also highlighted.


The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant responded that the cycleway system and signage in this area was confusing and added to the problem. The Police were aware of the issues and ‘Specials’ would be asked to monitor the situation.


3) Resident: Requested further information on Neighbourhood Watch and if this still existed.


The Community Fire Safety Officer confirmed that Neighbourhood Watch was still in operation and played an important role in the City. However some of its work had been superseded by E-Cops.


4) Resident: Raised concern that the Police priorities had not been agreed at the last meeting and highlighted the need for any decisions to be clearly reported.


This comment was noted.


5) Resident: Suggested that more clarity was needed on why some issues were treated as anti-social behaviour and others as criminal.


This comment was noted.


6) Councillor Pitt: Highlighted anti-social cycling issues in the following areas and proposed this as a future Police priority:   


-         Milton Road/Gilbert Road junction

-         Milton Road and Arbury Road junction

-         Milton Road arcade


It was also noted that further work could be undertaken with local schools to address this issue.


The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant agreed that this was a concern and confirmed that, regardless of it being a Police priority, the problem would be looked into.


7) Councillor O’Reilly: Noted that, whilst issues have currently decreased in Fen Road, the problems could re-emerge if it was not retained as a Police priority. Councillor Kerr supported this.


The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant confirmed that work would continue with the Fen Road Steering Group to ensure that the problems did not return, and the Police would monitor the situation closely.


8) Councillor Tunnacliffe: Highlighted cars blocking driveways around Milton Road Primary School as an issue, and suggested that the Police liaise with the new Head Teacher.


The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant agreed that this was a concern and confirmed that he would liaise with the school to address the problem.





The committee proposed the following two addition Police priorities and agreed to vote on them separately:


-         Anti-social cycling issues across the area (11 votes to 0)

-         Anti-social driving in Fen Road (2 votes to 0)


On a final show of hands the following three Neighbourhood Priorities were agreed unanimously:


        i.       Continuation of arson preventative work

      ii.       Continue to address anti-social behaviour in the vicinity of 222

   Victoria Road

    iii.       Anti-social cycling issues across the area




1) Resident: Raised concern about the poor state of pavements in the area, particularly in Histon Road and Gilbert Road.

County Councillor Wilkins confirmed that the County Council had allocated £90m over the next 5 years for improvements to pavements. Priorities had been agreed for this year’s spend but suggestions for future years were being sought.

It was agreed that the Chair and Councillor Wilkins would liaise with the resident outside of the meeting.

2) Resident: Highlighted the issue of overgrown trees and hedges on public pavements and the problems this caused for pedestrians.

Councillor Ward confirmed that it was the responsibility of the householder to maintain trees or hedges. It was suggested that any problems be reported to the City Rangers or Ward Councillors.

3) Resident: Suggested that email correspondence and responses could be fed into the ‘Open Forum’ section of the meetings.

This comment was noted.



Environmental Improvement Programme pdf icon PDF 40 KB

Additional documents:


The committee received a report from the Project Delivery and Environment Manager.  It was noted that the following additional project had been added since the publication of the officer’s report:


AkemanStree/Darwin Drive – estimated budget £4000


 - Replanting of the areas at the junction of Akeman Street and Darwin Drive

 - Tweed pebble paving at the rear of these planted areas

 - Replanting of the areas at junction of Akeman Street and Stretton Avenue

 - Tweed pebbe paving at the entrance to Francis Darwin Court


Kendal Way Verge Parking Prohibition Scheme


Members of the public and Councillors asked a number of questions, as set out below:


1) Resident: Expressed concern that the consultation had included proposals to ban footway parking (as well as verge parking) and it was felt that this had skewed the responses. This was not what residents had requested, and the consultation was therefore a waste of money.


The Project Delivery and Environment Manager confirmed that a draft of the consultation document had been sent to Ward Councillors for approval before being issued to the public.


It was felt that only banning verge parking would result in people then parking on the footway and creating an additional problem. Footway parking was illegal and the inclusion of both would make the problem easier to enforce.


2) County Councillor Manning: Questioned how many consultation responses had supported only restricting verge parking.


The Project Delivery and Environment Manager confirmed that around 6 responses had supported this.


Councillor Todd-Jones proposed that the Kendal Way Verge Parking Prohibition Scheme be deferred pending further consultation with the Project Delivery and Environment Manager, Ward Councillors and local residents.


On a show of hands this proposal was carried by 7 votes to 2.



Proposed Schemes – as noted in Appendix 1 of officer’s report


Union Lane and Scotland Road – replacement of bench and planting work


1) Councillor O’Reilly (raised on behalf of Councillor Bird): Suggested that instead of blocking the existing desire line by planting/bushes the grass area should be reseeded.


2) Councillor O’Reilly (raised on behalf of Councillor Bird): Requested that a plaque be dedicated to Lil Speed for all the hard work she has undertaken in the area.


3) Resident: Supported the addition of a bench but highlighted the importance of not blocking the existing desire line.


The Project Delivery and Environment Manager confirmed that the proposed project was in the very early stages of development and that a full consultation had yet to be undertaken. At this stage the committee would simply be allocating the budget pending a full consultation with residents on the specific detail of the project.


Water Lane and High Street Junction – re-seeding of area and low level knee rail timber fencing


1) Councillor O’Reilly (raised on behalf of Councillor Bird): Raised concern that, as large vehicles frequently cut the tight corner, the low level fencing would get quickly damaged. It was suggested that hard standing might be a better option. 


This comment was noted


East Chesterton Haling Way – tree planting and benches


1) Councillor Ward and Councillor Price: Confirmed that the Conservators of the River Cam were in support of the proposals.


This comment was noted.


Woodhead Drive/Milton Road  - No Waiting Restrictions


1) Councillor Gawthrope: Confirmed that concerns had been raised by local residents and it was hoped that this would solve the problem.


This comment was noted.


Victoria Road/Victoria Park Improvements


1) Councillor O’Reilly: Suggested that, as the verge was not in a poor condition, it could be re-seeded instead of being replaced with tarmac.



Honorary Councillor Nimmo-Smith confirmed that, as this was a strong pedestrian desire line, the option of tarmac had been supported by the local Resident’s Association.


The Project Delivery and Environment Manager confirmed that tarmac was the preferred option but that officers would look at using the bare minimum of hard paving.


It was agreed that each of the officer’s recommendations would be voted on separately.


RESOLVED (by 7 votes to 2) to:


        i.            Defer the Kendal Way Verge Parking Prohibition Scheme pending further consultation with the Project Delivery and Environment Manager, Ward Councillors and local residents.


RESOLVED (by 10 votes to 0) to:


      ii.            Allocate funding to the list of proposed projects as listed in Appendix A of the officer’s report, and the additional Akeman Street/Darwin Drive project. 


RESOLVED (by 10 votes to 0) to:


    iii.            Approve the projects for implementation, subject to positive consultation and final approval by local Ward Councillors.


RESOLVED (unanimously) to:


   iv.       Note the progress of existing schemes as listed in Appendix C of the officer’s report.



Councillor Manning confirmed that a local community project had requested to take photographs during the remainder of the meeting. Members of the public were given the opportunity not to be included in any of the photographs



Update on the Fen Road Steering Group pdf icon PDF 894 KB

Additional documents:


The committee received an update from the Chairman of the Fen Road Steering Group.


The update covered the following points:


        i.            The Steering Group had been set up in January 2012 to look at the issues and concerns relating to Fen Road.

      ii.            The Steering Group had met three times with an attendance of between 15-20 at each meeting.

    iii.            The Steering Group had input from a wide range of City and County officers including planning, urban design, environmental improvements and transport, as well as representatives from the Police.

   iv.            The Steering Group looked at three main work streams - highways and the environmental, safety issues and policing of anti-social behaviour, and strategic planning.

     v.            The Steering Group had developed two detailed plans highlighting the range of issues and identifying proposed solutions. These plans, with an accompanying submission document, would be fed into the City Council and South Cambs District Council Local Plan Consultations, and the County Council’s Transport Strategy Consultation.


1) Councillor Todd-Jones: Proposed that a regular information bulletin be produced to keep local residents informed on progress of the Steering Group.


This comment was noted.


Old Chesterton Residents Association (OCRA): Feedback on Annual Meeting pdf icon PDF 134 KB


The committee received a report from the Chairman of the Old Chesterton Resident’s Association (OCRA).


Members of the public and Councillors asked a number of questions, as set out below:


1) Resident: Raised concern at the level of influence that Resident’s Associations had in Cambridge and questioned why City Council officers were being invited to ‘secret’ meetings of OCRA.


The Chairman of OCRA confirmed that the Annual General Meeting was fully open to the public. Posters had been put up around the City and an advert had been placed in the local press.


Councillor Ward confirmed that the City Council listened to the concerns or issues of any individual residents, as well as Resident’s Associations.