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Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 19th January, 2021 5.00 pm, Housing Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   This meeting will take place virtually via Microsoft Teams

Contact:    Democratic Services
Committee Manager

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Mike Todd-Jones Chair Present
Councillor Gerri Bird Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Grace Hadley Committee Member Present
Councillor Colin McGerty Committee Member Present
Councillor Anthony Martinelli Committee Member Present
Councillor Katie Porrer Committee Member Present
Councillor Richard Robertson Committee Member Present
Councillor Patrick Sheil Committee Member Present
Councillor Richard Johnson Executive Councillor Present
Lulu Agate Tenant Representative Co-Optee Present
Christabella Amiteye Tenant Representative Co-Optee Present
Diane Best Leaseholder Representative Co-Optee Present
Mandy Powell-Hardy Tenant Representative Co-Optee Present
Diana Minns Tenant Representative Co-Optee Present
Colin Stevens Tenant Representative Co-Optee Present