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Annual Report on Counter Fraud and Corruption

Members of Civic Affairs Committee are asked to note the contents of the annual report on counter fraud and corruption. This covers the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.

Decision type: Non-key - Low

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/05/2018

Decision due: 25 Jul 2018 by Civic Affairs

Department: Finance

Contact: Jonathan Tully, Head of Shared Internal Audit Service Email: jonathan.tully@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: This item will automatically appear on the agenda.

Background Information: The Council introduced the Prevention of Fraud and Corruption policy in 1998. The Policy sets out the culture for the organisation, in terms of not tolerating any act of fraud or corruption, and also sets out the reporting and investigation arrangements. It is regularly reviewed, and progress is reported to the committee as good practice.


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