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Decision Maker: Civic Affairs
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Members of Civic Affairs Committee are asked to note the contents of the annual report on counter fraud and corruption. This covers the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.
The Committee received a report from Head of Shared Internal Audit Service regarding the annual report on the Prevention of Fraud and Corruption Policy.
(Ref agenda P293 item 3.5) The Head of Shared Internal Audit Service undertook to liaise with the Fraud Prevention Team Leader to ascertain if further council properties could be made available or further savings achieved through fraud prevention; then respond to the Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources.
The Executive Councillor asked for trend information to be included in future reports. The Chief Executive gave the following figures from the previous year for comparison:
· 67 inappropriate Council Tax discounts or exemptions had been removed.
· Investigations conducted under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act resulted in 13 Council owned properties being made available for genuine tenants.
· 8 people were sanctioned for Council Tax Reduction, Discount or Social Housing fraud.
The Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources asked for the Officer’s recommendation to be amended to correct typographical errors.
The committee
noted the details of fraud / whistle-blowing activity provided for the period 1
April 2016 – 31 March 2017 1 April 2017 – 31 March 2018 in section 3
of the Officer’s report.
The Committee unanimously agreed the correction.
The Committee noted the details of fraud / whistle-blowing activity provided for the period 1 April 2017 – 31 March 2018 in section 3 of the Officer’s report.
Report author: Jonathan Tully
Publication date: 31/08/2018
Date of decision: 25/07/2018
Decided at meeting: 25/07/2018 - Civic Affairs
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