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To approve the Issues and Options Report for public consultation.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/08/2014
Decision due: 11 Nov 2014 by Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure
Lead member: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure
Lead director: Director of Environment
Contact: Sara Saunders, Strategy & Economy Manager Email:
Additional Information: This item will automatically appear on the agenda.
Background Information: Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council have agreed to prepare a joint Area Action Plan for Cambridge Northern Fringe East. The first stage in the process is consultation on Issues and Options. The Issues and Options Report will outline the range of issues and options relating to the future development of the area and seek the views on the best approach to take forward in the Area Action Plan. Once adopted, the Area Action Plan will provide a planning policy framework for the development of this area.