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Decision Maker: Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control, and Infrastructure
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To approve the Issues and Options Report for public consultation.
Matter for
Cambridge Northern
Fringe East Area is one of the most important brownfield regeneration
opportunities in Greater Cambridge. The new Local Plans for Cambridge and South
Cambridgeshire recognise that regeneration and redevelopment of the area is
important, both in the short term aligned with the opportunity presented by the
opening of a new rail station and in the long term to ensure that maximum
regeneration benefits are captured for Greater Cambridge.
Work started on the development of an Area Action Plan for the CNFE
earlier in 2014, in parallel with the later stages of the Local Plans. The
Officer’s report presented the background research and evidence base prepared so
far, and possible development options for the area in an issues and options
consultation document.
of Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport
Agreed the Cambridge Northern
Fringe East Area Action Plan Issues and Options (CNFE AAP I&O) Report for
consultation jointly with South Cambridgeshire District Council.
Noted and approved the evidence base that supports
this work as contained in the appendices to the Officer’s report.
Agreed the approach to Consultation and Community
Engagement set out in the strategy appended to the Officer’s report; and Report
Page No: 2
Delegated to the Head of Planning Services
authority to finalise the consultation documents for publication including any
minor typographical, formatting, editing or other inconsequential corrections
that are necessary, in consultation with the Executive Councillor, DPSSC Chair
and Planning Policy and Transport Opposition Spokes.
Delegated to the Head of Planning Services
authority to finalise the Interim Sustainability Appraisal and associated
supporting documents for publication including:
The Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report.
Final version of the Interim Sustainability
Appraisal Report.
Making any other minor typographical, formatting,
editing or other inconsequential corrections that are necessary, in
consultation with the Executive Councillor, DPSSC Chair and Planning Policy and
Transport Opposition Spokes.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Head of Planning Services. She tabled:
An index page as a key to agenda page numbers and
An additional recommendation
(#5) to supplement those on P12 of the Officer’s report.
5) To delegate to to the Head of
Planning Services authority to finalise the Interim Sustainability Appraisal
and associated supporting documents for publication including:
The Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report.
Final version of the Interim Sustainability
Appraisal Report.
Making any other minor typographical, formatting,
editing or other inconsequential corrections that are necessary, in
consultation with the Executive Councillor, DPSSC Chair and Planning Policy and
Transport Opposition Spokes.
Members were asked if they
wished to accept the additional recommendation, or delay the consultation by 2
days so councilors could see the final version of the scoping and appraisal
Members unanimously agreed to accept the additional recommendation.
The SQW Consultant gave a presentation on the issues and options report.
The Urban Extensions Project Manager gave a presentation on the
Cambridge Northern Fringe East Area Action Plan.
The Chair proposed to review the main part of the Officer’s report and
appendices as a whole, then look separately at Appendix A Cambridge Northern
Fringe East Area Action Plan Issues and Options Consultation Document, plus
Appendix H Cambridge Northern Fringe East Area Action Plan Consultation and
Community Engagement Strategy.
Officer’s Report and Appendices B, C, D, E, F, G, I
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Suggested reviewing the name of the nature reserve
near the public drain.
In response to Members’ questions the Head of Planning Services, Urban
Extensions Project Manager plus SQW Consultant said the following:
Strategic plans and policy options for cycle routes
were set out in pages 74, 75 and 105 of the Officer’s report. Junctions needed
to be usable by vehicles, bikes and pedestrians in order to be suitable.
A transport modal strategy would be jointly
considered in future with the County Council as part of the Cambridge North
Station proposal.
The main issue for Anglian Water was finding a new
treatment site. The cost of moving would be considered in a viability study.
The difference between 2006 and 2013 plans was that the station area was now
coming forward for development to regenerate the area. Due to this, various
options were presented to Members regarding the waste water park.
Cambridge and Northstowe needed waste water
facilities, but the location for these was still to be determined. Officers had
not yet looked at location options with Anglian Water.
Appendix A
In response to Members’ questions the Head of Planning Services, Urban
Extensions Project Manager plus SQW Consultant said the following:
Question 1
Education provision depends on the amount of accommodation
coming forward ie the mix of employment and residential properties. This would
be considered in future.
Questions 3 &
The Station Liaison Group would be included in the
consultation group in future.
Question 6
The Cambridge Northern Fringe East Area Action Plan
would include guidance on how to select the name of the new Cambridge Railway
Station. The final decision would be made by Network Rail after considering
Question 28
The option for local authorities to provide market
rent accommodation could be included in either existing options or a new Option
C. Officers undertook to confirm revised wording with the Committee Chair and
Spokesperson after the meeting.
Questions 36 &
These questions focussed on what provision should
be made to improve the vehicle, cycle and pedestrian environment.
Question 41
The text reflected standard guidance. Any changes
to legislation will be reflected after the consultation.
The Committee
unanimously noted Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I.
Appendix H
In response to Members’ questions the Urban Extensions Project Manager
said a list of organisations to consult was being developed by South
Cambridgeshire and the City Council.
The Committee unanimously noted Appendix H.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations as
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.
Publication date: 01/12/2014
Date of decision: 11/11/2014