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Decisions published
Title Date Effective from
Council Tax Premiums on 2nd Homes and Long Term Empty Property ref: 556725/03/202425/03/2024
2023-24 General Fund Provisional Revenue Carry Forwards ref: 556625/03/202425/03/2024
Update on the Four Day Week Trial Being Carried out by South Cambridgeshire District Council ref: 556525/03/202425/03/2024
*** ROD Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority- Appointment of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee reserve (substitute) member ref: 556425/03/202425/03/2024
Combined Authority Update ref: 556325/03/202425/03/2024
Hartree ref: 556825/03/202425/03/2024
***RoD: Response to Government Consultation: Strengthening planning policy for brownfield development. ref: 553827/03/202427/03/2024