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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Mill Road Depot (Training Room)

Contact: Clare Rankin  Cycling and Walking Officer

No. Item


Welcome and introductions


1. Apologies:

Cllr Geri Bird

Cllr Caroline Hart

Cllr Charlotte Perry

Simon Nuttall – Cambridge Cycle Campaign


2. Minutes of the last meeting – Wednesday 23rd April 2014 and matters arising.

·       Bike Bus Explorer. This went ahead but without City Council funding. The little feedback received so far suggests the scheme is not greatly used according to MD. It was advertised reasonably well and launched late in the summer.


3. Promotion grant funding (CR)

CR updated the Committee on some of the schemes awarded funding in 2013/14

·        Wondergears’ (funding carried over from 2012/13). The City Council’s support was dependant on their finding appropriate accommodation. This has now been secured at the Future Business site off Kings Hedges Road and the scheme was launched in May.

·       Centre 33 – ‘Bike It’. CR circulated a report on the success of the scheme which provided bikes and bike training  for young carers. 20 young carers have been given tuition and 10 have received their own bikes.

·       Wintercomfort – ‘Overstream Clean’. This was partly funded from last year’s budget, with some from 2014/15. This was to provide cargo bikes for a mobile cleaning service which is now up and running.

·       Accordia footbridge across Hobson’s brook. This was also approved for funding. The scheme has received Planning permission but the go-ahead needs to be given by the City Council as the landowner. £2,875 of funding has therefore been reserved in anticipation of the Council’s go-ahead. The footbridge is not intended for cyclists and although open to the public will be gated. A consultation is ongoing.


Approximately £7,600 therefore remains in the budget for this year.


YHA Cambridge. The proposal presented last time was not considered appropriate. The amended proposal includes an additional locker and visitor cycle parking provision for up to 5 bikes to the front of the building (the chairs and tables having been removed from the proposal). £4,928 is being sought from the Steering Group (which can provide up to £5,000). The Group currently have no other bids to consider.



The Steering Group agreed that visitor parking provision at this location would be useful for a variety of reasons, not least in respect of the nearby café and other local facilities. There was a great deal of discussion regarding the internal lockers - some members thought these should be funded by YHA themselves and questioned the need for lockers rather than simple racks.  CR agreed to look at the possibility of having cycle stands in the back instead but failing this the majority of members were in favour of awarding the grant as requested, as was the Chair.  MS emphasized the need to ensure that any cycle parking provision near the hostel frontage should be clear of the disabled access route. There was a question as to the total amount requested for the grant and CR agreed to check that the grant would cover the work required within the £5,000 budget.


ACTION: CR to investigate the rear or  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.