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Home > Council and Democracy > Agenda item
1. Apologies:
Cllr Geri Bird
Cllr Caroline Hart
Cllr Charlotte Perry
Simon Nuttall – Cambridge
Cycle Campaign
2. Minutes of the last meeting – Wednesday 23rd
April 2014 and matters arising.
Bike Bus
Explorer. This went ahead but without City Council funding. The little feedback
received so far suggests the scheme is not greatly used according to MD. It was
advertised reasonably well and launched late in the summer.
3. Promotion grant funding (CR)
CR updated the Committee
on some of the schemes awarded funding in 2013/14
(funding carried over from 2012/13). The City Council’s support was dependant
on their finding appropriate accommodation. This has now been secured at the
Future Business site off Kings Hedges Road and the scheme was launched in May.
Centre 33 – ‘Bike
It’. CR circulated a report on the success of the scheme which provided bikes
and bike training for
young carers. 20 young carers have been given tuition and 10 have received
their own bikes.
Wintercomfort – ‘Overstream Clean’. This
was partly funded from last year’s budget, with some from 2014/15. This was to
provide cargo bikes for a mobile cleaning service which is now up and running.
Accordia footbridge across Hobson’s brook. This was also
approved for funding. The scheme has received Planning permission but the
go-ahead needs to be given by the City Council as the landowner. £2,875 of
funding has therefore been reserved in anticipation of the Council’s go-ahead.
The footbridge is not intended for cyclists and although open to the public
will be gated. A consultation is ongoing.
Approximately £7,600
therefore remains in the budget for this year.
Cambridge. The proposal presented
last time was not considered appropriate. The amended proposal includes an additional
locker and visitor cycle parking provision for up to 5 bikes to the front of
the building (the chairs and tables having been removed from the proposal).
£4,928 is being sought from the Steering Group (which can provide up to
£5,000). The Group currently have no other bids to consider.
The Steering Group agreed that visitor parking
provision at this location would be useful for a variety of reasons, not least
in respect of the nearby café and other local facilities. There was a great
deal of discussion regarding the internal lockers - some members thought these
should be funded by YHA themselves and questioned the need for lockers rather
than simple racks. CR agreed to look at
the possibility of having cycle stands in the back instead but failing this the
majority of members were in favour of awarding the grant as requested, as was
the Chair. MS emphasized the need to
ensure that any cycle parking provision near the hostel frontage should be clear
of the disabled access route. There was a question as to the total amount
requested for the grant and CR agreed to check that the grant would cover the
work required within the £5,000 budget.
ACTION: CR to investigate the rear or the YHA building
to assess its suitability for secure cycle parking provision and to check the
4. County Team Leader Cycling Projects (MD)
The County Council
recently moved to the Committee system. Current proposals such as the Trumpington Road scheme which includes the removal of parking in favour of a
cycle lane and widened bank to cater for contra-flow cycling off-road will
therefore go before the Economy and Environment Committee 16th
Huntingdon and
Hills Road improvements. These have been approved and will go into the detailed
design phase. Work will begin (at the earliest) in January 2015.
Cambridge JAC.
This has its inaugural meeting 23rd September. CR will present the
proposal for 2-way cycling on 1 way streets. 10 streets have been earmarked
where Local Members and residents have all shown their support. Safety concerns
or opposition was raised on 7 of these streets and they will go before the JAC.
Thoday Street. The
proposal for on-street cycle parking by removing 2 vehicle parking bays. There
have been strong arguments both for and against. Members will make the decision
regarding objections to the TRO.
Bridge. The recent consultation received 900 responses. Concerns include the
visual impact on Stourbridge Common and increased cycle traffic through Fen
Ditton. This will be a particularly challenging scheme for the County Member
for Fen Ditton where opposition has been strong. Gonville
& Caius and Network Rail are among the landowners.
Cllr Moore
stressed the importance of providing safe cycle routes for the city’s 6th
form college students. All agreed map boards along the main cycle routes of the
city and along the Guided Busway would be helpful for wayfinding. This has been
considered according to CR, although reaching agreement on locations etc. was
problematic. Cllr Moore added that safe cycle routes were needed through the
large developments in the city such as the CUP/Cambridge Assessment site and
that they should be in place from the outset. MD agreed routes and linkages
were often poor. CR added that due to the movement of construction vehicles and
the various phases of development, cycling through sites in the early stages
has safety implications.
5. NW Cambridge junctions.
Cllr Tucker reported that
the NW site Huntingdon Road junction has been raised as a concern at the last
West Central Committee. The junction at the NIAB site is generally regarded as
poorly designed and is not yet being properly used. The new junction could
therefore be highly dangerous for cyclists unless the traffic infrastructure is
co-ordinated. MD confirmed the 2.1m wide cycle lane would narrow to 1.5m at the
new junction. CR stated that the new junctions had all been designed to cater for motor traffic
flows with facilities for cyclists and pedestrians fitted in as space allowed. CR added that positive steps did include a
toucan crossing connecting the NW Cambridge site with Whitehouse Lane. Cllr
Moore enquired whether there was a set of standards or principles that could be
provided to developers regarding how sites are connected with the wider area.
MD confirmed the approach was to evaluate situations on a case by case basis.
Landsdowne Road to Conduit Head Road. Cllr Tucker told the group
that this section of the off-road cycle/ped path was
poor and that the formation of a sub-group to examine such areas was discussed
at the last NW Forum and MD suggested this would be a good forum to discuss the
new junctions. CR confirmed there was S106 funding that had been set aside for
cycle improvements on Madingley Road.
6. City Cycling Schemes (AP)
Jesus Green avenue path widening. Funded by the Joint Cycleways budget, work should be completed in a month.
Radegund Road/Perne Road roundabout,
funded by the Joint Cycleways budget, European
funding and the DfT Cycle Safety Scheme budget. Its
official opening is scheduled for later this month (NB this is likely to be
delayed due to problems with the resurfacing work) and it may receive national
attention. It’s being regarded as a trial to cycle safety improvements to other
roundabouts in the city.
Green Dragon
Bridge. The scheme aims to reduce conflict coming on/off the bridge local
members are being consulted at present and it is likely come back to the
Steering Group for input. A sensitive project.
Fen Road. A total
of £150,000 is being put forward for improvements.
City Centre Cycle
Parking project (Peas Hill/Guildhall Street). This is almost complete although
negotiations with the utilities company regarding public realm sites has proved
challenging. Additional cycle racks are being
installed on Trumpington Street that will complete
the installation of a total of 600 new cycle parking spaces. All agreed the
public realm surrounding the Guildhall had been significantly improved.
CB1. MD confirmed
cycle parking provision at the station was not a City Council project but that
the current newly installed cycle racks would be re-located into the new cycle
park once it’s built.
7. Carter Bridge Ramp (CR)
Improvements to linkages
between the bridge and the station are proposed as part of the CB1 development.
Options put forward by CB1 consultants Mott Macdonald have been discussed with
the County, City Council, Cambridge Cycle Campaign
etc. One ramp option was originally preferred as a compromise solution. A design has now been submitted based on the
preferred option and a meeting has been arranged to consider again whether this
is still the preferred way forward considering the potential to change
Devonshire Road if Travis Perkins move and it becomes part of the Chisholm
Trail. At the moment, cars and taxis use the road as a rat-run to the station
at relatively high speeds.
8. Any Other Business
Metal bollards
along the Guided Busway path are a danger to cyclists who can hit them in the
dark. MD confirmed that he had been aware of the issue since the Busway first
opened and white lining had been put around the bollards to try and highlight them .
Date of next meeting – January 2015
The Steering Group agreed
to meet approximately every 3 months.
ACTION: CR to bring more grant
proposals for the Steering Group to review next time.