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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, South Cambs - South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne, CB 23 6EA. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager


No. Item




Apologies were received from City Councillor Flaubert (Councillor Levien attended as alternate), City Councillor Baigent, SCDC Councillor Hawkins (SCDC Councillor Garvie attended as alternate) and SCDC Councillor R.Williams.



Declarations of Interest







Member of CPPF but discretion unfettered.



Member of Cambridge Cycling Campaign.



Worked for Addenbrookes but noted that the Applicant was not Addenbrookes.



Was a Ward Member for Milton but had not been involved in any discussions for this application.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 269 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 16 August and 20 September 2023 were approved as correct records of those meetings and signed by the Chair. It was noted that South Cambs Councillors Stobart and Cahn were not present at the 16 August meeting and abstained from approving those minutes.



Forvie Site, Robinson Way, Cambridge: Re-development of the West Forvie building plot (Applicant - University of Cambridge)


The Committee received a Developer Briefing presentation from University of Cambridge representatives regarding the re-development of the West Forvie building plot.


Members raised comments/questions as listed below. Answers were supplied by Officers but as this was a pre-application presentation, none of the answers or comments are binding on either the intended applicant or the local planning authority so consequently are not recorded in these minutes.


1.    Queried the height of the current building on the site.

2.    Asked what proportion of the new building would be used by the MICL facility.

3.    Asked if any variation for the façades of the buildings was planned.

4.    Did not consider that the design parameters for sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) was keeping up with climate change outcomes. Asked for information regarding design parameters for the SuDS system to be provided.

5.    Queried design parameters for heating.

6.    Asked if ground source heat pumps had been considered.

7.    Asked if trees had been used in the optimisation calculation.

8.    Asked why car parking wasn’t underground.

9.    Asked what the on-site energy consumption was expected to be.

10.  Asked if some of the development was speculative i.e.: the commercial laboratory use. 

11.  Queried if there were plans for cargo bike parking and car club spaces.

12.  Referred to tree value and noted that replacement tree planting did not always replace a tree with one of an equivalent value.

13.  Expressed concern regarding the massing and height of the proposed development.

14.  Asked what the building would be made of.

15.  Queried what techniques would be used to reduce the runoff from the blue roofs.

16.  Queried if there was a site-wide transport master plan. If so, how would this development fit in with it. Asked that this was prepared in accordance with the transport hierarchy.

17.  An interested was expressed in the overall landscape plan.


23/01487/FUL & 23/01509/FUL - Vitrum Building, St Johns Innovation Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS pdf icon PDF 696 KB


The Committee received two applications, namely 23/01487/FUL and 23/01509/FUL for the demolition of existing buildings and substructures and the erection of a research and development building (Use Class E) with basement levels for car parking and building services, associated landscaping, cycle parking, infrastructure works and plant.


The Principal Planner updated their report by referring to the amendments contained in Amendment Sheet regarding:

i.               the removal of the reference to cycle parking in the basement in the description of the development for both applications;

ii.             amendment to text in paragraph 13.11 of the Officer’s report; and

iii.            amendments to conditions 20 (green roofs) and 36 (bird and bat boxes) for both applications.


The Principal Planner also verbally updated their report to correct condition 35 (water conservation) for both applications so that it read:

‘Prior to occupation of the building, or any phase or part therein, all of the fittings and fixtures and water recycling measures for that building as outlined in the Water Conservation Strategy (VTR-BH-XX-DN-P-00001 dated 30 August 2023) shall be installed and be functional. The water recycling measures shall thereafter be maintained for the lifetime of the building.


Reason: To ensure the development does not harm water supply (South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018) Policy CC/1/Cambridge Local Plan (2018) Policy 28)


Adam Wlodarczyk-Black (Applicant’s Representative) addressed the Committee in support of the application.


The Principal Planner and Strategic Sites Manager said the following in response to Members’ questions:

      i.         The Applicant had provided a lot of information about measures which would be put in place to reduce water consumption which included design elements, fixtures and fittings to be used, rainwater and grey water recycling. The amended condition 35 required compliance with the submitted Water Conservation Strategy.

    ii.         Condition 14 (landscaping) would be amended to require any replacement trees to be maintained for a 5-year period following replacement.

   iii.         The species of the feature tree would need to be agreed through the hard and soft landscaping condition.

  iv.         The planting on the upper levels of the building would be managed through the landscaping condition and building management plan.

    v.         Noted that the building would protrude closer to the tree buffer, necessitating tree removal. However, replacement planting would include larger and semi-mature trees which would help with screening the building.

  vi.         A condition was recommended regarding the detail of the cycle parking.

 vii.         The Infrastructure Development Plan did not have carry any weight in the planning balance as it had not yet been put out to any public consultation. The County Council had suggested transport mitigation based on the current proposal.

viii.         The development would not be dependent on the relocation of the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Works.

  ix.         Agreed to add reference to car clubs and pool bikes within condition 29 as modes of alternative sustainable travel arrangements.

    x.         Noted concerns about EV charging - but this would be picked up through Building Regulation approvals.

  xi.         Agreed that an informative could be added to flag up the desirability  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23/56/JDCC


Joint Development Control Meeting Dates for 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 88 KB


The Joint Development Control Committees dates for 2024/25 were agreed subject to reconsideration of the proposed April 2025 meeting date.