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The Committee
received two applications, namely 23/01487/FUL and 23/01509/FUL for the demolition of existing buildings and substructures
and the erection of a research and development building (Use Class E) with
basement levels for car parking and building services, associated landscaping,
cycle parking, infrastructure works and plant.
The Principal Planner updated their
report by referring to the amendments contained in Amendment Sheet regarding:
the removal of the
reference to cycle parking in the basement in the description of the
development for both applications;
amendment to text
in paragraph 13.11 of the Officer’s report; and
amendments to
conditions 20 (green roofs) and 36 (bird and bat boxes) for both applications.
The Principal Planner also verbally updated their report to correct
condition 35 (water conservation) for both applications so that it read:
‘Prior to occupation of the building, or any phase or part therein, all of the fittings and fixtures and water recycling
measures for that building as outlined in the Water Conservation Strategy
(VTR-BH-XX-DN-P-00001 dated 30 August 2023) shall be installed and be
functional. The water recycling measures shall thereafter be maintained for the
lifetime of the building.
Reason: To ensure the development does not harm water supply (South
Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018) Policy CC/1/Cambridge Local Plan (2018) Policy
Adam Wlodarczyk-Black (Applicant’s
Representative) addressed the Committee in support of the application.
The Principal Planner and Strategic Sites Manager said the following in
response to Members’ questions:
The Applicant had provided a lot of information
about measures which would be put in place to reduce water consumption which included
design elements, fixtures and fittings to be used,
rainwater and grey water recycling. The amended condition 35 required
compliance with the submitted Water Conservation Strategy.
Condition 14 (landscaping) would be amended to
require any replacement trees to be maintained for a 5-year period following
The species of the feature tree would need to be
agreed through the hard and soft landscaping condition.
The planting on the upper levels of the building
would be managed through the landscaping condition and building management
Noted that the building would protrude closer to
the tree buffer, necessitating tree removal. However, replacement planting
would include larger and semi-mature trees which would help with screening the
A condition was recommended regarding the detail of
the cycle parking.
The Infrastructure Development Plan did not have carry
any weight in the planning balance as it had not yet been put out to any public
consultation. The County Council had suggested transport mitigation based on
the current proposal.
The development would not be dependent on the
relocation of the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment
Agreed to add reference to car clubs and pool bikes
within condition 29 as modes of alternative sustainable travel arrangements.
Noted concerns about EV
charging - but this would be picked up through Building Regulation approvals.
Agreed that an
informative could be added to flag up the desirability for the provision of a
minibus service for employees from the Milton Park and Ride.
The s106 Agreement would
be drafted on the basis of the Head of Terms included
within the Officer’s report.
The financial
contribution which the s106 Agreement captures is to go towards ‘additional
parking restrictions in the surrounding area’ for £10,000 detailed in table 4
paragraph 22.6 of the Officer’s report was to implement yellow lines within 1km
of the site. This was different to residents’ / controlled parking zones.
Members expressed concerns about the adequacy of the parking restrictions
contribution due to the potential for the development to result in displaced parking.
The Principal Transport Officer stated that Members’ concerns could be
addressed through an increase of £5000 to the contribution.
Noted the financial
contribution to strategic transport detailed as ‘To Be
Confirmed’ in table 4 paragraph 22.6 of the Officer’s report was required as a
contribution to the Greater Cambridge Partnership Waterbeach Greenway costs.
Confirmed that access to
the car park was via a two-way ramp.
The Strategic Sites Manager offered the following summary of amendments
to the Officer’s recommendation for both planning applications reflecting
Members’ debate during the meeting:
the amendments detailed in the Amendment Sheet;
the verbal revision to condition 35 (water
conservation) so that it read: ‘Prior to occupation of the building, or any
phase or part therein, all of the fittings and
fixtures and water recycling measures for that building as outlined in the
Water Conservation Strategy (VTR-BH-XX-DN-P-00001 dated 30 August 2023) shall
be installed and be functional. The water recycling measures shall thereafter
be maintained for the lifetime of the building;
Reason: To ensure the development does not
harm water supply (South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018) Policy CC/1/Cambridge
Local Plan (2018) Policy 28);
an amendment to condition 29 (Travel Plan) to
include reference to car clubs and pool bikes;
an additional informative to encourage the
desirability for the provision of a minibus service from Cambridge North
Station to the site;
update to the s106 Agreement (table 4 within
paragraph 22.6 of the Officer’s report) to review the Heads of Terms to secure
an increase in the sum required for additional parking restrictions in the
surrounding area to £15,000 (which includes the further £5000 uplift) in
response to concerns raised by members regarding the potential for the
development to result in displaced parking.
The Committee:
Resolved (by 9
votes to 1) to grant application 23/01487/FUL for planning
permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation set out in paragraph
25.1 of the Officer’s report, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report,
subject to:
the amendments detailed in
the Amendment Sheet;
the conditions and informatives as detailed in section 26 of the Officer’s
report [as amended by iii, iv, v and vi below], with delegated authority to Officers
to carry through minor amendments to those conditions and informatives
(and to include others considered as appropriate and necessary) prior to the
issuing of the planning permission
the amendment to condition
35 (water conservation) so that it read: ‘Prior to occupation of the building,
or any phase or part therein, all of the fittings and
fixtures and water recycling measures for that building as outlined in the
Water Conservation Strategy (VTR-BH-XX-DN-P-00001 dated 30 August 2023) shall
be installed and be functional. The water recycling measures shall thereafter
be maintained for the lifetime of the building;
Reason: To ensure the development does not harm
water supply (South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018)
Policy CC/1/Cambridge Local Plan (2018) Policy 28);
an amendment to condition
14 (hard and soft landscaping) to include a requirement for any replacement
trees to benefit from a 5-year protection following any re-planting;
an amendment to condition
29 (Travel Plan) to include reference to car clubs and pool bikes;
an additional informative
to encourage the provision of a minibus service to the site; and
the prior completion of a s106
Agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, with delegated
authority to Officers to negotiate, settle and complete such an Agreement as
referenced in the Heads of Terms within this report as amended at
Committee to secure an increase in the sum required for additional parking
restrictions in the surrounding area to £15,000 (table 4 within paragraph 22.6
of the Officer’s report) including any other planning obligations considered
appropriate and necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms.
Resolved (by 9
votes to 1) to grant application 23/01509/FUL for planning
permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation set out in paragraph
25.2 of the Officer’s report, for the reasons set out in the Officer’s report,
and subject to:
the amendments detailed in
the Amendment Sheet;
the conditions and informatives as detailed in section 27 of the Officer’s
report [as amended by iii, iv, v and vi below], with delegated authority to Officers
to carry through minor amendments to those conditions and informatives
(and to include others considered as appropriate and necessary) prior to the
issuing of the planning permission
the amendment to condition
35 (water conservation) so that it read: ‘Prior to occupation of the building,
or any phase or part therein, all of the fittings and
fixtures and water recycling measures for that building as outlined in the
Water Conservation Strategy (VTR-BH-XX-DN-P-00001 dated 30 August 2023) shall
be installed and be functional. The water recycling measures shall thereafter
be maintained for the lifetime of the building;
Reason: To ensure the development does not harm
water supply (South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018)
Policy CC/1/Cambridge Local Plan (2018) Policy 28);
an amendment to condition
14 (hard and soft landscaping) to include a requirement for any replacement
trees to benefit from a 5-year protection following any re-planting;
an amendment to condition 29 (Travel Plan) to
be updated to include reference to car clubs and pool bikes;
an additional informative
to encourage the provision of a minibus service to the site;
the prior completion of a
Section 106 Agreement under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, with
delegated authority to officers to negotiate, settle and complete such an
Agreement as referenced in the Heads of Terms within this report as amended at Committee to secure an increase in the sum required for
additional parking restrictions in the surrounding area to £15,000 (table 4
within paragraph 22.6 of the Officer’s report) including any other planning
obligations considered appropriate and necessary to make the development
acceptable in planning terms.
Supporting documents: