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Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies were received. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes: Before the minutes were approved Councillor Baigent advised he had
requested a report would be brought back to Committee on the progress of the
Government’s Cambridge 2040 programme and this had been missed in the
minutes. This had been noted in item 23/37/PnT, minute
reference x1, although no reference had been made to Cambridge 2040 programme,
which stated the following: Officers from various departments across the three local authorities had
held several conversations with the Department of Levelling Up, Homes England
and the Cambridge Delivery Group through Peter Freeman in respect of the work
of the Cambridge Delivery Group. Further information on these meetings could be
brought back to the Committee; noted the request for a précis of the topics
discussed. The Joint Director for Planning and Economic Development advised that no
report had been brought to the Committee as the programme was still in the
formation stage. A report would be brought back at a later
date when the detail had been finalised. The minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2023 were then approved as
a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Minutes: Q1) i.
Regarding Item 6, The Greater Cambridge
Authority Monitoring Report as published, para 3.71 on Page 49, please could
the Executive Councillor provide an update on where the Council is regarding a
new municipal swimming pool and the University of Cambridge's long overdue
swimming pool plans in West Cambridge. Does the Council have a message to Cambridge
University students on what they could do to persuade their University to
prioritise the construction of the swimming pool that still has not been built? ii.
Finally, what impact has the Secretary of
State's announcement re "Cambridge 2040" had on the council's ability
to prepare "updated Playing Pitch and Indoor Sports Facility Strategies
along with an Outdoor Courts and Rink Strategy"? The Executive Councillor for
Planning, Building Control and Infrastructure said the following: i.
Work began in April 2023 on the new Perse sports
and swimming complex which would be used by the Perse School, as well as being
available for public use, as part of the School’s commitment to community
benefit. ii.
As part of the emerging evidence base to inform
the Greater Cambridge Local Plan, the Council had commissioned updates of the
Greater Cambridge Playing Pitch Strategy, along with the Greater Cambridge
Indoor Sports Facility Strategy (covering sports halls, indoor sports &
swimming pools). iii.
The Council had also commissioned a Greater
Cambridge Outdoor Courts & Rinks Strategy (covering Multi-Use Games Areas,
outdoor courts e.g. tennis, netball and rinks e.g. bowling greens) iv.
As part of the Indoor Sports Facility Strategy
update, consultants had been in discussions with the University of Cambridge
about their proposal for a swimming pool at West Cambridge. Part of those
discussion were to highlight there was a seven-year time limit before which a payment
would be required to be made towards swimming facilities. v.
It was also an objective of the existing Indoor
Sports Facility Strategy for the new growth settlements in South Cambridgeshire
to deliver a new swimming pool which will help meet subregional needs. vi.
A new pool for Northstowe was in the very early
planning stages but section 106 contributions (S106) had been secured through
each phase. Funding was also included in the S106 for Waterbeach. vii.
Cambourne West had delivered funding to the town
council who were exploring delivery. viii.
The Council had highlighted to Government the
need to focus on addressing key issues that impacted on delivering sustainable
development in the area, including water scarcity and sustainable transport
infrastructure. These issues also made it difficult to move forward with the
Greater Cambridge Local Plan, through which Officers were working hard to
respond to local development needs. An update on the emerging Local Plan would
be brought to the March Planning and Transport Committee. Supplementary public question: i.
Had been following the Secretary of State’s
comments regarding 2040, looked forward to him providing substantial funding
for the brand-new concert hall on Harvey Road by Parker’s Piece, expanding a
new museum of Cambridge at the top of Castle Hill and a revamped Guildhall. ii.
Astonished that the University of Cambridge had
still not delivered on the swimming pool. Would encourage students to complain
on this issue as this was promised to the students and their student societies;
this should be an election issue for students. Understood from the consultants
that this was not a priority. Claimed that the Pro-Vice Chancellor had shown
very little interest in the project. iii.
Would like to highlight the centenary of the
first woman Mayor of Cambridge, Eva Hartree who warned developers about the
challenges that would be faced with the development of Cambridge, which still
applied today. The Executive Councillor thanked the member of the public
for their comments. Q2) i.
This question was about item 11 on the Agenda of
the Planning Committee meeting held on 10th January 2024:
22-02066-FUL Owlstone Croft Planning Process Overview Report. ii.
The item had been held in secret “following a
public interest test the public is likely to be excluded by virtue of paragraph
5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972”. iii.
It was acknowledged there was an ongoing
application for a Judicial Review of the Planning Inspector’s decision to allow
Queens’ College appeal. However, there was
widespread concern among residents about this complete and
catastrophic failure of the planning system and it seems no attempt
whatsoever has been made to ask residents or local organisations such as
Friends of Paradise, Newnham Croft Primary School or the South Newnham
Neighbourhood Forum to provide details of their concerns about what went wrong
that could feed into such a report. iv.
If the report presented to the planning
committee was drafted without this input by an Officer or Officers of the
Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service surely this would have been just a
case of a failing student marking his/her own homework? v.
Could the Executive Councillor now provide
reassurance to residents that a full call for evidence of concerns will now be
made and an open and independent inquest into this planning process fiasco
carried out by the council? The Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and
Infrastructure said the following: i.
Confirmed that the report had been discussed at
the end of the Planning Committee in private session. ii.
Believed it was important that the Committee had
this opportunity to discuss the matter as the Committee had made the original decision;
discussed that planning committee and what had happened leading to that meeting
and subsequently. The Case Officer had also provided feedback concerning the
appeal. iii.
The application was now under Judicial Review
and therefore could not discuss this until the outcome was known. iv.
It was the intention to undertake discussions
with residents and local organisations when the Judicial Review had been
concluded. Supplementary public question: i.
In relation to the Owlstone Croft application
residents were concerned at how the planning performance agreement process was
used by Queens College to enable numerous pre-application meetings with Council
Officers which were not all minuted, along with extensive use of conditions.
Residents and Councillors were not able to scrutinise appropriately the fine
detail of this prior to the consideration of the planning committee. ii.
Sought confirmation that all the issues that had
been highlighted would be included in an open and independent inquest into the
application. The Executive Councillor responded: i.
Following a review of the pre-application
process there would be more Councillor involvement at the earlier stages. ii.
Would be happy to contact the public speaker
when the pre-application was in the public domain. Q3) “There is now solid statistical evidence that 2023 was the
warmest year on record, and it is predicted that periods of extremely high
temperature will become the norm under the current global heating scenario. The
August 2023 House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee report (
) makes useful recommendations, in Section B, for cooler buildings and
behavioural change, based on evidence from the UK Health Security Agency. These
include (but are not limited to): external and internal shading of windows and
open areas; reflective coatings for windows, exterior walls, roofs, and paving;
and improved ventilation. It also recommends improving public awareness of
behavioural changes needed in hot weather and that tend to be poorly
understood, such as closing windows (as well as curtains) when directly exposed
to sunlight and using an electric fan. What action is the Council taking to
mitigate overheating in both new and old homes in the city, and to reduce
health risks to residents from high temperatures?” The Executive Councillor replied with the following: i.
The issue of overheating was often raised by
Planning Committee Members when considering applications as it was such an
important subject matter and one that needed to be taken seriously. ii.
Overheating in new homes was now dealt with
under Building Regulations, with all new homes having to comply with the
requirements of Part O (overheating).
Overheating could be dealt with in a variety of ways, considering the
amount of glazing depending on the orientation it faces, external shading on
homes including shutters, roof overhangs and depth of window reveals, ensuring
adequate natural ventilation including ensuring flats benefit from cross
ventilation wherever possible. iii.
The Council would often ask applicants to
demonstrate how they have met the requirements of Part O of the Building
Regulations as part of the design of their proposals and have guidance in the
Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD as to how to reduce
any overheating risk, as well as advice on how to mitigate the wider risk of
increased temperatures using landscaping, drainage features and the use of cool
materials. iv.
Further detail on this matter was also being
incorporated into a climate change adaptation policy as part of the emerging
Greater Cambridge Local Plan. v.
The Council had very little control on the
matter of overhearing on existing buildings and would encourage more trees to
be planted in the right places to aid with this issue. vi.
The Council recently held a planning forum with
Resident Associations where the urban heat map and the temperatures in the
built-up environment was discussed. |
Proposed Designation of a Conservation Area at Howes Place Additional documents:
Minutes: Matter for Decision Howes Place, off Huntingdon Road, had been identified as an
area to be considered for designation as a Conservation Area following the
2008/9 Suburbs and Approaches Study Decision of the Executive Councillor for Planning,
Building Control and Infrastructure Approved the designation of a conservation area at Howes
Place, the boundary of which was shown on the Townscape Map in the Appendix in the
Officer’s report. Reason for the Decision As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations The Committee received a report from the Principal
Conservation Officer In response to Members’ questions the Principal Conservation
Officer and Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development said the
following: i.
Any trees within the boundary of the
conservation area had additional protection without a Tree Protection Order (TPO).
Any work required to those trees would require prior authorisation from Tree
Officers. ii.
The target for the periodic review of the
Council’s Conservation Area designations and boundaries was every five years,
although this was not absolute. This work had to be undertaken alongside other
projects. iii.
Currently undertaking a five-year programme of
conservation area reviews with the aim of completing five per year. A schedule
of reviews had out been outlined for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire.
Information on the programme could be circulated to the Committee Members. iv.
Noted the comments that Howes Place was a good
example of an area where social history and natural history intersected. The Committee voted unanimously to endorse the
Officer recommendations. The Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and
Transport approved the recommendations. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted). |
Greater Cambridge Authority Monitoring Report 2022-23 Additional documents: Minutes: Matter for Decision The report referred to the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)
for Greater Cambridge 2022-2023. Decision of the Executive Councillor for Planning,
Building Control and Infrastructure I.
Approved the Cambridge City Council and South
Cambridgeshire District Council - Authority Monitoring Report for Greater
Cambridge 2022-2023 (included as Appendix A) for publication on the Councils’
websites. II.
Agreed to delegate any further minor editing
changes to the Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council
- Authority Monitoring Report for Greater Cambridge 2022-2023 to the Joint
Director of Planning and Economic Development, in consultation with the
Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and Infrastructure. Reason for the Decision As set out in the Officer’s report. Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected Not applicable. Scrutiny Considerations The Committee received a report from the Senior Policy
Planner. In response to Members’ questions the Senior Policy Planner
and Planning Policy Manager, Joint Director for Planning and Economic
Development said the following: i.
The joint consideration of five-year housing
supply and delivery across Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire had been agreed
by both Planning Inspectors when assessing the Local Plans. ii.
Government reporting of the Housing Delivery
Test currently reported Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire separately. Officers
had requested to DLUHC were assessed jointly but this has not yet been changed.
Further efforts would be made to highlight the issue to DLUHC. iii.
Both Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire meet the
threshold on the latest Housing Delivery Test results such that no action was
required. Consequences of not meeting the test were set out in the National
Planning Policy Framework. Where a Council falls below 95% of the housing
requirement it must publish an action plan showing how it will increase housing
delivery. iv.
Acknowledged it was difficult to monitor the
change of use for retail units that did not require planning permission.
Officers were monitoring permissions using both the old use class order and the
new use class order so there was a consistent data set from 2011. v.
Where retail units did not require planning
permission for a change of use, a planning permission may still be required if
building work was being undertaken. vi.
Several of the district centres within Cambridge
were being monitored by Officers visiting the sites and recording the use of
each property. vii.
Officers had been engaging with CBC (Cambridge
Biomedical Campus) Ltd as part of the Local Plan to seek to agree a coherent
set of development principles for the site within an SPD. viii.
The Government’s Planning Policy for Traveller
Sites set out the need to identify need and secure provision for sites for
gypsies, travellers and travelling show people. A new Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation
Needs Assessment was currently being completed to identify the scale and nature
of need which would inform the emerging Local Plan. ix.
The AMR included planning data on sites
permitted for travellers sites and data from the Traveller Caravan Count. x.
The current affordable housing policy thresholds
do not appear to be causing a viability issue regarding the delivery of
affordable housing; all residential permissions in Cambridge meeting the
threshold have delivered or exceeded the required level of affordable housing. xi.
Student accommodation was monitored in line with
Local Plan policies. xii.
Noted the comment that colleges were buying
domestic properties in the city and converting them to student accommodation on
a small scale each time that did not require any regulatory approval. xiii.
Work had been undertaken on the current Local
Plan to understand the student accommodation needs in terms of provision. A new survey was being undertaken by Officers
and the issue of colleges buying domestic properties would be reported to those
Officers to investigate the matter. xiv.
The subject of wellbeing was one of the four
main threads of the Local Plan. The pandemic had highlighted the importance of
the open spaces within the community. It was important to note the conclusions
of the health communities on a range of issues including childhood activity
levels and obesity. A careful and considered view on how the Council could
promote activity, reduce loneliness, improve community and a sense of belonging
through open spaces would be required. It’s not about a particular quantum of
space, but how spaces support achieving healthy outcomes, and we want to explore
this further through the joint local plan. The Executive Councillor stated that she welcomed the range
of questions that had been put forward, particularly the comments on class E
and student accommodation. The report had been presented to address the Local
Plan requirements, but the data could be used far more widely than Local Plan
monitoring. The Committee voted unanimously to endorse the
Officer recommendations. The Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and
Transport approved the recommendations. Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive
Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted). None |
To Note Record of Urgent Decision Taken by the Executive Councillor for Planning, Building Control and Infrastructure |
Response to the Uttlesford’s Draft Local Plan 2021- 2041 (Regulation 18) Consultation Minutes: The decision was noted. |