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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Manor Community College, Arbury Road, Cambridge CB4 2JF

Contact: Glenn Burgess  Committee Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from County Councillors Manning and Pellew.


Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest)


The Chair welcomed the public and explained the format of the meeting. It was noted that representatives from the Customer Service Centre were available in the foyer to answer questions or queries relating to any City Council Service. A selection of photos taken by young people capturing aspects of living in the North area was also situated at the rear of the meeting room.


It was also noted that the committees Facebook page was live and available to access via:





Declarations of Interest:  










Personal: Member of the Police Authority








Personal: Met with Chesterton Parents Group








Personal: Familiar with people that run the Friends Group








Personal: Receives funding through the CCF




Additional documents:


The minutes of the 14 July 2011 meeting were approved and signed as a correct record subject to the following amendment:


·        Item 11/44/NAC Open Forum Question 7 - should read that the resident was ‘unimpressed’ with the Chair declaring the police priorities at the last meeting.


Update on Action List:


Councillor McGovern confirmed that a response had been received from Cambridgeshire County Council regarding ‘A’ boards in the city centre.


A representative of the County Council confirmed that the Highways Team had written to all businesses in the city centre that were currently using ‘A’ boards. The letter confirmed that ‘A’ boards on the public highway caused an obstruction and the businesses were instructed to remove them. It was also noted that County Council officers would remove boards not taken down within a specified time. 





1) Resident: Requested that all documents circulated at the meeting be uploaded to the City Council website.


Officers agreed to action this.


2) Resident: Questioned why some of the information in the Restorative Justice presentation (as referred to at the last meeting) was out of date.


Councillor McGovern noted this comment but confirmed that the information was correct at the time of going to print.  


3) Resident: Noted concern raised by a resident of Water Street that a tree on the corner of Water Street and Ferry Lane was shedding large branches in high winds. The issue had been reported to the City Council and visits had been promised but had not yet happened. It was asked if this issue could be taken more seriously.


The Head of Streets and Open Spaces noted the comments and agreed to arrange for an officer to visit the site. 


4) Resident: Noted that the County Council’s Cabinet would be considering on 27 September a report on the future of the Library Service. It was felt that the report was unclear as to what specific proposals were under consideration. Given earlier reference to the shortage of community buildings in Cambridge, it was asked if the City Council would do all in its power to ensure the continuation of a comprehensive library service in Cambridge and in particular the retention of Milton Road Library as an important community building.


County Councillor Wilkins agreed with this view and confirmed that the County Council now accepted that the original savings targets were unrealistic. The need for community space was also very important and the original County Council report had highlighted this as an issue to consider when looking at the future of library services.


Councillor McGovern as the Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources confirmed that he would investigate ownership of the Milton Road Library building. He also noted that, under provision in the new Localism Bill, there would be a ‘community right to buy’ clause. This would mean that the local community could put a bid in to run the library, or that it could be formally registered as a ‘community asset’.


Resident: Confirmed that the community had already registered an interest in managing the library but that this had not been reflected in the County Councils report. It was noted that the library building had been brought by the City Council but, under the Local Government Act 1974, ownership was transferred to the County Council. However the transfer order stated that if the building ceased to be used as a library, it would transfer back to the original owner.


Councillor McGovern noted the comments and agreed to investigate this further with officers.


5) Resident: Asked why local residents had not been consulted about a Tree Works Application and other suggested improvements at the Milton Road junction of Woodhead Drive.


Councillor Ward confirmed that he would raise this issue with officers.


6) Resident: Raised concern that large vehicles, including coaches, were blocking the carriageway in Woodhead Drive and reducing this area to a single carriageway.


Councillor Ward confirmed that, whilst there was no legal answer to the issues of coaches parking here, an option would be for residents to park ¾ of a coach length apart.


Councillor McGovern confirmed that County Councillor Pellew was investigating possible funding options to install ‘No Coaches’ signs in the area.


7) Resident: Enquired as to the future of the large fenced open space area at George Street.


Councillor McGovern confirmed that he would raise this issue with officers.


Siting of an additional Advice Kiosk for North Area

An additional self-help touch screen kiosk, which can give access online to answers to common issues, is available for North Cambridge. At present the kiosk in Arbury Community Centre is getting a lot of use and there are plans to put one into the Job Centre on Chesterton Road. Kulbir Singh from Cambridge Citizens' Advice Centre will invite you to suggest where this could be best sited.


Please write your suggestion onto the map at the back of the hall.


A representative from Advicehub (www.advicehub.org), which represented the 4 Citizens Advice Bureaus in Cambridgeshire, informed the committee that an additional self-help touch screen kiosk, which gave access online to answers to common issues, was now available for North Cambridge.


It was noted that 8 kiosks in the city were currently funded by Cambridge City Council, and funding had been secured for four additional kiosks. Each of the four Area Committees would therefore be asked their views on where best to install these.


Sites such as doctors surgeries, libraries, community centres and even prisons (for use by staff) had been used throughout the County and issues to consider when siting a kiosk were:


-         footfall levels

-         available power supply

-         appropriate internet access

-         security issues

-         ability for local community to ‘adopt’ kiosk in future


It was also noted that a kiosk would be installed in the City Councils Customer Service Centre on 23 September 2011.


The committee and members of the public were asked their views on where the additional kiosk could be sited.


The following suggestions were made:


-         St Andrews Walk

-         Local junior schools (for use by parents)

-         Chesterton Medical Centre

-         Arbury Court

-         Buchan Street Community Centre

-         Meadows Community Centre

-         Brownfields Community Centre


The committee and members of the public were also encouraged to write further suggestions on a map that was provided at the meeting.


Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 265 KB

Your Neighbourhood Police Policing Team Leader and the Council’s Safer Communities Team leader will give a brief overview of their present work and how they have responded to the issues you raised previously.


You asked to give your views about what are the present policing and community safety issues in your area and to then try and prioritise them.

Additional documents:


The committee received a presentation from County Councillor Wilkins on the future of the Police Authority.


It was noted that from November 2012 an independently elected Police and Crime Commissioner would replace the Police Authority. It would be the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner to hold the Chief Constable to account.


A Police and Crime Panel, comprising of ten Councillors from across the County, would also be put in place to scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.


The current Police Authority Plan for 2011-14 had highlighted the following key priorities:


-         delivery of in-budget policing

-         monitoring of police performance

-         maintaining number of operational hours of frontline staff


The committee then received a presentation from the Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant and the Fire Safety Officer on crime and policing in the four wards.


The presentation can be accessed via: 




Members of the public and Councillors asked a number of questions, as set out below:


1) Resident: Raised concern about bin locations and neighbours not putting rubbish in the correct locations.


These comments were noted


2) Councillor Brierley: Questioned whether there was drug related issues connected to the sex workers in Histon Road.


Sergeant Wragg confirmed that the majority of those involved in sex-working in Histon Road did have alcohol or drug issues. The police worked closely with the hostel, as well as the NHS and local drug outreach programmes, to try and tackle the issue.


It was also noted that ‘Operation Cactus’ had been targeting London drug dealers operating in Cambridge City. A number of warrants had been issued and stolen goods had been retrieved.


3) Councillor Price: Questioned why visits to those suspected of starting the bin fires would not be undertaken immediately.


The Fire Safety officer confirmed that, whilst there was a lot of informal engagement undertaken, in order to make a formal visit certain protocols needed to be adhered to. There was a requirement to serve notice in conjunction with the school etc and this took time.


4) Councillor McGovern: Questioned why the issue with sex workers in Histon Road always seemed to reappear.


Sergeant Wragg confirmed that it was an ongoing issue and one that was not helped by sensationalist articles appearing in the local press. Highlighting the issue in the media had resulted in many more people visiting the area, and this had in turn resulted in more sex workers being attracted to the area.


Resident: Confirmed that ‘Triangle Meetings’ took place every three months between local residents, the police and the hostel management to try and further address the issue.


This comment was noted.


5) Councillor Todd-Jones: Suggested that the joint approach by the North and West/Central areas, alongside better engagement with the hostel management, could help address the issue.


This comment was noted.


6) Councillor Bird: Confirmed that speeding in Fen Road and parking at the Shirley School was still an issue.


Sergeant Wragg confirmed that Section 59 powers had been used with some success to address the parking issues at Shirley School. This power allowed warnings to be issued, and upon further breaches, vehicles to be seized. It was however noted that other factors, including population growth and ineffective traffic calming measures, added to the problems.


7) Resident: Questioned why the ‘Prevention of Arson’ priority was specific to residents of Fen Road.


The Fire Safety Officer confirmed that a specific risk to the A14 and local communities had been identified. It was noted that the Fire Service were working closely with Traveller Education Officers and the Environmental Health Officers to try and address the issue.


8) Resident: Thanked Sergeant Wragg for all his hard work in addressing the issues in Belmore Close.


This comment was noted.



Through ward based table discussions, Councillors and members of the public were then asked to discuss any concerns or issues relating to police priorities.



As a result of these discussions the following issues were raised:



-         222 Victoria Road – improved management engagement

-         Hazelwood/Molewood Road – drug use and ASB


Kings Hedges

-         GIS mapping of incidents – better public awareness of incidents of crimes

-         Improved engagement – more talking to community to help make reporting easier

-         Parking near zebra crossing at Nuffield Road


East Chesterton

-         New Shirley School – parking problems

-         Fen Road – speeding and traffic calming


West Chesterton

-         Adults cycling on pavements – especially in Gilbert Road and Milton Road



On a show of hands around the room, the following three Neighbourhood Policing priorities were agreed for the next reporting period:


        i.            Prevention of arson

      ii.            222 Victoria Rd Hostel – improved management engagement

    iii.            New Shirley School – parking problems


CB4 Action Plan pdf icon PDF 77 KB

An action plan is being prepared to respond to the issues that were raised during the area committee's "CB4" consultation and community engagement work. This is an opportunity for you give your views on what is going to be done.



The committee received an introduction to the CB4 Action Plan from the Strategy Officer.  


The Head of Street and Open Spaces gave an update on the following issues raised through the pubic consultation:


Littering by students at the Tesco store at Campkin Road


-         The City Council had worked closely with Cambridge Regional College to address the issue and Litter Enforcement Patrols would be carried out during term time.

-         The area would be included in a national ‘Pick up your gum’ campaign.


Dog Fouling


-         Dog Wardens continue to patrol and issue poop scoop bags to dog owners.

-         Two Enforcement officers were currently being trained to help address dog related issues.



The Chair confirmed that regular thematic reports relating to the CB4 Action Plan would be brought back to future meetings.


A member of the public asked the following question, as set out below:


1) Resident: Requested that the white edging on the steps at Arbury Court be repainted in order to stop people tripping.


This comment was noted.


Environmental Improvement Projects pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Additional documents:


The committee received a report from the Head of Streets and Open Spaces regarding Environmental Improvement Projects.


A presentation can be accessed via:




Members asked for an update on the Herbert Street scheme. The Head of Streets and Open Spaces confirmed that full details of the scheme would be brought to a future meeting.



Minor Highways Schemes (appendix B of the officers report)


Fortescue Road - Extend ‘No Waiting’ Restrictions


Decision: APPROVED (by 8 votes to 0)



Northfield Avenue - 20 mph speed limit


Decision: REFUSED (by 4 votes to 1)



Benson Road area residents parking - Change to scheme boundary


Decision: REFUSED (by 10 votes to 0)



Histon Road - Change to existing waiting restrictions


Decision: REFUSED (by 10 votes to 0)



Molewood Close - ‘No Waiting’ restrictions


Decision: APPROVED (by 11 votes to 0) to be undertaken as a wider project encompassing more than just the bend outside No.32 Molewood Close  



Brimley/Montgomery Road - Permanent closure, no through road, issue of rat running


Members agreed that, as the initial issue was raised a number of years ago, it would be beneficial to undertake further consultation prior to making a decision.


Decision: DEFERED to allow for further consultation.



Northfiled Avenue - Interactive signage


Decision: DEFERED to allow for officers to obtain further information. 



New Schemes (appendix C of the officers report)


Brimley Road traffic calming


Decision: AGREED (by 11 votes to 0) that further consultation be undertaken with a decision being based on the outcome.



Kendal Way verge parking prohibition


Decision: APPROVED (by 10 votes to 0) an estimated budget of £3000.



Milton Road verge parking prohibition


Decision: APPROVED (by 11 votes to 0) an estimated budget of £4500.


Buchan Street area planting


Decision: APPROVED (by 11 votes to 0) an estimated total cost of £11,964.


Community Development and Leisure Grants pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The committee received a report from the Chief Executive of Cambridgeshire Community Foundation regarding Community Development and Leisure Grants. 


Members raised concern that the totals included in the table were incorrect. The Chief Executive of Cambridgeshire Community Foundation agreed to forward a revised set of figures to members outside of the meeting.



Old Chesterton Residents Association


Decision: APPROVED (by 11 votes to 0) a grant of £465



Chesterton Parents Group


Councillor Nimmo-Smith proposed and Councillor McGovern seconded an increased allocation of £1950


Decision: APPROVED (by 11 votes to 0) a grant of £1950



Friends of Histon Road Cemetery


Decision: APPROVED (by 11 votes to 0) a grant of £450



St Andrews Hall, Chesterton


Decision: APPROVED (by 11 votes to 0) a grant of £287