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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Buchan Street Community Centre, 6 Buchan Street, Cambridge CB4 2XF

Contact: Glenn Burgess  Committee Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from City Councillors Kerr, Tunnacliffe and Ward, and County Councillor Sales and Wilkins.  


Declarations of Interest

Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal Services should be sought before the meeting.




Welcome and Introduction


The Chair welcomed the public and explained the format of the meeting.


It was noted that The Meadows Community Centre would be holding an event to celebrate their 14 Birthday on 23 July 2011. The event would run from 11am – 3pm and all members of the public would be welcome.


It was also noted that on the weekend of 9-11 September the City Council would be taking part in the University of Cambridge ‘Open Cambridge’ events. From 2pm – 3pm the Sergeant-at-Mace would be giving talks about the civic charters and insignia and the public would be able to see inside the Council Chamber and the Mayors Parlour.


Mr Michael Bond informed the meeting that the Friends of Milton Road Library had set up a public survey on www.mycca.org.uk


Community Consultation (CB4): Local Priorities pdf icon PDF 67 KB

The committee’s community consultation, asking what people liked about living in north area and the one thing they would like improved, concluded on 30 June. A large number of people took part and returned CB4 postcards. Some of the issues were shown at a community event on 18 June and the people who attended started to prioritise them.


You will be asked to discuss at your tables, if a long-list of issues (displayed on the screen) reflects what you think needs attention in north area and to then prioritise a smaller number of issues and actions that could form part of a community plan for the committee, to help direct its work over the longer-term.



The Head of Community Development introduced the report and gave some feedback on the CB4 Community Consultation event held on 18 June 2011.


Councillors and members of the public were asked to consider the full list of issues arising from the “CB4” engagement process (see appendix A).


Through table based discussion groups, two tasks were then undertaken. Councillors and members of the public were asked to add issues that were thought to be missing, and to allocate a total of up to 12 priority points to the augmented list.


The Chair confirmed that a draft Action Plan to address some of these issues would be brought back to the September meeting based on the consultation and the table based exercises.


It was agreed that the full list of issues raised at this meeting, along with the short list of priorities, would be added to the North Area Committee webpage.


Improving Health in North Area

Agencies involved in improving health in Cambridgeshire are looking to increase their understanding about what local people, of a working age, feel could reduce ill-health in north area. The final Joint Strategic Needs Assessment document (JSNA) will support general practice commissioning and inform a local Prevention Strategy.


You will be asked to discuss, at your tables, what you think are the main causes of ill-health in the area, (from a long-list), and what services you think are important in tackling them, (from a long-list). 


A representative of NHS Cambridgeshire introduced the item and explained that agencies involved in improving health in Cambridgeshire were looking to increase their understanding about what local people, of a working age, felt could reduce ill-health in north area.


Councillors and members of the public were asked to consider the main causes of ill-health in the area and what services they thought were important in tackling them.


It was noted that this information would feed into the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment document (JSNA) that would then support general practice commissioning and inform a local Prevention Strategy.


It was agreed that the full list of issues raised at this meeting, would be added to the North Area Committee webpage.


Councillors and members of the public were also encouraged to complete the full Joint Strategic Needs Assessment survey via:








Additional documents:


The minutes of the 19 May 2011 meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.


Update on Action List:


Councillor Nimmo-Smith confirmed that he had forwarded responses to 24 March ‘Open Forum’ questions (ref: public toilets and need to retain pubs and shops) to Mr Michael Bond.


Copies of the letter written by Julian Huppert MP to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner regarding the Police handling of republican activists in the run up and during the Royal Wedding had been circulated to members.


Councillor McGovern confirmed that more information on Restorative Justice, in the form of a Constabulary Presentation, was now available for members. The Policy Authority would also be liaising with the Committee Manager regarding a future presentation on the Policing Plan and Crime Commissioners.




1) Resident:  Highlighted that disabled people, wheelchair users and parents with prams were having difficulty getting around the city centre because of ‘A’ boards and street furniture. It was felt that shop owners needed to be educated and made aware of these issues.


Councillor Nimmo-Smith confirmed that he was aware of these issue and that the Leader of the Council was looking into them.


Councillor McGovern confirmed that in his role as Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources he was responsible for city centre management. Discussions were ongoing with shop owners


Resident: Questioned whether shop owners needed permits for ‘A’ boards and street furniture and whether there would be a crack down on those without the proper authority.


Councillor McGovern responded that, whilst it was important that access be kept clear, when handled properly tables and chairs outside of cafes and restaurants were a nice feature of the city centre. ‘Love Cambridge’ also played a big role in management of the city centre and any member of the public would be welcome to join.


It was noted that the County Council were responsible for ‘A’ board and street furniture applications and further information would be fed back at the next meeting regarding this.


2) Resident: Highlighted the good work currently being undertaken with young people by Romsey Mill, and asked how it could be of more service to the local area.


Councillor Nimmo-Smith acknowledged the good work being undertaken by Romsey Mill and suggested that this could be looked at in more detail when a community plan was developed.


3) Resident: Highlighted the issue of poor lighting in the Nuns Way area.


Councillor Nimmo-Smith agreed to look into the issue with the appropriate officers.


4) Resident: Questioned the planting scheme agreed for the Kendal Way Environmental Improvement Project and felt that more consultation with residents was required.


The Environmental Projects Manager responded that the scheme had been agreed as a result of a site visit conducted with the Executive Councillor and local residents.


Resident: Stated that the species selected for the planting scheme were inappropriate.


The Environmental Projects Manager responded that specialist advice had been sought on the species of plant suitable for the scheme. It was noted that Street Scene would be undertaking planting and future maintenance of the scheme.


5) Resident: Stated that the Guided Bus had been delayed again and asked when the County Council would finally take responsibility for the misuse of residents money spent on this project.


Councillor Pellew agreed to progress this issue with the resident outside of the meeting.


6) Resident: Questioned whether the City Council would help residents maintain pressure on the County Council to retain and adequately resource Milton Road Library. It was noted that Friends of Milton Road Library were currently carrying out a residents survey that could be accessed via: www.mycca.org.uk


Councillor Nimmo-Smith confirmed that City Councillors were notifying local residents through their ward websites and newsletters.


Councillor Pellew confirmed that an announcement on libraries was due from the County Council with the next few days.


Resident: Confirmed that the Friends of Milton Road library had a meeting planned with the Head of Libraries, Archives and Information and he was hoping for ongoing dialogue to be established.


These comments were noted.


7) Resident: Noted that he was impressed with the Chair declaring the police priorities at the last meeting. It was felt that democracy needed to be seen to be done and a ‘hand up’ vote would be the best way to do this.


These comments were noted.


Resident: Requested an update on his suggestion for a presentation at a future meeting on Restorative Justice.


This was covered during item 11/43/NAC above


Resident: Questioned whether the North Area Committee would be seeking ‘Neighbourhood Forum Status’ for planning under the Localism Act and whether the City Council would grant it.


Councillor Nimmo-Smith stated that these where important questions but, at this stage, was unable to give a full answer.


8) Resident: Suggested that the ‘Community Forum’ section of the meeting needed to be more structured and better facilitated. It was felt that this would increase participation and minimize confusion.


Councillor Nimmo-Smith welcomed the feedback and confirmed that members and officers would work on these issues for future meetings.


9) Resident:  Questioned how the City Council could afford to loan £42.5m to 18 other local authorities when less than £5000 would be received back in interest payments.


Councillor Nimmo-Smith and Councillor McGovern confirmed that the best way for the City Council to gain interest from short-term investments was to deal with other local authorities.


Environmental Improvement Programme pdf icon PDF 440 KB

Additional documents:


The Environmental Projects Manager reported the progress on the following approved schemes:


-         Downhams Lane renovation of native hedge

-         Akeman Street Planting

-         Kendal Way Planting Refurbishment

-         Mortlock Avenue

-         Woodhead Drive/Milton Rd

-         Alex Wood Road Mobility Crossing


Member’s attention was drawn to the following additional new scheme suggestions as included in the supplementary agenda document:


-         Buchan Street Area Planting

-         Gilbert Close semi-raised bed refurbishment planting

-         Rear Block Hazelwood

-         Perse Way Grass seeding and Shrub Removal


The Environmental Projects Manager confirmed that the County Council had very recently decided to apply their third party funding policy to all City Council schemes that affected the public highway. In order to achieve consistency in its third party funding policy across the county, the County Council now required that the City Council funds any additional maintenance liabilities, in the same way as other parties such as parish councils. The City Council was currently reviewing this change and the impact that it would have on the Environmental Improvement Project Programme.

It was noted that any of the current North Area Committee proposed projects that affected the highway may not therefore at this moment in time be adopted.

The Environmental Projects Manager confirmed that further assessment of the maintenance liabilities needed to be carried out and the value of any commuted sum required to be paid to the County Council from within the Environmental Improvement Programme budget established.

The following newly suggested Scheme Items (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 of the officers report) could not at this stage be considered for funding from this programme until the maintenance liabilities had been confirmed and evaluated with the County Council.


-         Brimley Road Traffic Calming

-         Kendal Way Verge Parking Prohibition

-         Milton Road Verge Parking Prohibition

-         Victoria Park/Victoria Road Verge Parking Prohibition

-         Victoria Road Lay-by removal

-         Water Street/Water Lane Closure Refurbishment



Members discussed in detail the option of deferring all of the schemes and bringing them back to a future meeting. A decision was however made to, where possible, determine the schemes.  



Brimley Road Traffic Calming (4.1 of the officers report)


Decision: DEFERED



Kendal Way Verge Parking Prohibition (4.2 of the officers report)


Decision: DEFERED to allow further investigation regarding issues around the Traffic Regulations Order



Milton Road Verge Parking Prohibition (4.3 of the officers report)


Decision: DEFERED to allow further investigation regarding issues around the Traffic Regulations Order



Franks Lane Landscaping (4.4 of the officers report)


Decision: APPROVED (by 8 votes to 0) that the scheme be progressed at an estimated cost of £10,000.



Highworth Avenue Planter Refurbishment  (4.5 of the officers report)


Decision: APPROVED (by 9 votes to 0) that the scheme be progressed at an estimated cost of £5000.



Rackham Close (4.6 of the officers report)


Decision: APPROVED (by 9 votes to 0) that the scheme be progressed at an estimated cost of £23,000.



Victoria Park/Victoria Road Verge Parking Prohibition (4.7 of the officers report)


Decision: DEFERED to allow further investigation regarding issues around the Traffic Regulations Order



Victoria Road Lay-by removal (4.8 of the officers report)


Decision: DEFERED



Water Street/Water Lane Closure Refurbishment (4.9 of the officers report)


Decision: APPROVED (by 8 votes to 0) that the scheme be amended to only include replacement of the bollards up to a maximum cost of £5000


APPROVED (by 7 votes to 1) that additional consultation be undertaken on the requirements of the wider scheme.



Buchan Street Area Planting (4.10 of the supplementary agenda)


Decision: DEFERED (by 5 votes to 4) until the next meeting.



Gilbert Close semi-raised bed refurbishment planting (4.11 of the supplementary agenda)


Decision: APPROVED (by 4 votes to 3) that the scheme be progressed at an estimated cost of £1,444



Rear Block Hazelwood (4.12 of the supplementary agenda)


Decision: APPROVED (by 4 votes to 3) that the scheme be progressed at an estimated cost of £2,902.



Perse Way Grass seeding and Shrub Removal (4.13 of the supplementary agenda)


Decision: APPROVED (by 4 votes to 3) that the scheme be progressed at an estimated cost of £2,447




Appendix A - CB4 Consultation: Issues








A. Improvements in the Street-scene


§        Reduce the amount of litter on the streets

§        More dog bins

§        Better pavements, as some are uneven

§        Reduce the amount of dog fouling on pavements and in green spaces

§        Improve the appearance of recycling areas

§        More frequent rubbish collections

§        Prevent dumping around flats

§        Reduce parking on grass verges

§        Being able to park

§        Too many cars parking on bends

§        Reduce the noise from the A14

§        Fewer cars

§        Better care for trees


          B. More things for young people to do


§        Activities for young people in the evenings

§        More organised recreational activities in open spaces

§        Encourage clubs for 8 – 13 year olds

§        Provide tennis courts

§        Extend the opening hours of the community centres

§        Provide free Wi-Fi in the area

§        More activities on the river

§        Local swimming pool


C. To feel safer


§        Increase the number of police and PCO foot patrols

§        More Rangers in the area

§        Greater attention given to disruptive families who can spoil it for the rest

§        Prevent drug dealing

§        Clamp down on drug taking

§        People abusing alcohol and being rowdy

§        Anti-social behaviour outside pubs

§        Young people hanging around in groups

§        Feeling safe at night

§        Reduce the number of burglaries

§        Too much late-night noise

§        Reduce racism in the area


          D. People to get along better


§        More opportunities for people to get together as a community (carnivals, etc.)

§        Better promotion of the good things about the area

§        Work to reduce tensions where people live close to each other

§        Greater investment in local services

§        Encourage more people to get involved in organising community       events

§        Improve the level of respect people have for each other

§        Local people encouraged to get involved in local decision-making


E. To get around easier


§        Cheaper bus fares

§        More frequent buses into town

§        Buses should run on time

§        More bus stops

§        Reduce the speed of cars

§        Better on-street parking

§        Dedicated cycle lanes

§        Reduce conflict between cyclists and pedestrians on pavements

§        More speed restricted areas

§        Better lighting on cycle paths

§        Being able to use Park and Ride without driving to Milton

§        Less congestion


F. Better shops


§        Encourage new tenants for shops with a wider range

§        Bigger retail outlets in area

§        A local bank

§        More charity shops

§        A good coffee shop

G. Improved green open spaces


§        Cleaner playgrounds with regular maintenance

§        Better equipped playgrounds, with more equipment for young           children

§        More playgrounds

§        More fitness equipment in open spaces

§        Fences around playgrounds to keep dogs out

§        Reduce the number of overhanging trees

§        Help for older people to maintain their gardens



H. To keep libraries in the area open and maintain opening hours


I.  More local jobs with decent pay



J. Better local housing


§        Improve the quality of social housing

§        Provide affordable rents

§        Reduce the amount of high-density housing

§        Bigger gardens

§        More affordable house prices


K.  Health inequalities reduced


§        Easier access to GP surgeries

§        More “give up smoking” groups



Possible Hotspots


A. Improvements in the Streetscene

i)  Students leaving litter around Tesco

ii) Uneven pavements on Campkin Road and Mitcham’s Corner

iii)Support for community clean-ups


B. More things for young people to do

i)  Improve Nun’s Way Recreation Ground


C. To feel safer

i)  Look at anti-social behaviour at Cam Causeway, Hawkins Road and       Sackville Close


E. To get around easier

i)                   Look at cycling along Arbury and Histon Roads