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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shirley School, Nuffield Road, Cambridge CB4 1TF

Contact: Glenn Burgess  Committee Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from City Councillors O’Reilly and Ward.


Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest)


The Chair welcomed the public and explained the format of the meeting.


Declarations of Interest:




The Fen Road Area - Issues and Solutions

An opportunity for a community discussion on the ongoing traffic, highways and parking issues around the Fen Road area.


On hand to hear the publics views and discuss possible solutions will be City Council Environmental Improvement Officers, County Council Highways Officers, Ward Councillors and the local Police.


The Chairman introduced the item. 


Councillors and members of the public were asked to discuss and highlight all traffic, highway and parking issues associated with the Fen Road area.


A full list of the issues raised can be found at Appendix A or is available via the following link:





Councillors and members of the public were then asked to discuss possible solutions to the issues that had been highlighted.


A full list of the possible solutions and discussion points can be found at Appendix B or is available via the following link:





The Cabinet Member for Growth and Planning agreed to meet with local residents and relevant officers to discuss the issues in more detail.


The committee agreed that a dedicated Steering Group, made up of relevant Council Officers, Ward Councillors and interested members of the public, be set up to look at the issues in more detail and progress possible solutions.


Progress on this topic would then be reported back at future meetings and via the committee’s Facebook page:




Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 253 KB

Your Neighbourhood Police Policing Team Leader and the Council’s Safer Communities Team Leader will give a brief overview of their present work and how they have responded to the issues you raised previously.


You will be asked to give your views about policing and community safety issues in your area and then asked to prioritise them.


The committee received a presentation from the Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant, the Safer Communities Section Manager and the Community Fire Safety Officer on crime and policing in the four wards.


The presentation can be accessed via the following link:



Members of the public and Councillors asked a number of questions, as set out below:


1) Resident: Asked for further information on shift patterns of the PCSO’s in the North Area.


Sergeant Wragg confirmed that PCSO’s worked the same shift patterns as the Neighbourhood Policing Officers in the area. PCSO’s worked a mixture of day and late shifts but were flexible depending on the demands of the service. 


It was emphasised that PCSO’s played a valuable role in collecting evidence and acting as a visible deterrent to crime.


2) Resident: Asked for further information on the reduction in burglary figures.


Sergeant Wragg confirmed that, whilst there would normally be a peak in burglaries over the Christmas period, this year it had thankfully not occurred. It was also noted that weather conditions and the presence of very active individual criminals could have a big effect on burglary figures.


3) Councillor Znajek: Highlighted continuing parking problems at the Shirley School and suggested that it remain a police priority.


Sergeant Wragg confirmed that officers would continue to work closely with the school and monitor the situation as part of their everyday work. It was therefore not felt necessary that it continue as a specific police priority. 


4) Resident: Highlighted that cycling offences in Gilbert Road were on the increase and expressed support for this to be a police priority.


This comment was noted.


5) Resident: Highlighted the increase in vandalism, drug use and sexual activity taking place in the public toilets on Church Street.


Sergeant Wragg confirmed that this area was being monitored and the police were working with partners to address the issue.


6) Resident: Highlighted speeding vehicles on Fen Road as an ongoing issue.


Sergeant Wragg confirmed that anti-social driving was probably the biggest issue and noted that the weight and nature of vehicles using Fen Road meant that it was no longer fit for purpose.


7) Resident: Emphasised the need for clearer signage on cycleways in order to reduce anti-social cycling.


This comment was noted.


8) Councillor Todd-Jones: Highlighted the good work being undertaken between the police and the management team at 222 Victoria Road and supported its continuation as a police priority.


This comment was noted.


9) Resident: Highlighted drug dealing in Pearl Close as an ongoing issue.


Sergeant Wragg asked that he be emailed with further information so that the issue could be investigated.


10) Councillor Bird: Further emphasised the need to continue to monitor issues around the Shirley School to ensure the safety of those attending the school and local residents.


This comment was noted.


The committee agreed to vote on each of the suggested priorities separately:


-         Continue to reduce ASB around 222 Victoria Road (11 votes to 0)

-         Parking issues at the new Shirley School (5 votes to 1)

-         Speeding and Anti-Social driving in Fen Road (11 votes to 0)

-         Anti-social cycling in Gilbert Road (3 votes to 0)

-         Continue with arson preventative work (9 votes to 0)


On a final show of hands the following three Neighbourhood Priorities were agreed by 11 votes to 0:


-         Continue to reduce ASB around 222 Victoria Road

-         Speeding and Anti-Social driving in Fen Road

-         Continue with arson preventative work



At the request of the committee Sergeant Wragg agreed to provide a further update on work around Pearl Close and Church Street for the next meeting on 22 March 2012.



Additional documents:


The minutes of the 24 November 2011 meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.


Update on Action List:


The Chair confirmed that a response had been sent to Mr Richard Taylor regarding his question on Restorative Justice.




1) Resident:  Highlighted that parking around Shirley School continued to be a problem with parents now also parking at the GP Surgery.


This comment was noted.


2) Resident: Asked when the notice would be erected for grass verges.


The Environmental Improvements Manager confirmed that the County Council would require a consultation and it was likely that this would take place during February 2012.  


Future Work Programme for the Area Committee pdf icon PDF 16 KB

As a result of the table discussions held at the last meeting on 24 November 2011, the Committee will be asked to formal approve a Work Programme for 2012/13 (attached).  


The committee formally approved their Work Programme for 2012/13 as attached at Appendix C.