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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Main Hall - Manor Community College. View directions

Contact: Glenn Burgess  Committee Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence




Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest)


The Chair welcomed the public and explained the format of the meeting.  



Declarations of Interest:




To confirm what was said (Minutes) at the last meeting and what we have done (Action List) pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the 22 September 2011 meeting were approved and signed as a correct record subject to the following amendments:


11/54/NAC Open Forum - answer to question 4: The provision in the new Localism Bill, related to a community ‘right to bid’ clause (not a ‘right to buy’ clause).


11/54/NAC Open Forum - question 7: Related to the open space area at George Nuttall Close (not George Street).



Update on Action List:


Councillor McGovern confirmed that discussions were ongoing with officers in Property Services regarding the ownership of Milton Road Library building.


Councillor McGovern confirmed that the open space area at George Nuttall Close was owned by the City Council. Unfortunately the area would have to remain fenced until the Japanese Nut weed could be controlled. Upon completion of this work the area would be returned to open parkland.


 A fully updated Action Sheet had been circulated to all members and was available via the North Area Committee webpages:




You want to know (Open Forum)


1) Resident:  The Hawkins Road and Campkin Road Resident’s Association expressed concern that a number of car parks were being considered for new housing. Parking in the area remained an ongoing issue and it was questioned how many land surveys would be undertaken before a decision was taken. 


The Director of Customer and Community Services confirmed that the Council would be looking at around 1000 garage sites across the City. Whilst any sites identified as underused could be considered for new housing, local residents would be fully consulted prior to any decision being taken. It was further emphasised that a site being surveyed was in no way a definite indication that it would be used for new housing.


Councillor McGovern reiterated that that Resident’s Associations would be fully consulted prior to sites being agreed for development.


Resident: Confirmed that 5 years ago a Working Party had looked at options for all undeveloped land in the City and there had been a strong emphasise on ensuring that all identified land was no longer in use. This exercise would be ongoing and, in preparation for the new Local Plan, should be seen as an opportunity to help shape the redevelopment of Cambridge.


This comment was noted.


Resident: Questioned whether the loss of garages would mean that residents would have to pay for parking.


Councillor Ward confirmed that this would not be the case.


2) Resident: Questioned why the public meeting with the management of 222 Victoria Road was not better advertised, and suggested that the proposals for a reduction in size should have been brought to the North Area Committee. It was also suggested that, as this had been agreed as a police priority, the management of 222 Victoria Road should be invited to the meeting Area Committee Meeting on 26 January.


The Director of Customer and Community Services confirmed that the City Council takes a strategic role and works with all housing providers – of which 222 Victoria Road is just one. Due to the increased difficulty of managing a large unit, the Council had supported a reduction in the size and discussions were ongoing with the management team to help facilitate this.


Councillor Todd-Jones confirmed that Ward Councillors and the police were also involved in these discussions. Councillor Nimmo-Smith agreed to invite the management team to the meeting on 26 January 2012.


Resident: In response to the comment about the meeting being poorly advertised, it was noted that over 120 leaflets had been sent out to local residents. Due to the limited size of the meeting room a decision had been taken not to publicise the meeting too widely but to target those residents directly affected.


This comment was noted.


3) Resident: Questioned whether positive steps could be taken to improve the facilities at Chesterton Recreation Ground. It was suggested that relocating the existing facilities would allow for the provision of a pavilion and a tennis court. It was also asked what S106 monies may be available for this type of community build.   


The Director of Customer and Community Services agreed to speak with officers from the Arts and Recreation Service and ask them to contact the resident to discuss the options in more detail.


4) Resident: The Hawkins Road and Campkin Road Resident’s Association expressed concern about rubbish being left to accumulate at recycling units in their area. Whilst the units were often closed, rubbish was still left by members of the public as they passed the facility. The City Council was asked to review the current system to help address these issues.


The Director of Customer and Community Services confirmed that the City Council were aware of the issues, and due to a higher than anticipated usage, the collection regimes were being looked at.


Resident: Confirmed that the main area of concern was St Kilda Avenue, and suggested that City Rangers could do more to address the issue.


This comment was noted.


5) Resident: Questioned whether it should be ‘mob rule’ or ‘representative democracy’ when setting police priorities at Area Committees.


Councillor Nimmo-Smith proposed that police priorities be set as part of a two-stage deliberation and vote process. Open discussion would take place with the public as part of the ‘Community Forum’ and, based on this deliberation, the Area Committee members would then be asked to formally vote on their preferred priorities. It was hoped that this would enable public input, whilst ensuring that Councillors were accountable for the final decision. Councillor Wilkins and Councillor Todd-Jones spoke in support of this approach.  


6) County Councillor Manning and East Chesterton resident Clare Blair introduced a short report about the ongoing problems associated with Fen Road. It was hoped that officers could work on solutions as part of a formal consultation process.


The report is available via;




Councillor Bird confirmed that over the last 12 weeks she too had been investigating the ongoing issues around Fen Road. A comprehensive survey had been completed with local residents and it was hoped that this could feed into any future discussions.


The Chair proposed that police representatives, relevant officers and local representatives be invited to the meeting on 26 January 2011 to discuss the item in detail. It was also suggested that the findings of Councillor Birds survey be shared with officers in preparation for this meeting. The committee supported this proposal.



The Chair agreed to provide a written response to the following question, which was not covered due to the expiry of the period of time allocated.


7) Resident: Questioned whether Councillors, or the Chair on behalf of the committee, had approved any Restorative Justice disposals.


A future work programme for the Area Committee

The Committee asked local people, in a recent community consultation, what they liked about living in north area and the one thing they would like improved. A large number of people took part.


The Committee has a Forward Plan that says what it will consider at its next meetings. This is your opportunity, taking into account what people have said previously, to tell the committee what you think it should be looking at during future meetings. These subjects should be of interest to a wider audience, help promote discussion, and allow the Committee to formulate actions to try and make a difference. 


You will be asked to discuss at your tables, a long-list of subjects (also displayed on the screen) and to place them in the Committee’s Forward Plan. Ideally the Committee should consider one subject at each meeting.


If you can’t get to the meeting and want to join-in, please visit the Committee’s facebook page at:




The Chair will then summarise the views of the tables and ask members to agree the Committee’s new Forward Plan.


The committee received an introduction on the Area Committees future work programme from the Head of Customer Service.


Councillors and members of the public were asked to discuss items for future meetings based on the recent CB4 community consultation and any other items of local interest. The subjects should be of interest to a wider audience, help promote discussion, and allow the committee to formulate actions.


The following list of suggested topics was circulated to aid the discussion:


More things for young people to do: a discussion led jointly by the Locality Manager for children’s services in the City and the City Council’s ChYpPS manager, giving a feel for the provision of services and activities in the area.


Better local housing: the committee could promote discussion about projects that could use our Housing Standard money for improving housing estates.


Let’s say good things about the area: a discussion about how we can improve the image of the area.


People getting along: providing a snapshot of community and voluntary sector activity in the area, perhaps led by CCVS.


What is happening with health care in north area: the local GP gives a view of new health structures and how people can get involved in local patient forums.


The role of faith groups in north area: a view of the different faith communities and the role they play in supporting and shaping the area.


Looking at social inclusion in the area: who might be left on the wrong side of the digital divide and how they could be included.


Through table discussions the following topics were made/supported:


Table 1:

-         Street scene issues

-         Better local housing

-         More things for young people to do

-         Let’s say good things about the area

-         People getting along

-         What is happening with health care in north area

-         Looking at social inclusion in the area

-         Transport

-         Development of the Local Plan

-         Wider community safety issues: CCTV, magistrates etc


Table 2:

-         More things for young people to do

-         Let’s say good things about the area – possible work with schools

-         Street scene issues


Table 3:

-         Chesterton Station – possible discussion at the March meeting

-         Work out in the community with young peoples groups


Table 4:

-         More things for young people to do

-         Recycling issues

-         What is happening with health care in north area

-         ‘Police on the beat’ – more in-depth work with the police

-         Parking issues

-         Trees

-         The role of faith groups in north area

-         Schooling – insufficient places for local residents


Table 5:

-         Engaging with young people in a different setting and the possibility of a ‘Youth Area Committee’

-         Raising aspirations of people living in the north area

-         Holding the police to account in their interactions with educational establishments



The Chair thanked members of the public and Councillors for their contributions. It was agreed that a work programme for 2012/13 would be drafted and brought back to the January meeting for formal approval by the committee.




Future Meeting dates and venues

The Committee is recommended to approve the following meeting dates for the municipal year 2012 –13:

-         Thursday 17 May 2012

-         Thursday 26 July 2012

-         Thursday 27 September 2012

-         Thursday 22 November 2012

-         Thursday 31 January 2013

-         Thursday 21 March 2013

-         Thursday 16 May 2013

The Committee is also asked to consider venues for future meetings.





The committee approved the following meeting dates for the municipal year 2012 –13:

-         Thursday 17 May 2012

-         Thursday 26 July 2012

-         Thursday 27 September 2012

-         Thursday 22 November 2012

-         Thursday 31 January 2013

-         Thursday 21 March 2013

-         Thursday 16 May 2013

Members then discussed in detail the merits of alternating various meeting venues.

Councillor Ward commented that moving locations and start times had been tried previously and was unsuccessful. A member of the public also supported this view

Councillors Price, Manning and Todd-Jones however felt that moving locations could be beneficial. It was also suggested that, due to the planned discussions around Fen Road, the January meeting could be held in an East Chesterton venue.

The Committee Manager agreed to look at options and discuss this further with the Chair.