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Venue: via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
Note: If members of the public wish to address the committee please contact Democratic Services. Questions can be submitted throughout the meeting to and we will endeavour to respond to questions during the discussion on the relevant agenda item. If we run out of time a response will be provided to members of the public outside of the meeting and published on the relevant Area Committee meeting webpage
No. | Item | ||||||
Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Bond, Collis, McQueen, O’Reilly and County Councillor Cox Condron. |
Declarations Of Interest Minutes:
Minutes: The notes of the meetings held on 2 September 2021 were noted. |
Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods Minutes: The Committee
received a report from Sergeant Emms regarding policing and safer
neighbourhoods trends. The report
outlined actions taken since the last reporting period. The current emerging
issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for
full details). Previous local areas of concern and engagement activity noted in
the report were: • ASB and dangerous
driving across the north of the city (including Fen Road and the High Street)
and NO2 canisters; • Street based drug
dealing including cuckooing; and • Youth and knife crime. The virtual Area Committee would not be making a decision, so would not
vote on priorities set by the Police. The Police reported back on the local areas of concern they were currently focussing
on. Councillors and members of the public could not change these, but they
could suggest ideas/issues for the Police to
focus on. In response to Members’ discussion Sargeant Emms provided the following
it was an offence to drive under the influence of drugs. Noted an issue with
NO2 was that it dissipated through the body almost instantly therefore it was
difficult to prosecute people for driving under the influence of this. Noted
that the police had other ways to tackle this issue as other offences could be
being committed at the same time as driving under the influence of NO2.
aware of a couple of reports of damaged vehicles on the High Street in
Chesterton but was not aware that this was an on-going issue.
aware of a gathering point for youths near Tesco (in Chesterton?) but was not
aware of any specific recorded complaints either from the store or from
At the
neighbourhood level, the Home | ( website
allows for swift access to local crime and anti-social behaviour data at street
level. The website can display crimes on a map as well as in chart format,
along with trend lines.
Officers were visiting schools to speak with children about knife crime and
trying to divert children away from crime. This initiative was still in its
early stages, so it was too early to comment whether there had been any impact
from the school visits.
Police regularly worked with partners including the Anti-social Behaviour (ASB)
Team and City Homes at the City Council, Cambridge Regional College and Romsey
Mill to try and reach out to peers and family members of offenders to try and
divert them from criminal activities. vii.
was a Department wide operation regarding cycle crime which was managed by the
South Team Sergeant. Confirmed was aware of the ‘Facebook Stolen Bikes’ group
but unfortunately the information published by the group was not sufficient for
the courts to accept as evidence. A property had been identified through the
group and Police were investigating whether this was being used as part of a
stolen bike operation. viii.
small motorbikes did tend to be noisier.
officers needed to witness poor driving to be able to successfully prosecute
Staple included ASB driving.
individuals / families appeared to be on the periphery of crime, they would be
assessed by officers and those at risk would be visited by Police Officers to
try and divert them from crime. xii.
North Cambridge Consultation Meeting was a pilot scheme which had worked well
and a second consultation with residents about their concerns was planned for
30 November. Thought invitations had
been sent out but would follow this up with colleagues. In response to Members’ discussion the ASB
Officer provided the following response:
City Council have delivered Cambs Against County Lines sessions in schools to
raise awareness about county lines and criminal exploitation. Most recently, officers
from the Community Safety Team delivered a session at Chesterton Community
College. A member of the public asked a number of
questions, as set out below.
HRARA appreciated the work initiative regarding
begging by the Co-op on Histon Road.
However was aware that the same problem existed by Aldi. Witnessed an employee having to run out of
the shop and stop an abusive drunk beggar from offending a customer. Asked the
employee when he returned if this was an ongoing issue and he replied yes. Did
not think it should be the responsibility of the employees to police this
to ask the Streetlife Working Group to include Aldi beggars in their
multiagency meetings. The ASB Officer confirmed that the above
issue would be taken on board and would be discussed at the Streetlife Working
Group the following week. Encouraged members of the public to report any
concerns to the Police and also confirmed that ASB Officers were happy to
liaise with members of the public. they could be contacted on |
City Access Consultation by Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) - NAC Minutes: The Chair of HRARA tabled the following questions which related to GCP
projects. 1.
Referred to agenda item 3 Notes of
meeting, minute reference 21/24/NAC on pages 11-12 of the agenda. a. At the HRARA AGM on 12 October discussions were held with County
Councillor Hilary Cox-Condron who agreed she would contact relevant staff to
get a confirmation that the Speed Camera was in force and working b. Regarding Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) 20 mph, this issue was
subsequently raised at the West Central Area committee meeting on 9 September
page 5 point i in the minutes. The reply from the GCP
representative was that a dialogue had begun. c. On 4 November 2021, an e-mail was sent to Paul van de Bulk, regarding the
Highways and Transport Committee meeting which was copied to County Councillor
Cox-Condron and Councillors Nethsingha and Scutt. The reply from Paul van de Bulk stated
that ‘We first have to consult on the TRO and I think we
will take it to the GCP Board along with a couple of other TROs we need to
finalise for Histon Road. My Project Assistant is working with the Highways
Team to finalise all the wording and I am pushing them to publish as soon as
possible. I will ask him to give me a time line’. d. HRARA
has not received any time line. Asked when the TRO would be ready and when
the consultation would start. 2.
to agenda item 3, Notes of meeting, minute reference 21/24/NAC on pages 8 of
the agenda. a.
fully commissioned signalling system had now been installed and several trial
tests had been made. The last trial had
improved the queueing on Histon Road before turning into the lanes for Castle
Street and Huntingdon Road. However, there was still substantial queues during
morning rush hours. b.
if there were further trials planned to improve the Histon/Victoria/Huntingdon
Roads signalling system. c.
Road Junction - the new cyclop junction was opened at the same time as the
Histon Road opening ceremony although it was left with many details
incomplete including: i. The
bypass cycle lane in the road was luring people/children to use the road
crossing and in the middle of the road turning into Warwick Road. ii. A
temporary sign for ‘No right turn’ had been necessary to post in the cycle
lanes to prevent crossing into the pedestrian lanes and the road. iii. One
of the pedestrian lanes had the push button too far away from the walkway. This
was particularly difficult for people who were partially sighted since the
signals were using the rotating cone tactile equipment
and not a sound system. iv. Asked
if there had been any monitoring of the cyclops junction as criss-crossing and
cycling in the wrong direction was quite frequent. 3.
to agenda item 8, the Open Forum a.
had its first AGM in two years on 12 October 2021, at Mayfield School. County Councillor Cox-Condron was invited and
attended the meeting. Even though the
aim was to focus on the future after all construction work, most of the
questions from the public concentrated on roadworks and the impact on the
community. Some of the concerns had been mentioned in previous points. The return of the buses was welcome
especially as these went to the train station and Addenbrooke’s on one bus. The
temporary 20mph speed limit which slowed down the traffic was appreciated. The worst part had been when road
construction took during place during both night-time and daytime, the constant
criss-crossing from one side of the road to the other because work was being
undertaken on both sides of the road raised safety issues for pedestrians in
walking on the gravel, clicking utility covers every time a car passes, fence
with climbers where the climbers have died and bindweed taking over, etc and
the constant noise. Asked when the road would finally be finished. The GCP
Project Manager had been made aware of all the details that needed fixing
before construction finished. b.
the GCP Joint Assembly Agenda 18-11-2021 it stated that Construction
of the project is now complete (as of November 2021) therefore all of the 2021/22 budget has now been committed. It was not
anticipated that additional GCP funding would be required. c.
that construction and final preparation of the road had not been finished.
Asked if there would be any mitigation funds available, if not from GCP then
from the Cambridge County Council. 4.
to agenda item 9, Committee Action Sheet point 4 ‘21/24/NAC GCP
Update on Histon Road and Milton Road’, where the GCP Officer requested the
County Council “run some enhanced enforcement following completion of the
project”. a.
that the latest sign on the road for night works stated that these would take
place on Roseford Road on 12 November for 3 nights. This date had passed and nothing had been done. Asked when the official
inspection would take place. Asked if there would still be room and funds for
any mitigation if needed after the inspection. b.
were grateful for the present public bus service however the 8H bus signs in
the outbound lane needed to be taken away so as not to cause confusion. Response from GCP representative: i.
The speed camera needed to be recommissioned
and potentially relocated as a result of the
construction works and the layout of the road changing. ii.
The TRO was currently being drafted and it was
hoped that it would be tabled for approval by the GCP Board at their March 2022
meeting. iii.
Had asked the signalling contractor to look at
the signalling system at Histon / Victoria / Huntingdon Roads and this would be
done over the coming weeks. It was normal once a traffic system was installed
for there to be a couple of tweaks once the system was being bedded in. iv.
A temporary sign ‘for no right turn’ was
necessary at the Gilbert Road junction as the traffic lights which needed to be
put on the cycle post were not available. These were on order and would be
installed once received. The cyclops junction would be monitored in the coming
months. v.
Following construction works on Histon Road,
confirmed that an ‘as built survey’ would be completed, and a final road safety
inspection would be carried out. vi.
Works were meant to be carried out on 12
November unfortunately due to a delay with materials the works had to be
deferred until 26 November. vii.
Confirmed they had asked the contractor to
remove the H8 bus signs. The Committee received a presentation from officers at the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) regarding the City
Access Consultation which was now known as ‘Making Connections: Have your say
on Greener Travel in Greater Cambridgeshire’. Further information regarding the
consultation could be found via: Making
Connections - have your say on greener travel in Greater Cambridge | Consult
Cambridgeshire ( The GCP Officer said the following in response to Members’ questions:
As part of the consultation, officers at the GCP
were carrying out an integrated impact assessment which meant that
consideration would be given as to whether any of the proposed actions would
result in a perverse outcome ie: it was cheaper for families to drive into
Cambridge rather than using the bus, this wasn’t right as the outcome wanted to
encourage the use of public transport so this issue needed to be looked at.
Agreed disabled bus pass conditions needed to be
looked at if this deterred people from travelling by public transport during
certain times.
Stated that cleaner electric and accessible buses
needed to be provided. iv.
Agreed that the benefits of the proposals needed to
be articulated both to Cambridge residents as well as residents travelling into
Would speak with their Communication Team about
ensuring that the consultation was provided in alternative formats so that
people were not put off from responding or being unable to respond. vi.
The cost of any proposed scheme would depend on the
proposals made (i.e.: what was charged and when). vii.
Noted the comment about having a front entrance to
the bus and a separate exit at the back of the bus. |
Greater Cambridge Local Plan - consultation Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Strategy and Economy Manager
regarding the Greater Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals consultation.
Further information regarding the consultation could be found via: Greater Cambridge
Local Plan ( Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below. 1.
With a drop in birth rate, migration and young
people not being able to get mortgages as rates rise, who would buy these
houses. Response: The evidence base did look at the
changing demographic and the First Proposals for the plan were informed by
those factors. 2.
Was there a need to address the fact that
people who were born in Cambridge cannot afford to live in the town they grew
up in, should this not be the immediate focus. Response: Recognised that Cambridge was an
expensive place to live and that houses needed to be provided alongside jobs.
Planning policy required the provision of 40% affordable housing alongside any
new development. 3.
How can you define and guarantee affordable
housing? Response: The term ‘Affordable Housing’ was
defined by Central Government and included social rented, affordable rented,
shared ownership etc. The Local Planning Authority sought to secure as much
affordable housing as was reasonable and which could be delivered. 4.
With businesses choosing to incorporate more
working from home, it made sense that less office spaces was needed. Asked if
the shift of working was home was being built into the plan. Response:
There was already a trend of people starting to work more from home rather than
working in the office, the pandemic accelerated this change. The consultation
was clear that the evidence was carried out pre-pandemic and would be kept
under review as the plan is developed, felt it was too soon to review at the
moment whilst the pandemic was still on-going. |
Minutes: The Committee received a report from Network Rail Officers regarding the Ely Area Catchment Enhancement
project, which was a scheme to increase both freight and passenger services which
run through the Ely area. Officers also spoke to the project in relation to the
Fen Road crossing. Network Rail’s presentation slides could be found via the
meeting webpage: Agenda
for North Area Committee on Thursday, 18th November, 2021, 6.30 pm - Cambridge
Council In response to Members’ questions Network Rail Representatives’ said the
following: i.
Rail had been exploring future proofing the capacity of the rail junction. Ely
was a bottleneck for trains and was a challenge to overcome. The Department for
Transport had asked Network Rail to look at increasing the capacity through Ely
to 10 trains per hour, Network Rail was looking at capacity above that. The
preliminary results suggested that Network Rail could deliver more capacity
than the Department for Transport asked for, however there would be other
constraints on the network which would need to be addressed. ii.
aware that Fen Road was the only vehicular access to houses that side of the
railway line and understood residents’ concerns and frustrations regarding the
length of time the barriers were down. Should an emergency vehicle be waiting
at the level crossing, the Signaller should see this via the CCTV and can take
a decision to help the vehicle cross the crossing quicker. Network Rail had
explored what could be done to reduce barrier downtime. All technical solutions
had been explored to reduce the barrier downtime. There were no technical
solutions to reduce the barrier downtime. iii.
was a wider issue, Network Rail officers had presented the options available
regarding the Ely Area Catchment Enhancement scheme. Other work had been
undertaken to make sure that they were minimising the length of time the
barrier was down. iv. Network Rail responded
to the North East Cambridge Area Action Plan (NECAAP) and said that land should
be reserved to facilitate connections. Thought some of the plans involved a
foot crossing near the level crossing. Would be willing to work with third
parties. Would discuss issues raised with colleagues. Network Rail’s comment on the NECAAP
consultation was not a commitment, the comment said land should be set aside. v.
Fen Road crossing was a complex issue. Network Rail were not saying that it was
for other parties to solve problems for Network Rail. In an ideal world would
want to close level crossings as they were a risky structure to have on the
rail network because of the interface with members of the public however they
needed to have a credible alternative available to be able to close a level
crossing. The issue was the availability of land where alternative access could
be provided and to understand what options were available and whether Highways
would adopt any such land. Action: Network Rail agreed to discuss with the Councils (in response to
request from Cllr Bird and Cllr Hawkins (SCDC)) regarding Fen Road crossing /
alternative road / bridge. Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below. 1. What steps were being taken to lessen the time
that the Fen Road Level Crossing was down, waiting for trains to leave
Cambridge North station heading south, for most of which time the trains were
still sitting in the station. Network Rail response: All technical solutions had been explored to reduce the
barrier downtime. There were no technical solutions to reduce the barrier
downtime 2. The problem was less the
total down time but the length of individual down times which causes
frustration. This had got better, but
can still be a problem. When the barriers were down for 1
minute, this was not too much of a problem,
8 minutes plus was very frustrating. Asked if there were any incidents or
risk factors, or a threshold for closure of the Fen Road Crossing. Felt the danger from Fen Road Crossing was less from train accidents than road
accidents arising from drivers’ frustration. Network Rail response: The safety of level crossings was
regularly reviewed, the frequency of reviews depended on a number of factors
including accidents or near misses. |
Open Forum Minutes: Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below. 1.
Milton Road Library and This Land. i.
Milton Road Library had been in Cambridgeshire public
hands for as long as residents could remember. Residents now learned that prior
to the current administration, the Milton Road Library site (freehold and
building) was sold to a company originally called Cambridgeshire
Housing Investment Company (CHIC), now known as ‘This Land’. The library and
community rooms were now subject to a lease to the County Council, originally
for a 25-year term which had been extended under the current administration. ii.
Residents were concerned that a public asset, and a library at that, had
passed out of public hands into a development company which, although Cambridgeshire County Council was the 100% shareholder, was
in the process of selling the Milton Road Library site. This meant that the
library would no longer have any connection with Cambridgeshire
County Council apart from the lease. In addition, the City Council which
granted £100,000 for the community rooms, had no assurance that when the lease
expired that public investment in the West Chesterton community would remain. iii.
Local residents had raised concerns about This Land. Although the
County Council is 100% shareholder of This Land, residents are told that
because of the ‘arms length’ position, the County
Council had no effective power or possibility of any exercise of insight into
This Land’s operations. This was troubling as the flats above the library had
been vacant for well over two years, at a time of acute housing shortage. The
contention was that sale would yield a better return on an unoccupied property;
however, it meant that there had been no income realised
and nothing to offset maintenance and other necessary costs to keep the
property functional and in good repair. The County Council had been engaged in
lending not insignificant sums to This Land which may appear to have been the
way the operation had kept afloat. Directors’ fees were being paid out and
there appeared to be a lengthy list of directors, and much coming and going
amongst them. iv.
It appeared that the County Council was not without any power to exercise
some control in respect of This Land and referred to Article 3 of the Articles
of Association ‘Reserve Power’, which stated ‘The Shareholders may, by special
resolution, direct the Directors to take, or refrain from taking, specified
action’. v.
Asked North Area Committee the following four questions: vi.
What steps, if any, were being taken or could be taken to save this vital
public asset, Milton Road Library, for future generations. vii.
Why was the County Council not exercising power under Article 3(3) to
halt the sale of Milton Road Library, at least until the conclusion of the
External Review. viii.
What steps, if any, were being taken, or could be taken to protect the
City’s investment of £100,000 in Milton Road Library Community Rooms. ix.
What was the breakdown in the payments of non-executive fees, to whom had
the monies gone, and in what precise amounts, and for what? Asked for
clarification of the figures provided by Councillor Scutt below. Councillor Scutt noted
that in 2021, £342,500 had been paid in Directors’ fees and in 2019, £227,917
was paid out in Directors fees and in 2021, £1,486,684 had been paid in wages.
In 2019 £1,356,545 had been paid in wages.
There appeared to be an increase in wages despite a reduction in
personnel. Councillor Meschini
advised that there were legal issues concerning Milton Road Library and This
Land Limited, which prevented the County Council from acting immediately. She
would be happy to compose a more detailed answer and to provide a copy of the
frequently asked questions (FAQs), which was an output of the meeting with
Friends of Milton Road Library. The
County Council were committed to the Milton Road Library continuing and had a
duty to provide a library. Action: Councillor Meschini to provide a more
detailed response to the questions regarding Milton Road Library and This Land
and provide copies of the FAQs which were being drafted following a meeting
with Friends of Milton Road Library. 2.
Town Green – Castle Mound and grassed forecourt.
The application made by former County Councillors’
Claire Richards and Jocelynne Scutt and City Councillor Katie Thornburrow for
Castle Mound and Shire Hall Grassed Forecourt to be declared a town green was
currently advertised for objections to be lodged. The details were in the Central
Library and there was a notice at the foot of the Mound.
Asked the Committee to provide an update on the application and to advise
whether residents could still provide supporting statements for the town green. Councillor Scutt
responded that Castle Mound was covered by the Heritage Act and the route up
the mound had been preserved by ramblers. The grassed area in front of the
mound was not protected. Suffolk County Council was the authority responsible
for making a decision on designating Castle Mound as a
Town and Village Green. Advised the application was at the stage where people
could make objections to the application however she did not see why members of
the public couldn’t still express their support. Asked for any members of the
public who wanted to express their support to contact her. |
Committee Action Sheet Additional documents: Minutes: The Action Sheet
was noted and an updated copy could be viewed at the following link under
‘Committee Action Sheet – updated post committee. |
City Centre COVID Recovery Project Update - Area Committee Briefing Note Minutes: The Briefing note was noted. |