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Venue: Shirley Primary School, Nuffield Road, Cambridge CB4 1TF. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Dalzell, McQueen, Todd-Jones and County Councillors Manning and Richards. |
Declarations Of Interest Minutes:
Minutes: County Councillor Scutt commented that the reference in the 13 December 2018 minutes removing her name from action point 18/63/NAC Q5 was due to the fact that the issue did not fall within Arbury Ward. The minutes of the meeting held on the 13 December 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair subject to the corrections outlined by Councillor Scutt. |
Matters and Actions Arising from the Minutes Additional documents: Minutes: The Action Sheet was noted and an updated copy could be viewed at the following link under ‘Committee Action Sheet’: |
Open Forum Minutes: Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below: 1. The HRARA asked for North Area Committee to recommend that the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) directed the Project Manager for Histon Road and Officers that plans were put in place for air quality monitoring before, during and after construction of the Histon Road project and if necessary allocate additional budget for this purpose. It was also requested that the data be displayed and made easily available to the public. The Project Manager (Milton and Histon Road) provided an email response which was read out at Committee. This stated that he planned to look into this request for both Milton and Histon Road. He would need to assess any budgetary issues which would need to be approved by the GCP Executive Board so he could not commit to implement without the Board’s approval. Action: County
Councillor Scutt undertook to take this question to the GCP Board. 2. What action would be taken to mitigate the damage to houses caused by vibrations from lorries driving down Histon Road. The question was taken during agenda item ‘A14 diversion and HGVs on Histon Road’ the response is contained in 19/9/NAC. 3. There were 4 street lights in the small estate of flats in Chesterton High Street. One had been out of action for nearly a year and another one was completely dead. He asked when the street lights would be repaired or replaced. Action: Councillor
Bird confirmed that she had also reported the issue and that she would follow
this up. 4. 171 Arbury Road was closed today with no sign advising that the office was shut. The resident commented that it would be useful to have a sign by the office desk for tenants so they could get advance notice that the office was going to be closed otherwise people would attend the offices and find that they were closed. The Head of Housing had been advised about residents concerns. 5. Requested that North Area Committee recommended that GCP in cooperation with Highways directed officers in their planning for Histon Road to investigate and include a Geo-Fencing system in the final design. The question was taken during agenda item ‘A14 diversion and HGVs on Histon Road’ the response is contained in 19/9/NAC. 6. Asked whether the City Council could support the designation of Castle Mound and the adjacent open space as a village green. County Councillor Scutt commented that an organisation had been set up called ‘Friends of Castle Mound’ to impress on the County Council that residents wanted to retain access to the monument. The Chair of the ‘Friends of Castle Mound’ had asked a question at the February 2019 City Council Full Council meeting and the Executive Councillor for Communities commented that the City Council was investigating the legal aspects but that it would need to be the County Council who would need to declare its status. She also commented that there was a petition regarding the Mound which would need 3000 signatures to trigger a Full Council debate at the County Council. She would circulate a link and ensure a paper petition was available. Councillors Smart, Thittala and County Councillor Scutt discussed the relocation of the County Council offices to Alconbury and the impact that this would have on resident’s access to services. Councillor Sheil discussed the design of the building and that certain considerations had not been taken into account for example political group rooms and sufficient desk space for officers. Action: County
Councillors Meschini and Scutt to look into relocation of County Council
offices. |
A14 diversion and HGVs on Histon Road, Cambridge Representatives from the A14 Management Team, Highways and Traffic Management Officer to be in attendance. Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from the Stakeholder Director (A14 Integrated Delivery
Team) Highways England representative (A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement
Scheme) The presentation outlined:
Good progress had been made on the project last
summer and this winter so some of the roads may be able to be opened early.
While the work was being undertaken there did have
to be road closures and some overnight road closures but there was no other way
to undertake the work, diversion routes had been put in place.
Referred to diversion route; strategic traffic had
to be diverted via a certain route. iv.
Noted that not all vehicles followed diversion
signs / routes and they could end up following their satnav, unfortunately
drivers did have a choice about what route they wanted to drive even though a
strategic traffic diversion route had been put in place and despite
conversations with the haulage industry. Members of the public asked a number of questions, as set out below. 1. What action would be taken to mitigate the damage to houses caused by vibrations from lorries driving down Histon Road. Other residents in the county had also been affected by diversion routes, he understood resident’s frustrations but they were not alone. A lot of work had been undertaken with haulage companies to try and keep strategic traffic on the strategic diversion routes. They were also working with the police, who had monitored the situation and helped but due to their resources this could not be done all the time. 2. Requested that North Area Committee recommended that GCP in cooperation with Highways directed officers in their planning for Histon Road to investigate and include a Geo-Fencing system in the final design. Commented that the Geo-fencing technology had some merit but that it
would be difficult to compel haulage companies to use. Everyone had a right to
drive where they wanted provided that they followed road regulations. 3.
resident had to pad walls to stop their mirror shaking,
the noise created by vehicles was horrendous. Had seen an Eddie Stobart lorry
driving along Histon Road. Questioned whether
diversion signs were turned down during the day. Across the road network there were hundreds of signs out for
directional reasons or diversions. Signs were only turned down at trigger
points (ie: at the beginning and end of diversion
routes). Asked for the resident to let them know where the issues were so that
she could speak with the Traffic Team and target the areas that were causing
day time confusion. 4.
Asked whether a
Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) had been considered or put in place. There had been various road closures across the scheme, feedback
suggested that Highways England could try to do something different. This was
the only Highways England project that had a social media account. Wanted to assure residents that they were not ignoring them.
Putting a weight restriction on a road was something that had been discussed
with the County Council and the Police however the Police did not have the
resources to be able to enforce the weight restriction. Highways England’s
obligation was to use the roads most suitable to take traffic at night, they
did not like using roads like the one in Kings Hedges and a physical closure
had been considered. If a weight restriction was put on the road this would
move the issue somewhere else. 5.
Commented did not
like the assertion that drivers would contravene traffic regulations. 6.
Had spoken with a
resident who lived 1 mile away from King Hedges and they could hear the noise
created by the HGVs driving down Histon Road. 7.
Commented that
they had been impressed with the traffic flow on A14 however said they did have
an issue if someone was diverted on a 10 mile diversion it added to the drive
time and drivers may have to stop because they run out of time and this might
be why drivers cut through small roads but said that this was an issue with
haulage companies. Highways England sent out notifications to the haulage industry when
they were maintaining and building roads, and they passed this message on to
their members. It was up to the haulage industry to deal with, but Highways
England tried to keep them informed about diversions as much as they could do. Had also spoken with freight transport and haulage companies to see
whether there was anything else they could use to try and get messages to HGVs.
Road haulage companies had developed an app which was accessible to European
counterparts. A number of drivers were
owner-drivers it would be money out of their own pocket if they had to follow a
diversion route, this may be why some HGVs did not follow diversion signage. The Committee discussed the following issues:
Commented that there were weight restrictions on
Gilbert Road and asked whether Highways England had any powers to take action
or could they put in width restrictions. Highways England had limited powers; they had a traffic officer service
which managed traffic incidents until the police arrived. ii. Lived on Victoria Road there was a TRO in place which was unenforced because the police did not have capacity to enforce it. Once HGVs were on Victoria Road it was too late for them to be able to turn around. Her property shakes when HGVs drive down the road. Questioned whse responsibility it was when damage was caused to properties. With weight restrictions on roads unless there was a physical police presence it was difficult to enforce. iii. Asked which organisation had responsibilities for drivers on the roads. The public highway was policed by Traffic Police Officers. As to whether drivers will follow particular routes this was dependent on the company and on the goods being delivered as to what routes may be chosen. He did not know whether hauliers advised their drivers which routes to use. |
North East Cambridge (formerly Cambridge Northern Fringe East) Area Action Plan Issues and Options 2 Consultation Senior Planning Policy Officer to deliver a presentation with a question and answer session. Minutes: The Committee received a presentation from Matt Paterson, Planning Consultant
with the Shared Planning Service for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. In
addition, members of the Shared Planning Service also manned an exhibition at
the venue on the consultation. The presentation outlined: i.
The North East Cambridge Area
Action Plan was currently out for consultation. ii.
There was an online interactive
map system so members of the public could leave comments if they did not want
to complete a full consultation response iii.
The Planning Policy Team were running drop-in events and had posters, leaflets and
booklets available. Community groups had been putting information on their
websites about the consultation. iv.
A consultation had been undertaken
in 2014 but since then North Cambridge Station had been opened and an Ely to
Cambridge transport study had been undertaken. The Council had also submitted a
Housing Infrastructure Fund bid. v.
The purpose of the consultation
was to establish the broad land use principles for the area and to begin to
outline a shared aspiration and ambition for North East Cambridge as a
place. vi.
Transport, climate change,
sustainability, employment, housing and supporting uses were also discussed. Members of the public made the following comments in response to the
presentation: i.
Queried the height of the
buildings and asked if it was in a high-rise area. ii.
Noted that the railway line formed
the boundary of the development. iii.
Queried access into Chesterton. iv.
Asked that houses were not located
on the boundary of the highway. v.
Commented that there was no
discussion about the Cambridge Autonomous Metro (CAM) project. The Planning Consultant
That infrastructure would need to
be in place before houses were occupied.
The development could be high in
density but it depended what housing options were chosen. iii.
Talked about pedestrian and cycle
access over the rail crossing. iv.
Acknowledged there was an issue
with the railway crossing and said he wanted to know what solutions Network
Rail have for it.
It was unclear at the moment where
the CAM would be delivered. The CAM project had a long build up period and the
North East Cambridge site may need to be adapted if the CAM project was brought
forward. The Committee made the following comments in response to the
presentation: i.
Did not want the community the
other side of Fen Road to be cut off and stated that there needed to be another
route out of the development. ii.
Recognised that the development
was in its early stages and was pleased that they would try and meet 40%
affordable housing but he did not want viability to be used as an argument not to
deliver 40% affordable housing. iii.
Wanted the provision of community
facilities, doctors’ surgeries, pharmacies etc to be
considered up front. iv.
Would need to work with local
communities to ensure that there was a link between the new and existing
communities. The Senior Planning Policy Officer commented:
Lessons are being learnt from development at
Orchard Park, Southern Fringe, CB1 and elsewhere around the wider social needs
of new communities to ensure that they would be integrated within the
community. ii.
Work was also being undertaken with the Science
Park, schools in Arbury, and Cambridge Regional College. |
Presentation by County Council Officer on County Lines issues Minutes: The Committee received an oral presentation from Dave Sargent of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board. Details of the presentation can be found at: Members of the public made the following comments in response to the
presentation: i.
There was a gang of children in
the Lion Yard around 7pm who were making a lot of noise. They weren’t sure who
to report the matter to. ii.
Asked when a county line was
removed, how long would it take to be replaced. iii.
Commented that in order to reduce
the county line problem, the profit that could be made from the sale of drugs
needed to be removed. iv.
Asked whether any pressure was put
on other Department’s at the County Council.
Dave Sargent responded to questions as follows: i.
The anti-social behaviour (ASB) at
the Lion Yard could be reported to the Police via:
They could also look at CCTV images. Car parks were causing concern at the moment
for ASB. ii.
Currently there were about 4
dedicated lines; the line was usually named after the person who set it up. In
terms of replacement of a county line, the individuals who were reliant on the
line need to be considered as they could look for alternative ways to purchase
drugs. Children who are involved in a county line can be used to a certain
lifestyle (e.g.: alcohol and drugs) and measures needed to be in place to
support them when they were removed from a county line. Schools needed to be
given enough information so that they can spot any warning signs. Vulnerable
adults also needed to be supported. iii.
The Local Safeguarding Children’s
Board acted as a ‘critical friend’ to other Departments at the County Council.
He spent a lot of time working with the Community Safety Partnerships. He tried
to ensure that abandoned vehicles were removed within 8 hours. |
NAC Area Committee Grants 2019-20 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Community Funding
and Development Manager regarding Area Committee Community Grants. Members considered applications for grants as set out in the Officer’s
report. The Community Funding and Development Manager commented
that £1500 had been able to be reallocated back to the North Area Committee
allocation from the main grant budget. Councillor Sargeant commented that Milton
Road library had received £100,000 of grant funding from the city council and
that there would be various opening events when the facility was finally
completed. The library would have 2 community rooms and asked that North Area
Committee looked to hold one of their meetings there in the future. Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously): To agree the proposed
awards detailed in Appendix 1 of the officers report and as summarised in the table below.
Environmental Report - NAC Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Enforcement Team Manager. The report outlined an overview of Council’s Streets and Open Spaces, Environmental Health and Shared Waste service activity in North Area Committee area over the past six months. The report provided open data on service performance so that city councillors and their constituents are informed of what service activity is happening in their area and had the opportunity to engage in and help to share this activity, including identifying specific local service requests / issues. Members of the public raised the following issues: 1. Referred to a picture of bags which needed to be removed at St Kilda Avenue. The Committee discussed the following issues: i.
Had undertaken a Ward Walkabout and noted that
hedges had been cut back and that extra bins had been put in place. Asked for more
bins at Fen Road crossing. ii. Thanked the officers for the work undertaken and commented that they liked the new style of the report. iii. Asked if the list of needles contained in the public realm data could include the source of the needles (e.g. if they were removed from a residential property or if it was an outside source). iv. Commented that references to Arbury ward had crept in to Kings Hedges ward data. |
North Area Committee Dates 2019/20 · 13 June 2019 · 5 September 2019 · 28 November 2019 · 27 February 2020 Minutes: The following dates were agreed: 13 June 2019 5 September 2019 28 November 2019 27 February 2020 The Committee noted that it was Jonathan James’, (Head of Customer Services) last North Area Committee meeting and they expressed their thanks for his support as the Lead Officer for North Area Committee over a number of years. |