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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shirley Primary School, Nuffield Road, Cambridge CB4 1TF. View directions

Contact: Toni Birkin  Committee Manager

No. Item

Change to published agenda order

Under paragraph 4.2.1 of the Council Procedure Rules, the Chair used his discretion to alter the order of the agenda items. However, for ease of the reader, these minutes will follow the order of the agenda.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Gawthrope and Scutt



Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest)


No interests were declared



To Confirm What was Said (Minutes) at the Last Meeting and What we Have Done (Action List) pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Additional documents:


14/26/NAC Tree Roots in Green End Road – Trip Hazard

The Chair stated that this had been an action for some time and needed to be resolved. Cllr Manning stated that this was being addressed and was included in the City Deal Cycling consultations.


14/66/NAC Mitcham’s Corner

This matter was now a forward agenda item and the action was removed.


15/4/NAC Area around Tesco’s

Other works in the area were due to be completed soon. Once this had happened, this area would be tidied up.


15/15/NAC Q5 Emergency Vehicle Access to narrow roads.

Councillor price agreed that they had done all that was possible to resolve this matter.


15/17/NAC Open Data

This work was nearing completion and it was expected that the information would go public very soon.


15/17/NAC Campkin Road Speed Cushion repairs.

Councillor Onasanya stated that County Council staff were investigating this matter.


16/6/NAC Footpath adjacent to Harvey Goodwin Avenue.

Councillor Todd-Jones reported that work was on-going with the private land owner regarding getting the overgrow trees cut back.



You Want to Know (Open Forum)


Q1. Doug Whyte

Wall lighting in the area of Buchan Street Community Centre are not working and the area is very dark.


Councillor Price undertook to investigate this matter.



Q2. Doug White

There is a large hole in the road outside near the Arbury Road Baptist Church and it appears to be getting bigger.


Councillor Onasanya undertook to investigate this matter.



Q3. Michael Bond

Chesterton Recreation Ground now has a friends group. The website can be found at www.friendsofchestertonrec.org.uk


Q4. Michael Bond

Chesterton Recreation Ground: Dog fouling is making sports groups reluctant to use it.


Councillor Sarris stated that action had been taken regarding the dog fouling and that proposals were under development regarding enforcement action.


Q5. Michael Bond

Chesterton Recreation Ground: The ladies toilets were often found to be locked. This was inconvenient for those using the park and in particular, mothers with young children.


Councillor Pitt suggested that this might be linked to problems with the cleaning contract. He undertook to raise the matter with Councillor Johnson.



Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 242 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from Sergeant Wragg regarding Policing and Safer Neighbourhood Trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the North Area Committee of the 10th September 2015. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details).


The Committee and members of the public asked the following question regarding the report:


Q1. Councillor Bird

Speeding in Green End Road and Chesterton High Street was still a problem. In addition anti-social parking in area caused hazards. Can action be taken?


A. Speedwatch volunteers had been trained and would be covering this area. Pavement parking was more problematic as it was hard to define the term ‘obstruction’.   


Q2. Councillor Price                                                                             

Burglary and violent crime statistic appeared to be demonstrating a large increase in offences in the area. The recent incident at the Golden Hind has added to community fears.


A. Burglaries often increased in the run up to Christmas due to darker evenings. A criminal group had been active in the area and targeted work had picked them up. A single individual working an area could have a significant impact on the figures. However, some of the increase could simply be the result of better recording of incidents. There had not been a corresponding increase in the figures for personal injuries. 


Q3. Councillor Smart

Can anything be done to address rat running in Lovell Road or the way that statnavs direct motorist to some residential streets.


A. This had been an issue for some time. Action was taken when possible.


Q4. Councillor Sales

Action to address the use of Victoria Road by heavy goods vehicles appeared to have been a lot of effort for a small result. Signage in the area was poor and large vehicles often find they are committed to the turn before they see the signs.


A. Action was taken where possible.


Q5. Councillor Pitt

Are there any violent crime hotspots?


A. No. Reported crime is spread across the City.


Q6. Kay Harris

Crime in King Hedge’s appeared to be rising. Why?


A. This area gets a lot of Police attention. There were a number of local centres and gathering places for young people.


Q7. Councillor Austin

Residents reported traffic problems in Asham Road and Gurney Road at school drop off and collection times.


A. The school entrance on Gilbert Road could be problematic as a drop off or collection point and alternatives were encouraged. Parking in the area slows the flow of traffic and the Police were not aware of any major problems. Officers would be tasked to visit the area at these time.


Q8. Councillor Perry

Recent anti-drug use initiatives were welcomed. What work was on-going with users and what was being done to clean up drug user waste paraphernalia?


A. The Streetlife Service works with individuals to address their issues and to encourage safe disposal of contaminated waste. The City Rangers also clean up such waste.


Q9. Councillor Perry

What actions or sanctions were Speedwatch volunteers able to apply?


A. Speedwatch volunteers were not able to provide evidence that could result in court action. However, letters were sent to offending motorists. This evidence could also lead to Police action in problem areas.


Q10. Richard Taylor

Why do CCTV signs remain when the cameras appear to have been removed?


A. CCTV signs were often used to keep criminals guessing about where cameras were located.


Q11. Richard Taylor

North Area residents had concerns about a recent murder in the area. When would more information be released?


A. Police were not aware of any concerns in the neighbourhood. The incident was quite contained and the public were not in any danger. It would be inappropriate to comment further about on-going investigations.


Q12. Richard Taylor

Suggested that violent crime, burglary and reducing personal injuries be added as a priority?


A. These issues would always be a priority and were not the issues where a local area priority could add value.


The Committee agreed to consider the Akeman Street and Darwin Drive incidents at a later date when the Police had been given an opportunity to investigate the issues.


The Committee:


Resolved unanimously to prioritise the following:


     i.        Continue the safeguarding / enforcement work around the supply of Class A Drugs (Op Hexham).

      ii.            Speeding in the Chesterton High Street and Green end Road area.


Environmental Data Reports pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Additional documents:


The Committee received an Environmental Report from Wendy Young the Operations Manager (Community Engagement and Enforcement)                    


The Committee discussed the emerging priorities.


Wendy Young invited Councillors and members of the public to put forward suitable, small scale, community projects that could be completed as community pay-back tasks.


Members welcomed the suggestions of environmental ward walkabouts and stated that they would be happy to take part.


Councillor Pitt asked if action could be taken regarding dog fouling on Chesterton Recreation ground as raised in the Open Forum. It was suggested that Wendy Young would meet with  Friends of Chesterton Rec to agree what could be done. This would include additional bins and signage. This matter would be added to the priorities as an area for the dog wardens to patrol.


The Committee


Resolved unanimously to:


     i.        Enforcement joint working and patrols to deal with littering from students of Cambridge Regional College in the areas of Campkin Road and Nuns Way Recreation Ground and to work with the local businesses to address litter from their premises.

    ii.        Enforcement patrols to tackle fly tipping on communal archways and green areas at Minerva Way.

   iii.        Patrols to address dog fouling on Kings Hedges “Pulley” Recreation Ground, Nuns Way Recreation Ground, Arbury Town Park and Chesterton Recreation Ground including early mornings, evenings and weekends.

  iv.        Enforcement patrols to tackle fly tipping at Akeman Street and Darwin Drive and areas surrounding East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice shop forecourt.

   v.        Enforcement patrols to tackle littering issues from shops at Carlton Terrace, and Co-op on Chesterton Road and deal with waste management issues.


City Deal - Histon Road and Milton Road Improvements: Display and Introduction to consultation process

City Deal – Histon Road and Milton Road Improvements: Display and introduction to the consultation process. Full details of consultation can be found at www.gccitydeal.co.uk/transport


The Committee received a presentation from Richard Preston, Project Manager, Major Infrastructure Delivery regarding the City Deal – Histon Road and Milton Road proposals. The presentation covered the following:


     i.        The initial consultation had achieved a good response rate.

    ii.        At this stage the consultation was considering ideas and not firm proposals.

   iii.        Suggestions from the public were welcomed.

  iv.        Outlined the next steps of the process which would begin to develop a business case for the proposals and to investigate any mitigation measures that might be needed.

   v.        The governance structure of the City Deal Board was explained.

  vi.        The Board had five members but only the three Local Authority Leaders had voting rights.

 vii.        The Assembly sits below the Board.


Richard Preston invited questions from those present.


Q1. Councillor Pitt

Do decisions require a unanimous vote?


A. Richard Preston stated that there was an expectation that the Board would reach a consensus on decisions.


Q2. Michael Bond

A number of new Residents’ Associations have been formed and are talking to each other about their concerns regarding the proposals. The public are animated as there appeared to be a tendency for the proposals to favour the needs of commuters over local residents.


A. Councillor Todd-Jones suggested that this sort of question would be discussed at the Special Meeting of the North Area Committee on the 4th February.


Q3. Richard Taylor

Would modelling of the proposals be available in the near future?


Q4. Richard Taylor

The fate of trees in the area was missing from the environmental study. If trees were lost, would members talk to the Board and ask them to consider replacing lost trees with mature, established tree?


A. Councillor Todd-Jones stated that the meeting of the 4th February would fall within the consultation period. Councillors were currently listening and gathering public opinions.

Councillor Price agreed that at this stage Councillors were seeking public opinions before they formed a view on matters under consideration.


Q5. Member of the Public

More information was needed on the next rounds of the consultation process and the wider City Plan.


A. Richard Preston outlined the suggested timeframes as follows:


Early Summer: Reports on initial consultations and on the wider City proposals would go to the Board. This would put the proposals into context.


Mid-Summer: A14 corridor report would be added and this would bring the three stands together.


Later in the year, options would be selected and further consultations would follow.


As more detailed proposals emerged, further consultations round would follow as needed and as required by statute.


Q6. Member of the Public

Expressed concerns that the consultants appointed were are not fully aware of the requirements needed to ensure safe cycling.


A. Richard Preston confirmed that the consultants had been given a brief and were delivering on that brief. Cambridge cyclists were not a homogenous group and had different needs.


Q7. Councillor Manning agreed the concerns regarding cyclists. Live trials should be carried out as used in New York.



Network Rail - Cambridge North Station and Fen Road Level Crossing Updates

A.      Cambridge North Station Updates



B.      Fen Road Level Crossing


To update the community about the following:


·        Proposed commissioning date

·        Design progress with so far

·        Road closure

·         Composition of the Fen road Level Crossing working committee


Cambridge North Station


The Committee received a presentation from Network Rail regarding the progress on the Cambridge North Station plan.


The presentation included the following:


     i.        A new planning application would be submitted to the March Joint Development Control Committee.

    ii.        The visual impact of the station remained unchanged.

   iii.        Further changes to the car park could be decided at a later date.

  iv.        Current work on site was addressing the changes to the freight line layout.

   v.        The process for sourcing equipment and agreeing disruptions to active train lines was explained. These needed to be agreed many months in advance.

  vi.        The pre-fabricated construction of the station platforms was explained.

 vii.        Weekend closures of Fen Road crossing were due to end soon and the public were thanked for their cooperation during the unavoidable road closures.

viii.        The target opening date for the new station was now May 2017.

  ix.        The project was behind the original target date due to a number of factors including: planning consents, contracts, agreeing temporary line closures and funding issues.

   x.        Full service plans would be published soon.



Councillor Bird

Would all of the station platforms be wheelchair accessible?


A. Yes. There would be step free access to all platforms and the ticket office.


Paul Mumford (Planning Team Leader, South Cambridgeshire District Council)


The planning application would be considered by the Joint Development Control Committee shortly. This was a joint decisions making committee consisting of Cambridge City Council. South Cambs District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council. This would be the third time that a planning application for this station would be considered. However, all had agreed that a station in this location was acceptable. A third consideration of the application was needed as there had been a change of applicant and changes to the design of the station. The current application included a ground level only car park provision. The consultation period for this application had not yet closed.


Fen Road Level Crossing


The Committee received a presentation from Network Rail regarding the progress of the Fen Road Level Crossing improvements.


The presentation included the following:


     i.        The outline design had now been completed.

    ii.        Contact to deliver the project had gone out to tender.

   iii.        Network Rail was working with the community to minimise the impact of any closures.

  iv.        Work was on-going to secure additional land in the area to improve the safety of the crossing.

   v.        Other interested parties were being consulted.

  vi.        The work was due to be completed by June 2017.


The following questions were addressed:


Q1. Michael Bond

There appears to be an unofficial access route from Fen Road to Haling Way.


A. This was a temporary solution to allow pedestrian access while the work was on-going. The owner of the land had agreed the temporary use of this path. Fencing would be reinstated once the access was no longer required. The owner of the land had alternative, longer term plans for this site.


Q2. Michael Bond

Why was the level crossing work being delivered after the station?


A. Signalling work was very complex and complicated. It would not be done while any other work was on-going in the area for safety reasons.


Q3. Councillor Smart

Why was a single deck car park being delivered? Work to extend it at a later date would cause disruption and increase pressures on parking in the area.


A. Any proposals for a larger car park would need to be subject to their own planning process. Adding a second deck at a later date could be done sectionally to minimise the disruption. Network rail were aware of the need to manage parking.


Chris Howell

This project has subjected to many delays. What lessons had been learnt?


A. Network Rail endeavoured to learn from every project and lessons learn had been applied to other projects. However, as the project had evolved things had changed. At the time, there had been good reasons for all decision made regarding this project.


Councillor Todd-Jones thanked Network Rail for their interesting presentation.


Community Events and Consultation Opportunities pdf icon PDF 53 KB

For Information Only


To add your item to this list, please contact the Committee Manager.


Date of Next Meeting

4th February 2016 – Special North Area Committee Meeting

Farnsworth Room, Chesterton Community College.


31st March 2016 Buchan Street Community Centre