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Venue: Farnsworth Hall, Chesterton Community College, Gilbert Road, Cambridge CB4 3NY
Contact: Toni Birkin Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Tunnacliffe, Smart, Onasanya and Scutt |
Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest) |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the 12th February 2015 were agreed subject to minor corrections. Action Sheet updates were noted as follows: 14/73/NAC Trees on Milton Road Councillor O’Reilly had been due to meet with the County Council officers as this matter is within the remit of County Council budgets. The meeting has been deferred and an update will be provided at the next meeting. 14/75/NAC S106 – Play Equipment Currently out for consultation. 14/13/NAC Speed Awareness Courses Councillor Todd-Jones will contact the Police for more information. 14/26/NAC Tree Roots Green End Road Councillor Manning has had meetings with residents and and officers on the Green End Road redesign project. Decisions on any future action would be taken post-elections. 14/65/NAC Parking restrictions in De Freville Avenue area Councillor Scutt reported that a range of options were being considered for the area. 14/69/NAC Removed from action sheet as no longer relevant. 14/73/NAC Buchan Street parking issues. Issues now resolved. 15/4/NAC Student Housing restriction Councillor Todd-Jones had been advised by the Planning Department that the current Local Plan required legal agreements regarding student accommodation. The planning department confirmed that the current Cambridge
Local Plan 2006 requires any speculative student accommodation (i.e. not being
provided for a named institution and not covered by policies 7/7 or 7/9
relating to the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University
respectively) to have a legally binding agreement or planning condition tied to
the Institution providing the accommodation (Policy 7/10 and supporting
paragraph 7.50, Cambridge Local Plan 2006) to ensure occupancy restrictions exist
to require the accommodation to be made available only to full-time students of
Anglia Ruskin University or the University of Cambridge. The Council normally
includes this restriction in the Section 106 agreement for a development.
Student housing in lieu of affordable housing is only permitted on a small
number of sites set out in the Proposals Schedule of the Cambridge Local Plan
2006. The emerging Local Plan (Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission) is still being examined by the Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. Policy 46 of the Cambridge Local Plan: Proposed Submission document requires institutions to demonstrate clear need for accommodation and that students must be attending the institution for a full-time course of one academic year of more. This approach is less restrictive than that of the adopted Cambridge Local Plan 2006 as the range of institutions able to use such accommodation is widened, but the emerging policy still seeks to address local concerns about the high turnover of student accommodation for language school and ‘crammer’ use by specifying course length of one academic year or more. The approach to providing student housing in lieu of affordable housing has been discontinued in the emerging plan. It should be noted that the weight which can be given to the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission is limited as its policies have not been found sound by the Inspectors as yet and the number and type of objections to Policy 46 reduce its weight in decision-making (in line with the requirements of paragraph 216 of the National Planning Policy Framework). Issues suggested by the public. Councillor Manning reminded the committee that there were a number of issues that had not been addressed. It was agreed that the list would be reviewed and, where possible, issues would appear on future agendas or be removed if they were not to be delivered or were no longer relevant. |
To note decisions taken by the Chair, Vice Chair and Spokesperson since the last meeting of the North Area Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the Urgent Decision regarding the S106 grant St Luke’s Church & Community Centre as detail in the Record of Decision. |
YOU WANT TO KNOW (OPEN FORUM) 6.45pm Minutes: Q1 Mr Whyte asked
Councillor Price for an update on the work in Buchan Street. The work needs to
be done as soon as possible, funding had been agreed some time ago and the
project needed to be delivered. Benches would also improve the area. A. Councillor Price stated that it had been hoped that contractors would be on site by the 7th April. He undertook to investigate the matter. Action Q2 Leila Dockerill stated that the area around Tesco’s continued to
be untidy. Inconsiderate parking was adding to the issues in the area. A. Councillor Price agreed that it difficult to keep on top of issues in that area. Q3 Kay Harris
complained that constructions traffic was causing damage to pavements and grass
verges in the Campkin Road area. A. Councillor Price stated that a lot of development work was taking place in the area. Temporary parking solutions had been necessary to allow work to be undertaken in areas such as Atkins Close. The verges were County Council land and permission had been given for their temporary use. Remedial work would be carried out once the construction work was completed. Q4 Patrick Sheil stated that road resurfacing work had been undertaken
in the Badminton Close, McManus Estate area. However, the pavements remained in
a poor condition. A. Councillor Manning suggested that this matter should be referred to West Central Area Committee. He further informed the Committee that County Council policy had changed regarding repair work and contractors should repair all damage in the area, not just that which they are called out to. Q5 Leila Dockerill raised the issue of inconsiderate parking
restricting access for Fire Service vehicles to narrow streets in the area. A. Councillor Price undertook to investigate what action was being taken as this was a city-wide problem. Action |
Environmental Data Reports PDF 3 MB Public Realm Manager: Wendy Young 7.15pm Minutes: The Committee received an Environmental Data Report from Wendy Young the Public Realm Manager. The Committee discussed the emerging priorities. The Committee welcomed the proposed large scale mail-drop regarding litter, cigarette butts in particular. The Public Realm Manager undertook to circulate the letter to members for information. Action The Committee made the following comments: i. Praised the recent work done to remove illegal advertising boards. ii. Hoped to see year on year improvements from the programme iii. New bins in Gilbert Road were welcomed. However, they would be more useful if they were nearer to Chesterton Community College. iv. Additional dog waste bins long the towpath on Midsummer Common would be useful. v. Suggested that the data was hard to interpret and requested commentary to explain seasonal variations. vi. An area of green space between Cam Causeway and Fen Road was prone to fly tipping. Enforcement action was needed. vii. Campkin Road litter patrols were welcomed. However, it was suggested that if these could be timed for the lunch time period, they would be more productive. Litter enforcement on all routes around Cambridge Regional College was suggested. viii. Logan’s Meadow was continued to be contaminated with dog faeces. Additional bins had been added but more might be needed. ix. The area around Grumpy’s is suffering from a number problems including: inconsiderate parking, graffiti, groups of youths hanging about and litter. x. Carlton Way would benefit from a full set of waste and recycling bins. The Committee Resolved unanimously to: Continuing with
the following priorities 1.
patrols to tackle fly-tipping at
Kingsway Flats 2.
joint working and patrols to deal with littering from students of Cambridge
Regional College in the areas of Campkin Road and
Nuns Way Recreation Ground and to work
with the local business to address litter from their premises 3.
morning patrols for dog fouling on Kings Hedges (Pulley) Recreation Ground. 4.
Enforcement patrols to address issues of littering
in and around the Bermuda Terrace area and to write to all residents
regarding their responsibilities for disposing of litter Add the following
new priorities 5.
Park deep cleanse, to include removal of graffiti, flyposting, litter, dog
fouling, vegetation cut back and sweeping at Humphreys Road play area, Scotland
Road Recreation Ground, Arbury Town Park and Chestnut
Grove Recreation Ground. 6.
patrols to address issues of fly tipping at public and neighbourhood recycling
centres. 7.
patrols to address issues of litter and graffiti in the area of Green End Road
(co-op and Grumpy’s area). 8. Investigate fly tipping in green space around Cam Causeway and Fen Road. |
Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods PDF 302 KB Safer Communities Manager: Lynda Kilkelly 7. 45pm Minutes: The Committee received a report from
Inspector Johnson regarding Policing and Safer Neighbourhood Trends. The report outlined actions taken since the
North Area Committee of the 18th December 2014. The current emerging
issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for
full details). The Committee and members of the public
asked the following question regarding the report: Q1
Councillor O’Reilly asked is action could be taken regarding the number of
heavy good vehicles that used Victoria Road as a short cut. Residents had
complained that they were unable to sleep due to the noise and vibration. A. This could be added to the priorities. Q2 Councillor Sarris asked for mobile CCTV to
be deployed around Grumpy’s as anti-social behaviour
was on the increase in the area. A. This could be requested as a priority. Q3 Councillor Sarris asked for more details on
drug dealing outlined in the report. What were the quantities involved? A. Good intelligence had been received to
suggest that London dealers were operating in the area. Individuals had been
found with enough drugs on them to facilitate dealing over a number of days. Q4 Councillor Price asked if in the reported
increase in theft was linked to specific individuals. He further suggested that
burglary could be added to the priorities. A. Burglary was always seen as a priority and there was little benefit from adding it the area committee priorities. Known offenders were monitored on release from prison. Q5 Richard Taylor stated that Area Committees
needed better information in order to set their priorities. This should include
injury statistics, the cost of crime and speeding statistics. He suggested that
vehicle crime should be separated out from anti-social behaviour statistics.
Also, information from other sources should such as the Police and Crime
Commissioner reports, and local level anti-social behaviour meeting, should
also be included. A. Data produced for different Area Committee needed to be consistent and meaningful. There was very limited support staffing available to break down the data and it would not be the best use of resources to pull staff away from other tasks to complete the analysis. The Safer Communities Manager stated that issues raised at anti-social behaviour meetings were addressed. She suggested that the Committee invited the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Outreach Worker to attend this meeting as she was based locally. Councillor Manning suggested that better use could be made of ‘Open data’ and undertook to work with Councillor Todd-Jones on this issue. Action Q6 Councillor Austin asked why violent crime
appeared to be on the increase. A. this is most likely to be related to improved ways of recording crimes. Q7 Kay Harris asked if phone scams could be
included in the report. A. Local figures would not be available as such crimes were classed as fraud and addressed by Action Fraud rather than local teams. Q8 Councillor Perry asked why the Police were
unable to assist cyclist if someone else adds a lock to their bike. A. Bike thieves employed a number of methods to separate cycles from their rightful owners. Owners needed to take steps to register their bike and to be able supply evidence of ownership. This would help the Police to reunite owners with their cycles. There was evidence that cycles were targeted for resale, often in other areas. Q10 Mr Whyte stated that action against
professional drivers exceeding the 20 mph limit had produced results. However,
cyclist continued to break the rules of the road without fear of consequences. A. Cyclists could be given fixed penalty notices. The Committee
discussed additional priorities and the following were suggested:
using Victoria Avenue at night.
using Milton Road at night.
around Grumpy’s. iv.
rises in ASB on open spaces. The Committee: Resolved unanimously to prioritise the following: i. Continue the safeguarding / enforcement work around the supply of Class A Drugs (Op Hexham) ii. ASB Scotland Road / Green End Road iii. Road enforcement action as follows: · To continue with the support of the 20mph speed limit. · Road enforcement action in one area/street from each ward to be identified by the Ward Councillors in consultation with the Chair. |
Area Committee Grants 2015-16 - NAC PDF 164 KB Community Funding and Development Manager: Jackie Hanson 8.30pm Minutes: The Committee received a report from Jackie Hanson, the Community Funding and Development Manager regarding the Area Committee Grants for 2015-16. The Community Funding and Development Manager responded to questions as follows: Q1. Councillor Austin
questioned who would manage the Christmas lights at Mitcham’s Corner project. A. The Friends of Mitcham’s Corner would manage the project. Q2. Councillor
Manning questioned the combining of funding aimed at addressing two different
objectives: Safer City and Community Grants. He suggested there needed to be
greater clarity about which objective projects were addressing. A. Information on the two priorities was supplied to grant applicants. However, the two budgets had been merged following a decision of the Executive Councillor at a Scrutiny Committee and allocations were not awarded in strictly proportional basis. In addition, many projects addressed both priorities. Q3. Councillor Pitt
questioned why a grant applicant was being awarded a grant when they had
returned a grant awarded last year. A. There are a number of reasons why a grant might be returned, for example, a project not being delivered for various reasons. The applicant had followed procedure in returning the unused grant and this would not make the applicant ineligible to apply again the following year. The Committee: Resolved unanimously: i.
to agree the proposed awards detailed in
Appendix 1 and summarised in the table included in the Officer’s report. |
North Area Committee Dates 2015-16 9.00pm The Committee is asked to agree the following meeting dates: 11 June 2015 24 Sept 2015 12 Nov 2015 7 Jan 2016 31 March 2016 Members are asked to contact the Committee Manager in advance of the meeting with any comments regarding the above dates. Minutes: The Committee
received a report for the Committee Manager recommending meeting dates for the
municipal year 2014 to 2015. RESOLVED (unanimously) to agree the following
meeting dates: 11 June 2015 24 Sep 2015 12 Nov 2015 7 Jan 2016 31 March 2016 Committee Manager post-meeting note Following consultation with members, the meeting for the 24 September 2015 has been rescheduled to the 10th September 2015 due to a clash of dates. |