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Venue: Shirley Primary School, Nuffield Road, Cambridge CB4 1TF. View directions
Contact: Toni Birkin Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor O’Reilly. Thanks were expressed to Councillor Price for Chairing the planning part of the North Area Committee. |
Declarations of Interest (Planning) Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal Services should be sought before the meeting. Minutes:
To agree the minutes of the meeting of the 3 July 2014 as a
correct record. Minutes: The Minutes for the meeting of the 3 July 2014 were agreed
and signed as a correct record. |
The applications for planning permission listed below require determination. A report is attached with a plan showing the location of the relevant site. Detailed plans relating to the applications will be displayed at the meeting. |
14/0614/FUL - 38 Chesterton Hall Crecsent PDF 92 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application sought approval
for retrospective
change of use from C3(a) to C1 - provision of 3 bedroom bed & breakfast
amenity. The applicant addressed the Committeein support of the application.
Resolved (unanimously) to grant the application for planning permission in accordance with officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, subject to the conditions recommended by the officers. |
14/0518/FUL - Land Rear of 243, 245 & 247 Milton Road PDF 161 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application sought approval
the erection of a detached dwelling with associated garage on land to the rear
of no.243, 245 and 247 Milton Road. The Committee received
representations in objection to the application from Mrs Barham
and Mr Baxter. The representations
covered the following issues: i. Flooding issue due to insufficient surface water drainage. ii. Overlooking and loss of privacy. iii. Concern regarding the timing of the plans and inaccuracies in the drawings. Mr Webb addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant and in support of the application.
Resolved (unanimously) to grant the application
for planning permission in accordance with officer recommendation, for the
reasons set out in the officer report, subject to the conditions recommended by
the officers - including an additional condition regarding surface water drainage. |
14/0890/FUL - 127 Milton Road PDF 164 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application sought approval
for the erection of 4No 1
Bedroom Apartments. The Committee
received representations in objection to the application from Mr Lake and Mr
Lockhart-Thomas. The representations
covered the following issues: i. Loss of light. ii. Loss of neighbour amenity. iii. Unsuitable access for emergency vehicles. iv. Contravenes 3/10 of the Cambridge Local Plan. v. Parking and safety issues. vi. Not in keeping with the area. vii. Design of Pye Alley would result in dangerous blind exit to the shops on Milton Road. Mr Ball addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant and in support of the application.
The Committee: Resolved (by 5 votes to 1) to reject the officer recommendation to approve the application. Resolved (by 7
votes to 0) to refuse the
application contrary to the officer recommendations for the following
reasons: 1.
Due to its height and position close to properties
in Mulberry Close, the proposal would cause unacceptable harm to the
residential amenity of neighbours through visual dominance and sense of
enclosure. The proposal therefore fails to comply with policy 3/4 and 3/12 of
the Cambridge Local Plan (2006) and government guidance in the National
Planning Policy Framework (2012). 2.
The proposal provides inadequate car parking space
(including space for disabled residents and visitors) for the occupiers of the
existing and proposed residential units, contrary to policies 3/10 and 8/10 of
the Cambridge Local Plan (2006). |
14/0447/FUL - 192 Green End Road PDF 85 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application sought approval
for change of use from motor
bike show room to supermarket with cafe [without cooking facilities] and
installation of air compressor unit (retrospective). Resolved (unanimously) to grant the application
for planning permission in accordance with officer recommendation, for the
reasons set out in the officer report, subject to the conditions recommended by
the officers and the following additional pre-committee condition: Within one calendar month of the receipt of the Decision Notice an
Acoustic Report and Mitigation Strategy relating to the plant shall be
submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. Within one calendar month of the written
approval of the submitted Acoustic Report and Mitigation Strategy, or in
accordance with a timetable agreed with the Local Planning Authority, the
Mitigation Strategy shall be carried out and a Commissioning Certificate
submitted to the Local Planning Authority.
The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved
Mitigation Strategy in perpetuity and the equipment shall be maintained in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Reason: In the interests of residential amenity. (Cambridge Local Plan
2006, policy 4/13) |
14/0936/FUL- Garages 301-326 Hawkins Road PDF 168 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for full planning permission. The application sought approval
for the
demolition of existing garages (26 No.) and erection of residential units, all
of affordable tenure. The proposal shows 9 units in total. 3 No. 2 Bed houses,
2 No. 3 Bed houses and 4 No. 1Bed flats, with associated car parking, and
private and shared amenity space. This is as part of the Cambridge City Council
Affordable Housing Framework. Resolved (unanimously) to defer the
application until Planning Committee 1st October 2014, because
representations made by neighbours had not reached the Case Officer. |
General Items |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report recommending that enforcement action be authorised in
respect of the breach of planning condition. Mr Merritt spoke in support of enforcement action. Resolved (unanimously) that enforcement action be authorised in respect of the breach of planning condition. |