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Agenda and minutes

Venue: North Cambridge Academy, Arbury Road, Cambridge CB4 2JF.

Contact: Toni Birkin  Committee Manager

No. Item


Election of Chair and Vice Chair - NAC


The Committee Manager took the Chair whilst the North Area Committee elected a Chair.


Councillor Price proposed, and Councillor Perry seconded, the nomination of Councillor Todd-Jones as Chair.


Resolved (unanimously) that Councillor Todd-Jones be Chair for the ensuing year.


Councillor Todd-Jones assumed the Chair from the Committee Manager at this point.


Councillor Gawthrope proposed, and Councillor Austin seconded, the nomination of Councillor Perry as Vice Chair.


Councillor Tunnacliffe proposed, and Councillor Bird seconded, the nomination of Councillor Austin as Vice Chair.


Resolved (6 by votes for Councillor Perry and 2 votes for Councillor Austin) that Councillor Perry be Vice Chair for the ensuing year.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Sarris and O’Reilly.


Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest)


The Chair welcomed the new councillor for West Chesterton, Councillor Mike Sargeant.


The Chair noted the Committee’s thanks to former Councillor Mike Pitt, a former Chair of the North Area Committee, for his contributions whilst in office.


To Confirm What was Said (Minutes) at the Last Meeting and What we Have Done (Action List)


The minutes of the meeting of the 31st March 2016 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


The following updates to the action sheet were noted:


14/26/NAC Tree roots in Green End Road – Councillor Manning reported that the City Deal Board had discussed this matter earlier today.


14/74/NAC Chesterton Sports Pavilion – The Pavilion was now completed and was open would be available shortly for public use.


16/19/NAC Use of the Meadow Centre – Councillor Todd-Jones undertook to investigate further.


16/21/NAC Q3 Hanging Baskets – Completed.


'This is Arbury' Short Film followed by Q&A

Jane Rich, Director of Cambridge Community Arts will bring along some of the young people involved in making this short film about Arbury.


The Principal of North Cambridge Academy welcomed the North Area Committee and gave an update on the improved facilities now available on the site. The Committee watched a short film produced by students of the Academy.


You Want to Know (Open Forum)


Q1    Doug Whyte: What can be done to improve the street lighting in Callander Close?


A. As street lighting was a County Council issue, Councillor Todd-Jones undertook to pass this question on the County Councillor Onasanya.

Action: Councillor Todd-Jones / Councillor Onasanya


Q2.   Michael Bond: In April there was some publicity surrounding the incursions onto Chesterton Recreation ground by an individual exercising his trotting horse much to the consternation of children and others using the recreation ground at the time. When I investigated I found a section of fence between the recreation ground and the joint user path had been cut away and removed to allow access for the horse and trotting cart from St Andrew's churchyard. This access is still open. When is it going to be closed?


A. Councillor Todd-Jones reported that the City Council’s asset management team were proposing to install sections of steel bow top fencing along this small section. The fence will be approximately 1 metre in height and will be far more difficult to damage for access.


Q3. What action is being taken to remove travellers from green spaces near the King Hedges Learner Pool?


A. Chief Inspector Ormerod stated that it was difficult to move on travellers unless there were aggravating factors.


Q4.   City Deal decision regarding trees have been delegated to County Council officers. Why are they not being taken in public?


A. Councillor Scutt suggested Mr Taylor ask this question at the County Council Full Council meeting. She also undertook to raise this with the City Deal Board on his behalf.

Action: Councillor Scutt


Councillor Todd-Jones stated that a Local Liaison Forum would be set up soon to represent stakeholders in cross authority decisions.


Councillor Manning stated that the initial meeting of the forum, on the 13th June, would not be open to the public as this would be a procedural meeting. Future meeting would be open for public.


Q5.   Milton Road residents were concerned that the County Council regarded their area as a route into the City Centre and not as a residential area with its own needs.


A. Councillors recognised the strength of feeling in the area.


Q6.   Why were hedges in Mere Way being removed?


A. Councillor Todd-Jones stated that the need for improvement work to footpaths in the area had been identified previously and money had been allocated accordingly.


Q7.   What progress has been made regarding improvement to speed bumps on Campkin Road.


A. Councillor Onasanya reported that this work would be completed in the next few weeks.


Q8. Corona Road Public Art (ornamental gates) might be lost due to a dispute between residents and the developer.


A. Councillor Sargeant undertook to investigate this matter with the Planning Officer involved.

Action: Councillor Sargeant


Q9. Member of the public complained that they did not know who Councillors were, which Wards they represented or which political parties they belonged to.


Members introduced themselves.


Stagecoach - Andy Campbell


The Committee welcomed Andy Campbell, Managing Director of Stagecoach East and Tom Waterhouse, Operations Manager at Cambridge to North Area Committee.


The following questions were asked by members of the public and Councillors.


Q1    Why had the route of the Citi 8 changed so that is now terminates at Drummer Street when it previously went on to Addenbrooke’s Hospital? A petition will be presented to the County Council seeking a full reinstatement of the route.


A. This bus serves a rural community and the unpredictable nature of Hills Road traffic caused timetabling issues and delays. Most bus users used tickets that allow them to use more than one bus without additional expense and once in the central area, there were a number of buses that allowed passengers easy access to the hospital. A decision had been taken that termination at Drummer Street would allow greater efficiency.


Q2.   Milton Road currently has a poor service. Could the Citi 2 be re-routed for some of its trips?


A. This would not be possible. However, increased demand as Waterbeach grows could lead to an improved services as some future date.


Q3.   Would a bus lane be viable in Histon Road?


A. Most of Histon Road was too narrow for this option.


Q4.   Have cashless buses been considered?


A. Cashless trips where encouraged and the online purchase of tickets was increasing. However, some member of the public still preferred to purchase on the bus.


Q5.   Milton Road was experiencing all the pain of City Deal Improvements but would see little gain.


A. The City Deal offers little extra profit for the bus companies. Any changes would involve high risk commercial outlay.


Q6.   Would there a be a link from the Histon Road and Milton Road to the Cambridge North Station?


A. There could be service changes such as the Citi 2 terminating at the station or services from St Ives and Northstowe going to the station.


Q7.   What can be done to give buses better road priority?


A. Increased use of rising bollards, bus lanes and improved signalling.


Q8.   Guided buses and Park and Ride buses should stop more frequently in the City.


A. This would make it less popular with those using it to come in from rural area. Parking charges, and confusion about how to pay for parking, had already reduced use of Park and Ride.


Q9.   Why do all buses go to Drummer Street? Have orbital routes been considered?


A. Service users want to go into central Cambridge. A proper bus station was needed.


Q10. The voice of bus providers and users is not listened to by decision makers.


Q11. Mitcham’s Corner is badly served by buses.


A. This is an issue for the City Deal Board.


Q12. Have tidal bus lanes been considered?


A. This can work but signage and bus stop access would need careful consideration.


Q13. Citi 1 is full of students when it arrives at Gilbert Road in the mornings. Can an alternative service be provided for them?


A. Varying a service at certain times of the day is confusing for users and unpopular.


Q14. When will the Guided Bus service be re-tendered?


A. This is not a tendered service.


Q15. Addenbrooke’s site is growing. What infrastructure is in place for the increased demand?


A. A new bus station could cope with double capacity. Also, a there was potential for a rail station and an additional park and ride site at Four Went Ways.


Q16. Bus costs impact on young people.


A. Operators need to cover costs.


Q17. Disabled people feel discriminated against due to lack of space and what space there is being occupied by push chairs.


A. Drivers are instructed to assist disabled people and if an alternative bus is not expected shortly, they can arrange alternative provision such as a taxi.


NAC Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 144 KB


The Committee received a report from Sergeant Wragg regarding Policing and Safer Neighbourhood Trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the North Area Committee of the 20 January 2016. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details).


Sarah Steggles, Anti-Social Behaviour Officer added an update for the City Council’s perspective.


The Committee and members of the public asked the following question regarding the report:


Q1. Do drivers get fined if caught speeding by roving speed units?


A. Follow up action is taken.


Q2.   Is follow up action taken if drivers were caught by speed watch volunteers?


A. Follow up letters can be sent.


Q3.   Neighbourhood Watch signs, which had incurred a charge to resident groups, had been removed during street lighting work. 


A. Councillor Scutt stated that this matter was under investigation with Balfour Beatty and suggested that Neighbourhood Watch co-coordinators could contact Kate Waite at Parkside Police Station for more information.


Q4.   Grumpy’s Corner, East Chesterton, continues to be an area of concern.


A. Joint working with the shop keeper last year led to him installing his own camera monitoring the parking area in front of the shops.  This area could be added as a priority.


Q5.   Violent crime appeared to be on the increase. Why?


A. There has been an increase in population in the area (Orchard Park and Growth of CRC). Also, recording methods had changed.


Q6.   Why is there no detailed information on domestic violence in the recorded statistics?


A. It was not possible to break down the statistic into that much detail.


The Committee resolved unanimously to prioritise:


     i.        Continue with Class A drug work – this underpins much criminality and also impacts on community safety.

    ii.        Monitor anti-social behaviour around Grumpy’s and the Fen Road area.


Environmental Reports - NAC pdf icon PDF 1 MB


The Committee received a report from the Community Engagement and Enforcement team. Community Enforcement officers were present to answer questions.


The report outlined an overview of City Council Refuse and Environment and Streets and Open Spaces service activity relating to the geographical area served by the North Area Committee.  The report identified the reactive and proactive service actions undertaken in the previous quarter, including the requested priority targets, and reported back on the recommended issues and associated actions. It also included key officer contacts for the reporting of waste and refuse and public realm issues.


The following were suggestions for Members on what action could be considered for priority within the North Area for the next quarter:


·        Continue to address litter left dropped on route from CRC to local shops

·        Continue to tackle fly tipping.

·        Investigate litter around Green End Road Co-op.

·        Investigate fly tipping/litter around Elizabeth Way underpass. – this falls within the East area and will be monitored by the team


The Committee resolved unanimously to prioritise:


Continue the following existing priorities:


     i.        Enforcement joint working and patrols to deal with littering from students of Cambridge Regional College in the areas of Campkin Road and Nuns Way Recreation Ground and to work with the local businesses to address litter from their premises.

    ii.        Enforcement patrols to tackle fly tipping on communal archways and green areas at Minerva Way, Nuns Way, Campkin Road, Arbury Court, Nicholson Way and Maitland Avenue area.

   iii.        Patrols to address dog fouling on Kings Hedges “Pulley” Recreation Ground, Nuns Way Recreation Ground and Arbury Town Park including early mornings, evenings and weekends.

  iv.        Enforcement patrols to tackle littering issues from shops at Carlton Terrace, and deal with waste management issues.

   v.        Enforcement patrols to tackle fly tipping and litter in the alleyway between Kinross Road to Pakenham Close.


New Priority:


  vi.        Monitor litter and fly tipping around Elizabeth Way underpass.


Community Events pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee noted the Community Events.