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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Buchan Street, Cambridge CB4 2XF

Contact: Toni Birkin  Committee Manager

No. Item

Request to film the meeting

The Chair gave permission for Mr Richard Taylor to film the meeting. It was confirmed that the filming would cease if members of the public or speakers expressed a desire not to be filmed. Members of the public were given an opportunity to state if they did not want to be filmed.


One member of the public requested not to be filmed and this was communicated to Mr Taylor.




Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Pitt and Councillor Sarris.


Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest)


The Chair welcomed the public and explained the format of the meeting.

Thanks were expressed to Councillor Pitt for Chairing the meeting during 2013/14 and new members of the committee were welcomed.

Declarations of Interest







Personal: Member of the Friends of Mitcham’s Corner



Personal: Lives on the Vie Estate





To agree the minutes of the meetings of the 8 May 2014.


Additional documents:


Councillor Manning proposed the following addition to 14/41/NAC – Open Forum (page 9 of the agenda):


Response to Mr Richard Taylor’s question regarding the Fen Road Steering Group:


“Councillor Manning pointed out that the Fen Road Steering Group was a public meeting, advertised at both preceding Area Committees. Councillor Manning also stated that he had repeatedly told Mr Taylor this personally, as well as in public.”


Councillor Manning proposed the following addition to 14/42/NAC - Proposed 20mph for Victoria Road (page 15 or the agenda):


Addition underlined


“Councillor Manning prompted those present that the proposal was about protecting local residents and should not be about protecting Stage Coach’s profits.”


Councillor Price noted that the question regarding hate crime figures (14/41/NAC Police and Safer Neighbourhoods - page 11 of the agenda) should be attributed to Mr Timothy Sykes and not Mr Timothy Bond.


Mr Michael Bond proposed the following amendment to his public question regarding 20mph speed limits (14/41/NAC Police and Safer Neighbourhoods – page 10 of the agenda):


Delete and replace with:


Michael Bond: I was delighted to see the team in Arbury Road enforcing the 20mph speed limit which did have an effect on driver’s behaviour. I acknowledge that it is difficult to keep to the 20mph limit.


With these minor amendments it was agreed that the minutes of the meeting of 8 May 2014 would be signed by the Chair at the next meeting. 


The Committee noted the updated actions as detailed on the action sheet.


The following oral updates were noted:


Via the Chair, Councillor Pitt had requested that the replanting of trees on Milton Road which were being affected by the bus route be added to the Action Sheet. This requested was noted.


13/81/NAC Open Forum – cycle signage: Councillor Onasanya confirmed she had received a draft plan based on the initial survey. This was not a definitive map but an indication of ‘work in progress’.


14/9/NAC Open Forum – enforcement vehicle and penalty notices for pavement parking: Councillor Manning suggested that the committee write to the Community Safety Partnership for an update on the action taken. This requested was noted.


14/40/NAC Open Forum – cost of repairs to bridge at Jesus Green: Councillor Manning confirmed that the cost was likely to be around £330,000.


14/26/NAC – tree roots causing a trip hazard: Councillor Manning confirmed that the issue was ongoing.


14/40/NAC Open Forum - improvement to communication regarding future work projects: Councillor Onasanya confirmed that she had spoken with officers and had been assured that communication had been as wide as possible. Officers requested feedback from the public where they thought consultation and communication could have been improved. Councillor Manning said that the road works on Milton Road for the guided busway extention to the new station would be a good example of communication and how it worked or didn’t work.  




Michael Bond: The Chesterton Festival took place last week and was a success with nearly 50 stalls, good weather and a lot of money raised for charity. I would like to thank the North Area Committee for funding this.




Michael Bond: St Andrew’s Church Hall would only be closed for two weeks during August and then be open for the remainder of the building work. The first Manager of St Andrew’s Hall, Eleanor Whalley, had left to take up a curacy at St Neots, having been ordained as a Deacon. We would like to thank her for all of her hard work.




Lil Speed: I would like to ask Councillor Manning how long he has been an East Chesterton Ward Councillor, how much he is paid and what he has done for the local area?


Councillor Manning responded that he had been elected in 2010 and the basic allowance for a County Councillor was £7400. He had worked on many projects in the area such as the Penny Ferry planning application, the new station development and helped raise over £100,000 for the Fen Road area.


Lil Speed: You have not improved paving in the area or addressed pothole issues. Who is your boss?


Councillor Manning responded that local residents were his ‘boss’ as they had elected him as a Councillor.


Richard Taylor: I support Councillor Pitt’s request to keep the Milton Road trees issue on the Action List.


Councillor O’Reilly agreed to provide an update to the next meeting.


Richard Taylor: I suggest that no work be progressed on the cycle signage draft plan received by Councillor Onasanya until a final definitive version is agreed.




Richard Taylor: Has the safety assessment for the junction between Milton Road and the new development between Milton Road and Woodhead Drive, which was required under a planning condition, been carried out?


Councillor Onasanya agreed to liaise with County Highways regarding the safety assessment.



Revised project appraisal for the BMX track at Brown's Field pdf icon PDF 412 KB


The committee received a report from the Asset Manager regarding the BMX track at Brown’s Field, which NAC had previously identified as a local S106 priority project.


The committee had considered an earlier project appraisal last February but had asked officers to revise the project proposals (without the need for additional funding beyond the £30,000 already assigned) and undertake further consultation in order to take account of concerns from some local residents. Arrangements were now being made to select a contractor to develop specific design proposals. Consultation on these proposals would then be undertaken this summer.


An update on the specific design proposals for this project and the feedback from subsequent consultation with local residents and BMX track users will be reported back to the NAC Chair, Vice Chair and Opposition Spokes (or full Area Committee, if appropriate) before going ahead with this project.


Councillor Manning expressed regret about the delay on a project designed for young people being scaled down, and the message this sends to them given comments in the reports/meetings which imply that teenagers will bring ASB.


Officers were asked to look at an area which could be devoted to teenagers/older children - potentially resurrecting the parkour idea and combing this with a street biking facility. The underpass on Elizabeth Way with Newmarket road was suggested as a potential location that wouldn't need much work and which was far away from residential properties.


In response to Member’s questions the Asset Manager said the following:


i.                 He was confident that the final scheme proposed for the site would work for all involved.

ii.               The Children and Young People's Participation Service (ChYpPS) were assisting with the consultation on the design proposals.


Resolved (by 8 votes to 0):

Financial recommendations

·       To continue this scheme, which is included on the Council’s Capital & Revenue Project Plan (PR031b).

·       The total cost of the project remains as £30,000 which is funded from developer contributions listed in Appendix B of the officer’s report.

·        That the ongoing revenue costs of the project are £1,500 per year over 20 years funded from existing repairs and renewals budgets.


Procurement recommendations:

·       To approve the carrying out and completion of the procurement of a BMX facility to the value of £30,000.

·       Subject to:

-         The permission of the Director of Business Transformation being sought prior to proceeding, if the quotation or tender sum exceeds the estimated contract.


-         The permission from the North Area Committee Chair being sought before proceeding if the value exceeds the estimated contract by more than 15%.


-         A further consultation on concepts and designs shortlisted from a Request for Quotation.


























Report attached separately


The committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager regarding the Mitcham’s Models Public Art Project. It was proposed that the following additional grant condition be included alongside those listed in section 5.8 of the officer’s report:


       i.          The grant recipients must take into account public safety matters and acquire the necessary safety approvals.


The committee agreed this additional condition unanimously.


In response to member’s questions the Urban Growth Project Manager said the following:


     ii.          The S106 Public Art contributions were ideally suited to fund this type of project.


Paddy Mannion (Friends of Mitcham's Corner) spoke in support of the project and confirmed the following:


       i.          The mannequins would be professionally installed.

     ii.          A full risk assessment had been undertaken.

   iii.          Whilst a mannequin would be sited on a fire escape at 135 Chesterton Road this escape point was redundant and no longer is use. 

   iv.          Whilst the mannequin at Dumbleton’s would be sited on a fire escape it would not be blocking the escape route.


Members spoke in support of the public art project.


Resolved (unanimously) to:


Agree the grant-funding request from the Friends of Mitcham’s Corner for £2000 of devolved public art S106 contributions towards the costs of the Mitcham’s Models project, subject to the grant conditions below:


-        the mannequins must be decorated appropriately and not bring the Council into disrepute;


-        the grant recipients must have permission from the landowner to site the mannequins on their land;


-        as part of your Health & Safety Policy, please ensure that your risk assessment, amongst other issues, assesses the risks of using paint and the positioning of the mannequins;


-        you must also consider what insurance might be required;


-        the grant recipients must take into account public safety matters and acquire the necessary safety approvals.



Environmental Improvement Programme - NAC pdf icon PDF 36 KB

Additional documents:


The committee received a report from the Project Delivery and Environment Manager.


An updated covering report, updated Appendix A, additional scheme N28 (Vie Estate parking management) and updated Appendix E were tabled. These documents can be accessed via:




It was also noted that the school warning sign project had been omitted from Appendix E. With this correction the remaining sub-total should read £965.


In response to member’s questions the Project Delivery and Environment Manager said the following:


       i.          In response to complaints from the public the contractors responsible for the hanging baskets along Chesterton High Street would be asked to be mindful of causing a noise disturbance early in the morning.

     ii.          It was more cost effective to advertise the Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) together where possible.

   iii.          A lengthy statutory legal process was required when progressing TRO’s. This could only be undertaken by County Council officers, and not City Council officers.

   iv.          Scheme N1 (Fen Road adjacent to former Penny Ferry PH and Haylingway) would not form part of the new station area improvements.

    v.          The average cost of a single dropped kerb would be £2500-£3000 but this would be dependent on the site.

   vi.          Tackling dropped kerbs across the whole of the North area would be a resource intensive task. It was suggested that consultation be undertaken with Ward Councillors and disability groups to identify the highest priority areas.

 vii.          The issue with the flooding outside shops was being addressed through the County Council’s S106 process. Consultation would be undertaken in due course but the issue would be raised further with the City Council’s property team.

viii.          Officers had visited Chesterton High Street to assess the proposed pavements and kerb improvements (Scheme N26 - Chesterton High Street). The main problem was the level of the carriage way, not the level of the footway. The proposed £15,000 may not be sufficient and therefore, as it was a highways issue, the County Council may be asked for additional funds.


Mr Skeffington and Mr Romsopoulos spoke in support of Scheme N7 (Chesterton Road near Elizabeth Way).


Councillors spoke in support of their preferred schemes as listed in the officer’s amended report.


The committee:


Resolved (unanimously) to


       i.          Note the progress of existing schemes listed in Appendix C of the officer’s report.


     ii.          Allocate funding of £5,954 for the annual provision and maintenance of 36 hanging baskets along Chesterton High Street.


Resolved to:


       i.          Allocate the following match funding to the schemes that have secured a contribution from Cambridgeshire County Council’s Local Highway Improvement Programme:


-        N1 Fen Road adjacent to former Penny Ferry PH and Haylingway: Agreed by 7 vote to 0 - £1000 as requested

-        N3 Brimley Road verge reinforcement: Agreed unanimously - reduced amount of £1000

-        N7 Chesterton Road near Elizabeth Way: Agreed unanimously - £1000 as requested

-        N12 Mariners Way: Agreed unanimously - £1000 as requested

-        N13 Carlton Way verge reinforcement: Agreed unanimously - £5000 as requested

-        N28 Vie Estate parking management: Agreed unanimously - £500 as requested


Resolved to:


     ii.          Allocate to the following projects as listed in the amended Appendix A of the officer’s report:


-        N2 Campkin Road hanging baskets: Agreed (unanimously) - £2500 as requested

-        N5 Sherbourne Close tree: Agreed (unanimously) - £3000 as requested

-        N11 High Street by Haymakers Pub: Agreed (by 8 votes to 0) - £1000 as requested

-        N18 Ashfield Court replanting: Agreed (unanimously) - £5000 as requested

-        N21 Green End Road Rec park entrance: Agreed (unanimously) - £5000 as requested

-        N22 Church Street/High Street junction: Agreed (unanimously) - £5000 as requested

-        N24 St. Giles War Memorial: Agreed (unanimously) - £2000 as requested

-        N27 BrownsField and Bramblefield nature reserve - new benches: Agreed (unanimously) - £2500 as requested


Resolved (unanimously) to:


   iii.          Defer a decision on the following projects as listed in the amended Appendix A of the officer’s report:


-        N4 Halingway Droveway resurfacing

-        N6 Fallowfield Green replanting

-        N8 Frank's Lane railings

-        N9 Halingway green protection

-        N16 Fallowfield to Frank's lane cut-through

-        N17 Fallowfields planting

-        N20 Cam Causeway greening

-        N26 Chesterton High Street






Resolved (unanimously) to:


   iv.          Incorporate N14 (Kinross Road dropped kerb), N15 (Sherbourne Close dropped kerb and path improvements) and N23 (Ferrars Way dropped kerbs) as part of the strategic N25 (North area ward dropped crossing improvements) dropped crossing improvements scheme (total allocation of £25,000)


Resolved (by 8 votes 0) to:


    v.          Remove N10 (High Street to Scotland Road cut-through) from the list.


Resolved (unanimously) to:


   vi.          Remove N19 (Junction of Milton Road/Green End Road) from the list.


Resolved (unanimously) to:


 vii.          Approve the delivery of the minor traffic regulation orders listed in the amended Appendix E, at an estimated cost of £3,350, funded by the remainder of the North Area Committee 2011/12 joint minor highway works budget.


viii.          Approve the projects for implementation, subject to positive consultation where required and final approval by Ward Councillors.


Resolved (by 8 votes to 0) to:


       i.          Allocate the remaining £15,777 to the strategic N25 (North area ward dropped crossing improvements) dropped crossing improvements scheme.