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Venue: Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Buchan Street, Cambridge CB4 2XF
Contact: Toni Birkin Committee Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||
Request to Film meeting The Chair gave
permission for Cambridge City Council and Richard Taylor to film the meeting.
It was confirmed that the filming would cease if members of the public or
speakers expressed a desire not to be filmed. Members of the public were given
an opportunity to state if they did not want to be filmed. Four members of the
public replied that they did not wish to be filmed and this was communicated to
those filming. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Abbott, Sales and Scutt. |
Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest) Minutes:
Councillor Pitt announced that
this would be the last North Area Committee for Councillors Brierley,
Boyce and Kerr and wished to thank them for their hard work and
commitment. Under paragraph 4.2.1 of the Council Procedure Rules, the Chair used his discretion to alter the order of the agenda items. However, for ease of the reader, these minutes will follow the order of the agenda |
To agree the minutes of the meetings of the 6th February 2014 and 30th March 2014. Updates to Action Sheet to be noted. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meetings of 6 February and 30 March 2014
were agreed and signed as a correct record. The Committee noted the updated actions as detailed on the
action sheet. The following oral updates were noted: With regards to the Developer Contributions and Devolved
Decision Making – First Round-Setting for Play Area Improvement, there had been
no update from Alistair Wilson, the Streets and Open Spaces Asset Manager,
Cambridge City Council, despite repeated requests. 13/18/NAC Open Forum: Councillor Onasanya
added no further comments to those on the action sheet. The matter would remain
on-going. 14/13/NAC: Councillor Pitt stated that he had nothing to add
to his comments on the use of CCTV in Green End Road and the item could be
closed. 14/13/NAC: Councillor Ward had nothing to add to the
comments noted on the action sheet. However, this matter would remain on the
action sheet to allow Officers to discuss the matter further with the Police. 14/26/NAC: Councillor Manning advised that an additional
tree had been added to the list concerning the remedial work to the tree roots
opposite Co-op Green End. The matter was still on-going. 12/26/NAC: Regarding the 20 mph consultation item on
Victoria Road as this item was on the agenda for consideration it could be
removed from the list. |
YOU WANT TO KNOW (OPEN FORUM) 7.40 pm Minutes: Timothy
Skyes: As the Committee is probably aware the opening
of the bridge to Jesus Green was delayed. This caused delays as well as
problems for lots of people, in particular disabled people. Can you advise as
to the reasons for the delay, the cost of repairs to the bridge, any additional
costs occurred and what lessons had been learnt? Councillor Manning responded that County
Council Members of the West / Central Area Committee would be in a better position
to answer the question regarding cost. However the reason for the delay as with
the Green Dragon Bridge was that more damage had been found than anticipated
which impacted on the time scale. Action: Councillor Manning Councillor O’Reilly recognised that the
closure had created problems for residents particularly in South Arbury. The communication regarding the closure had been
poor and suggested that a leaflet drop in the area would have improved the
communication. No foundations to the ramp leading up to the bridge had been
discovered which had created extra work and time to bring the bridge up to
standard. Councillor Pitt requested to County
Councillors that they speak with Officers regarding the sparse communication to
ensure improved wider forms of communication for future projects. Action: Councillors Manning & Onasanya Lil Speed: Having read the literature from
the Liberal Democratics in the run up to the
elections I dispute their lies that life has never been better since they have
been in power at the City Council. Councillor Pitt thanked Lil Speed for her
comments but there would be no discussion as Councillors were in a period of
Purdah in the run up to the City Council elections. Lil Speed:
I would like to challenge all Members of the Liberal Democratics
to a public meeting. There is not enough time in the Open Forum to put forward
all questions and comments that I have. Councillor Pitt explained that the Open
Forum offered an opportunity to put forward any questions to the Committee and
spoke of the Councillor’s Surgeries which also provided a chance to put forward
questions or opinions. Colin
Davidson: The trees on Arbury Road were cut down with
little consultation. Over the years bats had used the trees to nest. Does the
Committee consider that a wider consultation area is required next time? Councillor Price reminded the Committee he
had brought this item to the attention of the North Area Committee last year at
the request of residents at Hanson Court. The consultation had extended to
residents on Arbury Road but acknowledged that this
could have been taken slightly wider. Councillor Price then questioned how wide
the consultation should have been. It was difficult to know if there were
individual experts who may or may not have been in the consultation area who
could have provided information regarding the bats. The time frame of the
consultation had been time sensitive as the trees had to be cut before any
birds started to nest in them. The Committee were advised that the City
Council were looking into the possibility of installing nesting boxes for bats
on the side of the maisonettes in Hanson Court. Since the trees had been cut
down many residents had expressed positive comments. Councillor Todd-Jones confirmed that he had
also received positive comments from residents on Arbury
Road. The replacement trees would be more beneficial to the local wildlife and
suggested that future consultations should include local wildlife groups. Andrew Preston, Project Delivery &
Environment Manager, Cambridge City Council, confirmed that a survey had been
carried out before the trees had been cut and there had been no evidence of
bats nesting there. He also confirmed Councillor Price’s comments that nesting
boxes for bats were being explored as part of the Environment Improvement
Programme. Councillor Pitt suggested that future
consultation regarding the cutting of trees could be extended to those
residents who would see the effect of the proposal from their property.
Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods - North Area Committee PDF 220 KB 8.20 pm Minutes: The
Committee received a report from Sergeant Wragg regarding Policing and Safer
Neighbourhood Trends. The report outlined actions taken since the
North Area Committee of the 6 February 2014. The current emerging
issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for
full details). Members of the public made the following
comments: Leila Dockerill: Who is assessing the 20mph zones, do you need to
have a Traffic Warden as the Police do not have much time to do this? Sergeant Wragg explained that the scheme for
20 mph compliance was still in the early stages but with the data that was
being received, problem areas could be identified, allowing the Police to
better engage their resources, ensuring more visible enforcement where
required. Kay Harris: With
the lighter evenings will there be an increase in surveillance? The figures in
the report showed Kings Hedges as having the highest crime rate. Will we see a
higher percentage of surveillance in this area, particular in the evenings? Kay Harris: Having
listened to Sir Graham Bright at a recent meeting of the North Area Committee
regarding future plans, are we going to see more people on the beat? Sergeant Wragg advised that he could not
answer those questions. Timothy Sykes:
Would like the Committee to note that I am supportive of the proposed
priorities. I am aware how short staffed the Police are and would like to thank
them for all their hard work. Sergeant Wragg thanked Timothy Skyes for his comments Richard Taylor: Would like to see a more formal consultation
brought into the public domain regarding how anti-social driving can be tackled
on Fen Road, not just discussed within the Fen Road Steering Group. Councillor Manning pointed out that that Fen
Road Steering Group was a public meeting, advertised at both proceeding Area
Committees. Councillor Manning also stated that he had repeatedly told Mr
Taylor this personally, as well as in public. Richard Taylor: I
attended the Kings Hedges Anti-Social Behaviour meeting on 2 April and am
surprised to note that there was no reference to that meeting in the Police
report. Two areas of concern raised at
the meeting were:
Dog Fouling (It
would be nice to know the outcome of the poster campaign in the area). ii.
Littering left on Campkin Road outside Tesco (an allegation was made that the
litter was caused by students and members of the meeting were informed that the
Police did not take action as they did not give out enforcement notices to
young people). Councillor Price informed the Committee that he also attended the same
meeting where he had advised attendees that it was City Council Enforcement
Officers not the Police who did not issue enforcement notices to under 18’s for
a number of reasons. It was important not to blame the students entirely for
littering but it had been recognised there was more littering during term time.
Michael Bond: I
was delighted to see the team in Arbury Road
enforcing the 20mph speed limit which did have an effect on driver’s behaviour.
I acknowledge that it is difficult to keep to the 20mph limit. Sergeant Wragg thanked Michael Bond for his comments. Kay Harris: Police
enforcement for speeding is needed overnight, perhaps cameras are needed to
combat this problem. Sergeant Wragg stated that the Police did
carry out enforcement at night but had to prioritise their resources. Greater
Police presence was required at the most vulnerable times such as the school
run when the roads / pavements were being used being used by a high proportion
of people as opposed to late at night or the early hours of the morning. Colin Davidson: As more Police presence is
needed to enforce the speed limits set in the North Area perhaps cardboard cut
outs of Police Officers could be used. Sergeant Wragg replied that there were some
Police Forces that had used cardboard cut outs as deterrents in empty shops
that seemed to have a positive effect.
But queried where the cut-outs could be positioned without being
vandalised. Timothy Sykes: What percentage of the Crime
Figures were hate crime, in particularly disability hate crime? Sergeant Wragg replied that this was very
low. The Committee made the following comments: Councillor
Ward acknowledged that there were a number of roads in the North Area which
would benefit from the road safety priorities, such as Arbury
and the top end of Histon Road. Councillor O’Reilly stated that she
supported the three priorities and would like to highlight Roseford
Road and the top end of Histon Road as hot spots for
police enforcement. Councillor Todd Jones queried if there was a
time period before drivers started to feel comfortable after the introduction
of 20mph before enforcement started particularly on persistent hot spots. Councillor Wragg acknowledged that it did
take time for drivers to get used to the changes and to become aware of new
signage and their environment. The Police were working on educating the public
to those 20mph changes as this was still in the early stages. More details
could be supplied at the next North Area Committee when Police Priorities
Settings were on the agenda. Councillor Manning referenced Nuffield Road
as a hot spot for enforcement, particularly outside the School. He then asked
if the Police would be able to report back to the Committee those areas where
signage, particularly for 20mph, needed to be improved. Councillor Bird recommended that County
Council work with the Parking Enforcement Officer to try to elevate some of the
issues during the school run on Nuffield Road. Councillor Ward advised that signage issues
should be reported to the Environment Improvement Manager who advised the
Committee that there were restrictions on where signage could be placed. Councillor Tunnacliffe
stated that he believed Gilbert Road to be a hot spot with the issue of people
cycling on the pavement. He had also received a number of complaints about
motorbikes and scooters being driven that do not have silencers on and create a
high level of noise. Sergeant Wragg acknowledged that Gilbert
Road was a problem and that there were a number of issues with the road,
including the design. If Officers did spot or hear a motor cycle breaking the
noise level the driver would be stopped. Councillor Bird inquired where the domestic
violence figures had been recorded in the Crime Figures and noted that fly
tipping had increased and questioned the reason why. Sergeant Wragg advised that the domestic
violence figures had been recorded in Violent Crimes. With regards to fly
tipping he could not offer any explanation.
Councillor Brierley asked for the crime
figures to show drug related offences in a separate column. This would give
visibility to those crimes and assist in identifying trends. He also suggested
that Kings Hedges Road should also be included as a hot spot and queried if
collaboration working would be beneficial and had been considered. Action: Councillor Pitt. Councillor Price stated that he was in
agreement with the recommended priorities. But the crime figures in King’s
Hedges showed an increase in many areas and queried if the priority settings
took away from the day to day police presence in Kings Hedges. With only one PCSO in the area did the Police
hope to recruit more? Sergeant Wragg advised that the recruitment freeze for PCSO’s had been
lifted so there should be a visible increase in the area in the near future. Councillor Pitt asked that the list of hot
spots identified during the meeting be minuted. These were: Top end of Histon Road Roseford Road Orchard Park Gilbert Road Nuffield Rod Kings Hedges Road Arbury Road The
Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to prioritise the
following: 1.
Combat drug dealing in the North Area 2.
Road safety issues (including 20mph limit
compliance) in the North Area. 3.
Anti-social behaviour in the green areas in North
Proposed 20mph for Victoria Road PDF 37 KB 8.40 pm Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Director of Environment. The report provided details on the outcome of the public consultation
recently carried out as part of the Cambridge 20mph Project. This separate
had been carried out following the significant number of requests that had been
received as part of the main North phase public consultation. The Committee were asked to note the consultation outcomes and to make
their recommendation to the Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate
Change on whether to continue to the next stage of the implementation process.
The Executive Councillor would then consider whether to approve the Committee’s
recommendation at a meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Committee on 8 July
2014. The Project Delivery & Environment Manager
explained if the Executive Councillor decided to progress the proposal to the next
stage, authority from Cambridgeshire County Council would be required, before
the legal statutory traffic order process could commence. This approval would not only include authority to commence the statutory
process, but County Council’s Highways and Community Infrastructure would
decide whether to approve a departure from the existing speed limit policy that
currently precludes 20mph limits on A and B roads across the County. Initial County
Council Officer feedback indicated implementing a 20mph limit for Victoria Road
would not be recommended for approval, based on the lack of a clear majority in
support of the proposal, particularly as it involved a departure from policy,
as well as the existence of a strong objection from Stagecoach who could take
the matter to a public enquiry. The Committee were
then presented with the speed survey results and the consultation outcomes. Members of the
public then made the following comments: Kay
Harris: Why is there a need to reduce the speed limit when the survey shows an
average speed of 25mph or under? Reducing the speed limit down to 20mph would
exacerbate the traffic on Histon Road creating a
build-up of traffic. The main problem with speeding vehicles is late at night.
During the day the volume of traffic on the road ensures that vehicles cannot
speed. More consideration is needed to
this proposal. Timothy
Sykes: In principal I would support the proposal. Although I have concern that drivers would
use the side roads connected to Victoria Road as rat–runs. I would like to see
some kind of enforcement such as cameras on these roads. Timothy Skyes: Would like to remind the Committee
that there are proposed new developments in the surrounding areas which could
potentially increase the volume of traffic on Victoria Road. Philip
Driver: How would 20mph be enforced? As a resident living on Victoria Road, I have
witnessed and experienced, large trucks speeding past my house, at various
hours in the night and early morning. Philip
Driver: How was the average speed of the vehicles measured and has the
possibility of Victoria Road becoming a one way road been investigated? The Project Delivery & Environment Manager
explained that the average speed was measured at particular points on Victoria
Road for all passing vehicles. If Victoria Road was made one way this would
offer the potential to considerably speed up the flow of traffic. The road
would also have to be narrowed at substantial cost. The Committee were advised that there was emerging evidence that 20mph
speed limits reduce congestion, with vehicles travelling at lower speeds making
access from side roads onto the main route easier. The Committee made the following comments: Councillor Ward recommended residents to take the names of those truck
companies who were breaking the speed limit and pass the details on to the City
Council. Council Officers would be prepared to speak to the companies concerned
which could help elevate the issue. Councillor Ward then reminded the Committee that they had considered
potential traffic calming measures on Victoria and Chesterton Road as part of
the Environment Improvement Programme but could not reach an agreement on what
should be installed. Finally Councillor Ward informed the Committee that he had received two
e-mails from residents who could not be present at the meeting but wished to
express their support for the 20mph proposal. Councillor O’
Reilly also stated that she had received many e-mails from local residents
supporting the 20mph proposal and reminded those present that the side roads
off Victoria Road were already 20mph. Councillor
O’Reilly specified there was a lack of enforcement for those vehicles that
broke the speed limit particularly in the early hours of the morning. Trucks
seemed to use Histon Road and Victoria as an
alternative to the A14 and due to the structure of houses, caused the house to
shake. There was also a real issue of weight enforcement for vehicles which
needed to be addressed. Although Victoria
Road may be deemed a main strategic route it was a narrow vulnerable
residential road with two primary schools and sheltered housing. There were
only two pedestrian crossings located at inconvenient sections of the road. The
pavements were narrow which caused problems on bin day, forcing pedestrians out
on the road particularly during the school runs. Councillor Manning
prompted those present that the proposal was about protecting local residents
and should not be about protecting Stage Coach’s profits. Councillor Todd
Jones informed the Committee that the sub structure of the road was linked to
the foundations of the houses on Victoria Road particularly in the narrowest
section. Therefore speeding heavy trucks did put a strain on the properties and
supported the argument for the reduction in the speed limit. Councillor Boyce queried why Victoria Road had an A road status. The
City had managed without the use of Victoria Road when it had shut for six
months due to the collapse of a sewer and therefore queried if it was a vital
part of the City’s road network. Councillor Ward highlighted that satellite navigation systems
recognised Victoria Road as a perfectly reasonable A
road which was part of the problem when drivers were looking to divert from the
A14. Councillor Ward then stated as part of the City’s Council’s transport
review policy the A road status of Victoria Road would be evaluated. Also as
part of the City Council’s Local Plan there was also the possible re-modelling
of Mitcham’s Corner which could benefit from a 20mph
speed restriction on Victoria Road.
Councillor Ward concluded that there was no reason not to make Victoria
Road 20mph. The Committee: Resolved
(unanimously) to
Note the consultation outcomes.
To recommend to the Executive Councillor for
Planning and Climate Change to continue to the next stage of the implementation
process. The meeting ended at 9.45 pm |