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Venue: Shirley Primary School, Nuffield Road, Cambridge CB4 1TF. View directions
Contact: Toni Birkin Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Request to film the meeting The Chair gave permission for Mr Richard Taylor to film the meeting. It was confirmed that the filming would take place from a fixed position and cease if members of the public or speakers expressed a desire not to be filmed. Members of the public were given an opportunity to state if they did not want to be filmed. |
Apologies for absence 7.30 pm Minutes: No apologies were received. |
Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest) Minutes: The Chair welcomed the public and explained the format of the meeting. No declarations of interest were made. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Action List The committee reviewed progress on the Action List. The following additional updates were highlighted: Environmental
Improvement Programme: Carlton Way Verges The Project
Delivery and Environment Manager had confirmed that the risk of the trees failing on Carlton Way
had been highlighted as a risk when they were originally planted, due to the
obvious poor quality of the ground conditions in the verge. The Arboricultural
Team had confirmed that the Council would be replacing the trees on this
occasion, but any future failures will not be replaced. Developer Contributions –
VIE Estate No
further update had been received from the Open Spaces Asset Manager regarding
surplus play equipment at the VIE Estate. It
was agreed that this would be followed up by the Committee Manager. Councillor
Manning confirmed that the speed tables and white lines on Elizabeth Way should
be completed in the next week, and agreed to give a full update at the next
meeting. Minutes 13/61/NAC Environmental
Improvement Programme: It was noted that Scheme 10 (Fallowfields Loop) and scheme 11 (Fen Road/East Chesterton Halingway Access) had been prioritised by the committee. With this amendment, and some minor spelling corrections, the minutes of the 1 August 2013 meeting were approved and signed as a correct record. |
YOU WANT TO KNOW (OPEN FORUM) 7.35 pm Minutes: 1. Michael Bond: Asked why the lounge and
kitchen area were not open to the public for this meeting. He noted that the
availability of refreshments was an important part of the meeting. The Chair confirmed that the space was being used for a school nursery group, and due to child protection issues, was not open to the public. It was noted that water and biscuits had been provided in the meeting room for the public. 2. Lil Speed: Raised concern that she had not
seen Councillor Kerr in the Ward recently. She also asked if it was appropriate
for Councillors to have full time jobs. Councillor Kerr confirmed that she lived in the Ward and was frequently in the area to address issues and speak with local residents. The Chair confirmed that the majority of Councillors had full time jobs. |
Timings and Venues for Future North Area Committees 8.05 pm Minutes: The Chair introduced the item and asked for views on the start time and venues for future meetings. Members spoke in support of holding the meetings on a rotational basis across the four Wards and committing to a consistent start time of 7.30pm for the ‘Community’ section of the meeting. It was agreed that the start time for the ‘Planning’ section of the meeting would remain flexible depending on the number of applications to determine. Lil Speed suggested that posters be produced and sent out to local shops in the weeks preceding the meeting to increase attendance. The Chair confirmed that posters had been used in the past but had not had a noticeable effect on the numbers of people attending. Councillor Manning suggested that where projects potentially cut across two Area Committee areas, a single meeting should be considered. This would ensure that the public did not have to attend numerous meetings to be updated on a single issue. This comment was noted. Mike Sargent requested that more meetings be held in the south of the area and suggested the following venues: - Chesterton Community College - Chesterton Sports Centre - Milton Road School - St Lukes School - St Lukes Church Hall. Michael Bond suggested St Andrews Hall as a possible venue. It was agreed that the Committee Manager would investigate alternative venues and report back to the next meeting. |
Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods - NAC 03/10/13 PDF 169 KB 8.15 pm Minutes: The committee received a verbal update from the Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant on crime and policing in the four wards. It was noted that the figures for cycle theft and violent crime had drop considerably during this reporting period but theft from shops had increased. 1.
Resident: Raised concern that cycle parking, and
pavement cafes, restrict pedestrian movement and cause safety issues. Asked for
an update on the consultation regarding the positioning of cycle racks and
suggested Wardens are used to monitor the problem. Councillor Ward
(Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change) confirmed that a report
had been published and would be discussed in full at the Environment Scrutiny
Committee on 8 October 2013. It was noted that parking racks had been
redesigned to take up less space and not restrict pedestrian movements. Councillor Manning
confirmed that the County Council were leading a review on street furniture and
agreed to forward further details to the member of the public. 2.
Peter Sarris:
Requested more visible policing and CCTV surveillance to address the on-going
issues at Green End Road. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant confirmed that a lot of work was being carried out by the police in this area. People had been cautioned for littering and smoking cannabis and a visible police presence would continue. It was felt that the use of mobile CCTV
would not be appropriate for this area and visible policing would produce
better results. 3.
Councillor Bird:
Raised concern about vehicles parking on the pavements at Green End Road. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant confirmed that unfortunately action could only be taken if the pavements were fully obstructed. It was acknowledged that vehicles parked here could be intimidating for the public and the police would continue to monitor. The public were encouraged to report any incidents by calling 999 (for emergencies) or 101 (for non-emergencies). 4.
Lil Speed: Raised
concern that the police had not responded to an incident regarding young people
wearing hoods and masks. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant agreed to speak
with Mrs Speed outside of the meeting to address the issue. 5.
Richard Taylor:
Asked for an update on the use of Tasers by the police in the north of the
city. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant confirmed that Tasers had not been used in the north of the city, but at the request of the Chair, agreed to report back in more detail at a future meeting. 6.
Richard Taylor:
Asked for further information on the CCTV camera on the Neighbourhood
Policing Sergeant’s uniform. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant confirmed that it was a ‘body-cam’ used by the police to collect evidence.
Richard Taylor:
Raised concern that a lack of signage and road markings in the Milton Road and
Arbury Road area had still not been addressed. It was felt that people should
not be targeted in this area for anti-social cycling until the signage had been
improved. It was also
suggested that issues such as the cost of crime and burglaries and violent
crime should be agreed as priorities. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant agreed that signage continued to be an issue in some areas but confirmed that the police took a fair, even handed and proportionate approach when dealing with cyclists. This was evidenced by the recent light campaign where cyclists had their tickets rescinded upon the purchase of a set of lights. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant confirmed that burglary featured as a central priority and would not sit at a local level. 8.
Councillor Price: Asked what type of shops and
products were being targeted the most for thefts. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant
confirmed that smaller supermarkets were being targeted with the theft of meat
products being particularly high. The meat would not usually be stolen to eat,
but would be sold on to others. 9.
Councillor Scutt:
Raised concern about drug dealing in Milton Road, Hawthorne Way and Chesterton
Road. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant agreed
to look into the issue. 10.
Manning: Raised concern that the term ‘dangerous cycling’ was difficult to
define, and also felt that dangerous driving was an issue. The lack of
dedicated road facilities for cyclists was also highlighted. This comment was noted. 11.
Councillor Bird:
Expressed thanks to the PCSO’s in East Chesterton for their hard work and
dedication. This comment was noted 12.
Councillor Bird:
Raised concern about dangerous cycling on Parkers Piece, especially during
events being held on the space. This comment was noted. 13.
Councillor Onasanya: Raised concern that the police had not responded
fully when the finding of drugs was reported. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant agreed to speak with Councillor Onasanya outside of the meeting to address the issue. 14.
The Chair: Asked the
rationale for drug dealing being recommended as a priority. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant
confirmed that this was as a result of the recent drug overdoses in the
city. 15.
Councillor Kerr:
Asked for an update on E-Cops The Neighbourhood Policing
Sergeant confirmed that it remained a very useful resource for the public and
the police. 16.
Councillor Brierley: Asked that figures for drug crime be
broken down for future reports. The Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant agreed to raise this at the next
meeting of the Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG). At the request of Councillor Manning a vote was taken on whether to
include the word ‘dangerous’ in recommendation ii) Resolved (by 15 vote to 1)
to retain the word ‘dangerous’ in recommendation ii). Resolved (by 15 votes to
0, with 1 abstention) to agree the following three Neighbourhood Priorities:
Prevention and enforcement work to
reduce cycle theft.
Combat dangerous/no light as
autumn/winter approaches.
Tackle drug dealing in the North Area. |
Developer Contributions Devolved Decision-Making: 2nd Round Short-Listing for North Area PDF 131 KB 8.45 pm Minutes: The Chair thanked officers for their hard work and dedication. The committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager regarding the 2nd round short-listing for developer contributions. It was noted that the Cambridge Tennis Club had expressed their support for project No 29 (tennis courts at North Cambridge Academy/Nun’s Way) and were keen to work with the Council to develop this. It was also noted that project No 35 (new village sign for East Chesterton) would now be funded through a different source and could be removed from the list. Clare
Blair spoke in support of the project for tennis courts at North Cambridge
Academy/Nun’s Way (No 29) and the improvements to Chesterton Methodist Church (No 3). Ian Murray spoke
in support of the improvements to Chesterton Methodist Church (No 3). Richard Robertson
spoke in support of the improvements to Milton Road Library (No 8).
Individual Members spoke in support of their preferred projects. Resolved (unanimously) to:
Short-list the following project ideas to be
considered in more detail in the priority-setting report in February 2014: Community
Facilities -
No 3: Chesterton Methodist Church -
No 6: More community rooms at Buchan Street Centre -
No 8: Community Rooms at Milton Road Library
Development Informal Open
Space -
No 12: Trim trail at Chesterton Recreation Ground -
No 13: Trim trail at Alexandra Gardens Play Provision -
No 17: Improve Discovery Way play area -
No 18: Improve Hawkins Road play area -
No 21: Improve Woodhead
Drive play area -
No 23: New play area by Perse
Way flats for both children and teenagers Sports Facilities -
No 29: Provide tennis courts: North Cambridge Academy/Nun’s
Way -
No 28: Improved lighting for Meadows Community
Centre MUGA -
No 32: Upgrade lighting on Nun’s Way multi-sports
play area
Request that the Executive Councillor for Public
Places returns to the North Area those informal open spaces contributions from
local major developments in its four wards which have been assigned to the
city-wide fund. There are around £15k of provisional
informal open spaces allocations from the North Area to strategic, first round
priority projects that could be replaced by the same amount of unallocated
city-wide funds from other areas.
Request that, in considering priorities for the use
of sports facilities contributions in the city-wide fund, the Executive
Councillor for Community Well-being takes accounts of (and makes some
appropriate allocations for) the local needs of the Area Committees where these
needs cannot be afforded from the devolved funding available. It is understood
that the short-listing of strategic sports proposals is likely to be deferred
until next March so that these can be considered in the context of the proposed
Sports Strategy for 2014-17, which is due to be reported to the Community
Services Scrutiny Committee at that time.
Identify the following North Area project idea for
consideration for city-wide developer contributions funding: -
No 5: Sikh Guardwara – new community building Please Note: Post meeting (4 October 2013), Officers advised the
committee that community facility developer contributions could not be used to
fund religious activity. The possibility of a grant to the Sikh Gurdwara would
be based on the provision of new/improved local community meeting space that
could be used by (anyone in) the local community in North Area. This would still be a local benefit that
would need to be met from devolved funding. |