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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shirley Primary School, Nuffield Road, Cambridge CB4 1TF

Contact: Glenn Burgess  Committee Manager

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from City Councillors Abbott and Pitt and County Councillors Pellew and Wilkins.


Welcome and Introduction (including Declarations of Interest)


The Chair welcomed the public and explained the format of the meeting.


Declarations of Interest











Personal: As a committee member of Old Chesterton Resident’s Association.





Additional documents:




Proposed by




Councillor Manning


13/13/NAC – question 5


Mr Bond’s reference to ‘cast iron spin pipes’ should be amended to read ‘cast iron stink pipes’



Councillor Manning


13/13/NAC – question 8


Add to end of response:  ‘Councillor Manning confirmed that the PFI programme had already come to East Chesterton at Mariner’s Way and St Andrews Street’



Councillor Price


13/11/NAC –

Question 7


Amend Councillor Price’s response to read: ‘Councillor Price confirmed that a pavement on Kings Hedges Road had recently been stripped and replaced and it was a vast improvement’



With these amendments the minutes of the 31 January 2013 meeting were approved and signed as a correct record.



Action List



Parking restrictions close to the junction of Courtney Way and Gilbert Road: Councillor Manning read out a response email from Councillor Wilkins


Street Lighting Programme: Councillor Bird confirmed that she had not yet received a written response to her question. Councillor Manning agreed to follow this up with Councillor Orgee.


In response to Mrs Blair’s previous question regarding Fen Road, the Chair confirmed that a meeting of the Members Steering Group had taken place recently. It was noted that an update on progress would be provided at the North Area Committee on 16 May and plans were ongoing to arrange a further meeting of the Fen Road Steering Group.


Councillor Manning confirmed that, due to the upcoming purdah period, it may be unlikely that the Fen Road Steering Group could meet before the next North Area Committee in May. It was noted that, whilst funding was still an issue, some S106 funds had been provisionally identified and additional money could be available via cycling funding and the Environmental Improvement Programme.





1) Mrs Blair: Asked when funds from the public Art contribution for Elizabeth House would be released by the City Council.


Councillor Ward (Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change) agreed to discuss the project in detail with Mrs Blair outside of the meeting.  




Community Development and Leisure Grants pdf icon PDF 164 KB


The committee received a report from the Operations and Resources Manager.


Members asked the following questions regarding the grant proposals:


Councillor Price: Asked why officers were recommending no funding for the Kings Hedges Brownies (Ref: N18).


The Operations and Resources Manager confirmed that unfortunately grant funding could not be allocated for bursaries. However officers were recommending that the full cost of the Kings Hedges Brownies summer/autumn trips be awarded (Ref: N17) and it was therefore hoped that any income generated from the trips could then be put towards paying bursaries.


Councillor Price thanked the officer for the reply and asked that the Brownies be informed that any additional income generated from the trip could be used for bursaries.


Councillor Manning: Asked what checks and balances were in place for checking what specific grants had been spent on.


The Operations and Resources Manager confirmed that all recipients of grants were required to sign a funding agreement. A Monitoring Report was then produced by officers and presented back to Councillors annually.


Councillor Todd-Jones: Noted that whilst officers had recommended no funding for the Little Acorns (Ref: N30) as under 5’s were under the remit of the Council, the Rainbow Playgroup (Ref: N24) were recommended to receive funding.


The Operations and Resources Manager confirmed that, as the outside shelter proposed by the Rainbow Playgroup would benefit children that may not otherwise have access to outside play space, officers felt that it fitted the specific remits of the grants.


A representative from St Lukes Church and Community Centre highlighted the important work undertaken by groups such as the Little Acorns and urged the committee to consider allocating some funding.


Councillor Manning: Confirmed that he would have promoted the grants more widely if it had been made clear that the funding could be used for capital projects such as a permanent shelter (Ref: N24). 


The Operations and Resources Manager confirmed there was flexibility, and capital projects could be funded providing they fitted within the remit of the grants.


Councillor Todd-Jones: Asked if those groups not allocated funding would be signposted to other sources of funding.


The Operations and Resources Manager confirmed that other sources of funding such as the ‘Young Lives’ awards were signposted and the Cambridge Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS) and the Community Foundation assisted with this process.


Mr Bond: Confirmed that publicity for the grants had been very good and was circulated widely.


A representative from St Lukes Church and Community Centre felt that publicity could be more widely circulated with more guidance on applying for a grant.


These comments were noted.


Councillor Todd-Jones: Asked if the committee could consider reducing the amount allocated for Rainbow Playgroup by £500 and propose this for the Little Acorns. 


The Operations and Resources Manager confirmed that this would depend on the committee’s views on allocating funding for areas that were under the remit of the County Council.


Councillor Manning and Councillor Price confirmed that they were happy with recommendations as included in the officer’s report.


Councillor Brierly: Asked if the grant funding could be used for carer’s activities.


The Operations and Resources Manager confirmed that ‘carer’ was a general term that could also relate to a parent or family member and was therefore within the remit of the grants.


Councillor Brierly: Asked what would happen with the remaining £298 left in the budget.


The Operations and Resources Manager confirmed that it would be beneficial to retain some of the budget as smaller bids for activities such as summer trips may come in later in the year.


Councillor O’Reilly: Asked what advice was given to potential applicants about the specific remit of the grants.


The Operations and Resources Manager confirmed that all potential applicants were advised to speak with an officer prior to submitting their application. It would be as part of this process that they would be advised if their project fitted the remit of the grants. 


However, unfortunately potential applicants did not always approach the Council for this advice before progressing with their applications.


Councillor Price: Expressed his support for Red Hen (Ref: N25) application and emphasised the important work that this group undertook. 


This comment was noted.


Councillor Manning: Encouraged attendance at the May Day one off event on the land near the new Riverside Bridge (Ref: N29)


This comment was noted.


Members resolved (unanimously) to


Agree the proposed awards as detailed below:







18th Cambridge Scout Group

Catering equipment



Arbury Carnival

2013 Carnival 8.6.13



Arbury Townswomen's Guild

Speakers for meetings



Bridho Society

Monthly meetings and trips



Chesterton Community Association

Meetings and newsletters



Chesterton Community Choir

Room hire, music director



Chesterton Festival Committee

Chesterton Festival 28-30/6/13



Chesterton Parents Group

Trip to Shepreth Zoo



Chesterton Parents Group

3 story telling sessions



Darwin Drive Residents Association

Multi cultural cooking exchange



Darwin Drive Youth Association

Sports, community activities, trips



Fen Estate & Nuffield Road Area Residents Association (FENRA)

Welcome event, leaflets events



Fen Estate & Nuffield Road Area Residents Association (FENRA)

Quarterly newsletter



Friends of Histon Road Cemetery

3 newsletters, website, posters, meetings



Friends of Histon Road Cemetery

Histon Road Cemetery History Day



Grovebury Ladies Club

50th anniversary event and 2 trips



Kings Hedges Brownies

2 trips



Kings Hedges Brownies

Bursary for 3 girls



Kings Hedges Family Support Project

Play worker for activities with older siblings



Meadows Centre Bowlers

Weekly 2 hour carpet bowls sessions



Meadows Children and Family Wing

Monday & Tuesday after school clubs



Not Quite Over the Hill Club

4 parties and 4 trips



Old Chesterton Residents Association (OCRA)

Meeting costs, AGM, campaigns, printing



Rainbow Playgroup

Outside shelter at playgroup premises



Red Hen

Toys and equipment and family trip



Romsey Mill

After school youth club



Sport Cambridge CIC

Summer holiday multi sports activities



St Andrews Hall

Chesterton Community Carols



St Andrews Hall

May Day event



St Lukes Church & Community Centre – Little Acorns

Baby toddler and carer's group



St Lukes Church & Community Centre – Everyone’s welcome

Fortnightly soup lunches, afternoon teas



St Lukes Church & Community Centre – Live Wires

After school activities



* This committee approved N2, N5 and N7 awards in November 2012.



Budget available


Total awards


Budget remaining






Cambridge 20mph Project - North Area Consultation pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The committee received a presentation from the 20mph Project Officer. The presentation can be accessed via:




Councillor Bird highlighted concern about the inclusion of many of the smaller closes and minor roads in the area. It was noted that the Laxton Way Estate was currently only 10mph.


In response to a question regarding the possibility of longer bus journeys, Councillor Ward (Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change) confirmed that the Director of Bus Services currently sat on the Project Board and would be looking at the various implications of a 20mph zone.  


In response to a question regarding enforcement the Police Inspector responded that it was hoped that a 20mph zone would be self-enforcing. However suitable interventions would be available in areas of particular risk and the police would consider enforcement.


In response to a question regarding the process if the North Area Committee did not support the decision to proceed with the consultation, Councillor Ward confirmed that the County Council did have the power of veto. However the County Council had committed not to progressing with the traffic regulation orders if there was not public support.


In response to a question regarding how the consultation responses would weighted, Councillor Ward confirmed that no pre-calculated scoring scheme was in place and it would be up to the committee to make a judgement.


The committee resolved to:


       i.          Note the project programme, previous approvals from Environment Scrutiny Committee and proposed consultation area, method and content for Phase 1


Based on the discussion with the public at the meeting:


     ii.          Provide the following comments and recommendations to the Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate change (Councillor Tim Ward) on the proposed consultation arrangements.


-        Highlight ‘20mph Consultation’ on the envelope.

-        Within the consultation information include web-links to specific background data such as up to date emission figures.

-        Include the guided bus route and the proposed new Chesterton Station on the consultation maps.

-        Promote a ‘prize draw’ to encourage public to respond to the consultation

-        Whilst there is a need to provide enough relevant background information, limit the wording on the consultation information.

-        Make it clear from the paperwork ‘who’ is being consulted i.e ‘we are looking for specific views from……’

-        Consider sending the information to everyone on the electoral register and not just 1 per house – as there may be differing views within each household.