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Agenda and minutes

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager


No. Item


Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence


Declarations of Interest


No interests were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 209 KB


The notes of the meetings held on 22 June 2023 were noted.


Matters and Actions Arising from the Minutes


Environmental Report - EAC pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The Committee received a report from the Community Engagement and Enforcement Manager.


The report outlined an overview of the council’s Streets and Open Spaces, Environmental Health and Shared Waste service activity in the Area Committee area over the past six months.


The Committee discussed the following issues:

i.               Fly tipping had gone down since the same time last year.

ii.             Dog Control Issues

iii.            Abandoned Vehicles Reported





Open Forum


Public Questions:


1.    "The 2022 consultation, that was published in spring 2022, confirms that 72% of respondents want traffic restrictions on Mill Road Bridge. Further the decision to implement these measures has been passed at the Highways Committee. Why, therefore have these restrictions not been progressed? Why is the judicial review delaying implementation , when a clear mandate has been delivered by means of a thorough consultation process?"

Cambridgeshire County Councillors Shailer and Beckett advised the following:

      i.         Could not reveal nature of legal challenge. This was a statutory enquiry.

    ii.         Were proceeding with associated works.

   iii.         A member of the public was seeking an injunction. Must respect legal process.

  iv.         The joint administrations were keen to do this work as soon as possible. Were also frustrated by legal challenge.

    v.         Needed to wait for due legal process.


2.    As councillors will certainly be aware, Coldham's Lane in Romsey is blighted by daytime congestion and night-time speeding and HGV traffic.  Many other neighbouring and/or similar roads have benefited from traffic improvement measures, but nothing has been done for Coldham's Lane in Romsey and its long-suffering residents.

The Eastern Access works and the programme itself will exacerbate these problems.

What specific steps will be taken to mitigate the effects of the Eastern Access works on congestion, speeding and HGV traffic on Coldham's Lane in Romsey, and what specific steps will be taken to mitigate the effects of the Eastern Access changes, once the works are over, on congestion, speeding and HGV traffic on Coldham's Lane in Romsey

Cambridgeshire County Councillors Shailer and Beckett advised the following:

                        i.         Were working to reduce speed limit to 20 mph.

                      ii.         Were also working to get 20 mph on a larges scale throughout the city.

                     iii.         Eastern access had been raised with Director of Transport and Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP). This was a work in progress.

                    iv.         Councillor Davey advised he would pick up with GCP Officers.

                      v.         Elizabeth Way roundabout work was being paused.

                    vi.         Councillor Davey asked for that to be reflected upon.


3.    I visited the event/open day at St Martin's on Suez Road where local residents were able to view the completed refurbished church with the roof restored and the pews removed, creating a large space suitable for large meetings (200+ theatre style) and dance/exercise classes. (See https://stm.org.uk/giving-to-our-building-project). Given this completion and the funding that the committee gave to the old URC church hall, please could the committee consider what the options are either to encourage more existing community and activity groups to make use of the local facilities, and/or find out from the local community what sorts of activities they would like to see organised that they would be willing to take part in. It feels like Coleridge Ward is somewhat forgotten compared to other parts of the city.


4.    I will be asking a more detailed question to Planning & Transport Scrutiny Committee on the statement about youth engagement in relation to the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan. 

I had a look at the data for GCSE Citizenship Studies and despite the course being available for over 20 years, only 145 students in the whole of Cambridgeshire took the GCSE exam in 2022. Former Cllr Sweeney (Labour - Newnham), the Deputy Gen Secretary of the NEU teaching union informed me that this was because teachers at secondary schools lack the training and confidence to deliver the course. Having purchased various editions of the textbooks for students 2002-2023, and an obsolete copy of the teaching resources, this course would make for an excellent alternative option for humanities for those students not intending to progress on an academic route in further education. The project work requires students to get out and about in their communities and engaging with councils and community organisations. Given the history of Coleridge CC, wouldn't it be an ideal school to pilot a GCSE Citizenship Studies course in Cambridge? What conversations can councillors have with local head teachers, academy chains and chairs of governors/trustees to find out what wider support the city could provide to ensure that this option is available to teenagers not just in our part of the city, but across our city and beyond?


5.    I've organised a pilot workshop at Rock Road Library on 30th Sept 2023 from 12:15pm for 90mins (free/donations - people can sign up at https://cambridgetownowl.com/workshops/) to enable participants to explore how our city functions and malfunctions. In part this is to explore the gap in lifelong learning provision that does not cover the content in the GCSE Citizenship Studies. There is no similar course that is suitable for adults - something that was picked up in an academic paper in 2020. Please could councillors explore with the Combined Authority whether an equivalent course or series of workshops could be organised and funded by the Combined Authority to fill the gap that a number of people have spoken to me about since the last committee meeting?

Questions 3,4 and 5 were asked by the same public speaker, Members responded to these questions:


Cambridge City Councillors Moore and A.Smith advised the following:

      i.         Was committed to improving outreach.

    ii.         St. Martin’s and St Thomas’ events needed volunteers to step forward.

   iii.         Would like to thank the church for the work they had done.

Councillor Goodliffe advised the following:

      i.         Current funding crisis made specialised subjects difficult.

    ii.         Would speak to Cambridgeshire County Council however due to funding, may not be likely at this time.

Councillor Davey advised the following:

      i.         There was more for Academy Chains operating in the city. Councillors should try to engage more with young people.

Councillor Thornburrow advised the following:

      i.         Planning had a youth engagement officer.

    ii.         Engaged with young people to attend workshops. Could meet planners and Councillors.

   iii.         Teachers could use this opportunity to engage young people.

Councillor Beckett advised the following:

      i.         Had Youth Travel Ambassadors at County Council. Learn how to use sustainable travel (active travel).

Councillors A.Smith advised the following:

      i.         Had a conversation with skills team at Combined Authority.

    ii.         Adult Education was a Combined Authority initiative.

   iii.         Would speak with public speakers directly about his question.


6.    The random parking that we are now getting on Mill Road, there is no regard to double yellow lines, what can be done?

Councillor Shailer advised the following:


               i.         Could get Parking Enforcement to patrol certain areas.

             ii.         Double yellow lines are difficult to patrol, as people could park there to unload, difficult to disprove they are not.

            iii.         Attempting to clear footways.

           iv.         Asked to please contact him (Cllr Shailer) directly to investigate.

Councillor Moore and A. Smith advised the following:

      i.         Invited Councillors Shailer and Beckett to Coleridge, as came issues occurring there.

    ii.         Felt County Council should employ more traffic wardens.

   iii.         Enforcement needed to improve.


Councillor Shailer advised the following:

      i.         Pavement Parking was an issue.

    ii.         Fines were set my Central Government, therefore could not change that.

   iii.         Would engage with residents to do a street survey.

  iv.         Fire Brigade got stuck recently.

    v.         Looking at what can be done.

  vi.         Creating database to locate multiple offenders.

 vii.         Would be going on ride along with Police to investigate further.

viii.         Advised public and councillors to engage with County Officers regarding problem areas.