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Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Committee Manager Email:
No. | Item | ||||||
Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Copley, Councillor Smith, and Councillor Thornburrow. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes: |
Matters and Actions Arising from the Minutes Minutes: The Action Sheet was noted and could be viewed at the following link under ‘Committee Action Sheet – updated post committee’. Agenda
for East Area Committee on Thursday, 17th March, 2022, 6.30 pm - Cambridge
Council |
Greater Cambridge Partnership: Mill Road Consultation To welcome Representatives from the Greater Cambridge Partnership who will provide an introduction to the consultation. Presentations will follow from Mill Road for People, Camcycle and Mill Road Traders. Cambridge City Licensed Taxis Ltd will also be present to give their views on this consultation This item will end with Question and Answer session. Details on the consultation can be viewed at the following link: Mill Road - Greater Cambridge Partnership Minutes: The Chair welcomed Peter Blake, Transport Director and Sarah Prentice,
Communications Manager of the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP). The Transport Director
gave a brief introduction to the Mill Road Consultation before the following
organisations presented their response. Link to Mill Road Consultation 2022 Mill Road for People presented the following 8
goals for Mill Road: 1. Create a low traffic,
low pollution street 2. Make Mill Road
accessible to all 3. Make Mill Road Safe 4. Encourage active travel 5. Support and encourage a
wide range of independent businesses. 6. Enhance the sense of
community 7. Provide reliable,
affordable public transport 8. Provide an attractive
environment. i.
Camcycle presented the following points through
their presentation: 1. Arguing for a street
that was easy to get to rather than through, a welcoming, safe, and inclusive
street. A street for local people to spend more time and money. 2. Thriving independent
traders accessible to people of all budgets. 3. Wider pavements, good
disabled access, reliable buses, safe cycling, new parking, no pavement
parking, clean air. 4. A safe street with car /
taxi access but no longer dominated by cars. 5. Easier access for those
coming from further afar. 6. The following problems
needed to be resolved: 6.1 Congestion 6.2 Vehicle parking/ loading 6.3 Illegal behaviour of cyclists. 6.4 The allocation of pavement parking, space of
pavements and the need for repair 6.5 Road danger 6.6 Pollution. ii.
Mill Road Traders presented the following points: 1. Safety for all users of
Mill Road. 2. Air Quality and
emissions permit free flow of transport and consider air quality Cambridge
wide. 3. Traffic and pedestrian
safety (road and pavements). 4. Possible improvements
suggested were as follows 4.1. Mark off-loading spaces, remove restricted hours 4.2. Lockable bollards 4.3 Enforce pedestrian only pavements 4.4 Fix potholes and pavements 4.5 Improve Carter Bridge and link to the Chisholm Trail 4.5 Number plate recognition 4.6 Digital speed displays 4.7 Copenhagen crossings 4.8 Short term side street parking for shoppers. All of the above presentations can be viewed at the
following link: East
Area Committee 17.03.22
YouTube The Vice Chair of Cambridge City Licensed Taxis
presented a verbal response to the Consultation: 1. To ensure that Mill Road
was fully inclusive, taxis had to be included to allow the transport of those
individuals who could not use other forms of public transport, walk, or cycle. 2. Pavements were already wide.
To make the pavements wider a one-way system had to be in place as a carriage
way would be taken up to extend the pavements. 3. The residential
ironworks development would bring more private vehicles to the area. 4. The issues of diesel
trains that ran under the bridge needed to be investigated when discussing air
pollution. The following public
questions were received and noted: Q1: One of the
unintended consequences of the Mill Road bridge closure during 20/21, was the
creation of rat run return journeys between East Road, Mill Road, Station Road,
and eastwards via Hills Road. This is because some of the traffic which
previously used Mill Road as a through route, diverted through Tenison
Road and adjacent side streets in order to avoid the traffic lights at the
Hills Road / Lensfield Road junction. If, following the current Mill Road consultation,
the same bridge bus filter was applied, it is evident that when road and rail
traffic returns to pre-pandemic levels, the combined rat run return journeys between
Mill Road and Hills Road and Mill Road to the station would create an
unacceptable level of traffic and pollution in the high density narrow
residential roads of South Petersfield. “What changes to the original bus filter scheme
would you consider appropriate to mitigate any increase in traffic and
associated pollution in the South Petersfield residential area if the bus
filter is reinstated?” Q2: After hearing a few of the presentations I’ve
heard a lot of evidence from the mill road traders
association presenting traffic data. I’ve not found
any of this data on the public record. Could the Mill Road
Traders Association provide sources for their data because it seems clear from
public records that there is a traffic problem. Additionally, it seems
clear that pedestrianisation measures when implemented in many other locations
even in Cambridge have been universally successful in increasing trade for
local traders. The assertion that closing the bridge is bad for business seems
unfounded. I would like a clearer explanation. Additionally, on an
anecdotal level the bridge being closed made myself use the road for shopping
more frequently, as apparently many others did. It seems to me the
closure of the bridge was overwhelmingly positive for the local community. It
was a pleasure to see the local community take to cycling more than car use as
new housing estates mandate. It seems fairer for cycle use to be prioritised. The Mill Road Traders Association advised that the data sources were on
each slide. Bikedata, Crashmap
used government sources and nitrogen levels during lockdown were provided by a
Cambridge City Council member. The Committee held a discussion on highway safety, lower volume of
traffic, better public transport, more active transport solutions and how the
technical barriers needed to adapt smart filters for blue badge holders. It was
agreed that better consultation was needed. It was noted that during the
pandemic entire families were out cycling but now the road is open people are
back to using cars as they do not feel safe. The GCP Transport Director noted the different traffic management
arrangements suggested. In terms of blue badge access this would be a theme
that could be taken forward and ways to make this work could be looked at. After the
closing statement the Chair thanked all those who had taken part. |
Environmental Report - EAC Minutes: The Community Engagement and Enforcement
Manager introduced the report and highlighted the following:
Community Pay Back teams
were back working across the city undertaking a back log of work.
Hot spot maps for
fly tipping in each ward had been included in the report.
Bookings for
hedgehog holes to be cut into resident’s fencing was being taken, this was a
free service.
A full explanation
for the number of needles found in Abbey ward could be found in the report. Councillor Robertson asked if more could be
said on the staffing issues that the Streets and Open Spaces Team faced and
thanked all those involved for their hard work and dedication. The Community Engagement and Enforcement
Manager advised that the Enforcement Team were operating at 40% capacity, with
three officers covering fourteen wards. She noted the request for additional
community clean-up day in Abbey ward in areas where constant fly tipping took
place. The Chair of the Committee thanked the
Community Engagement and Enforcement Manager for their report and for the hard
work of all the officers that had been undertaken since the last report. |
EAC Area Committee Grants 2022-23 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Community Funding & Development Manager regarding Community Grants. Councillors were reminded that the Committee could not make decisions whilst the Area Committees were taking place virtually, but any discussion / debate would be taken into consideration by Officers when the delegated decisions were made. The Community Funding & Development Manager agreed to consider additional funding of £500 for the Ainsworth Area Resident’s Association (E3). The Committee were informed that the Mill Road Traders Associations (E13) application did not unfortunately fall under the remit of the grant funding. Officers would continue to signpost alternative funding opportunities. Members expressed their appreciation to the Community Funding & Development Manager for her hard work and commitment to the communities of Cambridge who was retiring after 39 years services to Cambridge City Council. |