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Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Committee Manager Email:
Note: To register to speak inside of the virtual meeting please contact democratic services 2 days in advance or you can e-mail on the night.
No. | Item | |||||||||
Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence PDF 119 KB Minutes: No apologies were received. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 16 September were then noted as a correct record. |
Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods PDF 314 KB Minutes: The Chair welcomed
Sargeant Stevenson (Cambridgeshire Constabulary), Carol Leonard, Executive
Committee Member (Cambridge City area) Cambridgeshire Neighbourhood Watch and
Rachel Fairhead (Anti-Social Behaviour Officer) to the meeting. The Committee
received a report from Sargeant Stevenson regarding policing and safer
neighbourhoods’ trends. The report outlined
actions taken since the last reporting period. The current emerging
issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for
full details). Previous local areas of concern and engagement activity noted in
the report were:
dealing and the protection of local young people – child
criminal exploitation. The virtual Area
Committee would not be making a decision, so would not
vote on priorities set by the Police. The Police reported back on the
local areas of concern they were currently focussing on. Councillors and
members of the public could not change these, but they could suggest
ideas/issues for the Police to focus on. It was suggested
that anti-social behaviour was included to the drug dealing and the protection
of local young people – child criminal exploitation. In response to
Members’ discussion Sargeant Stevenson provided the following responses:
the comments regards vehicles breaking the 20pmh speed limit in Romsey and
Abbey (particularly the Whitehill Road area).
names of the streets could be passed on so they could be monitored. Residents could also report these offences on
the 101-phone number or the relevant web page.
Police could issue a traffic offence report if drivers were caught breaking the
20mph limit. iv.
could join the community volunteer programme Speed Watch which enabled
volunteers to raise awareness of the dangers of speeding with training on the
necessary Police equipment.
The Speedwatch co-ordinator could arrange for advisory notices
to be issued. There was a contact at Parkside Police Station who could
facilitate resident groups. vi.
theft was no longer the top crime in Cambridge and down 24% from the previous
year. vii.
It was
important to cycle owners to keep a record of the frame number of their bike
which could be placed on the national bike register
or the Immobilise website which viii.
cycles could also be reported to via 101or the Cambridgeshire Constabulary
website. ix.
the comments regarding drug dealing and anti-social behaviour in Burnside
(Romsey) and the request for CCTV in the area. Advised all issues should be
reported as was only aware of a couple of incidents. In conjunction incidents
should be reported the City Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Team.
mobile CCTV units were assets of Cambridge City Council. Between this team and
the Police, the two would determine where the location of the mobile CCTV units
should be placed based on the number of the incidents reported. xi.
aware that Anti-Social Behaviour was higher than usual in Mill Road at this
current time. xii.
motivated crimes were automatically dealt with by the Neighbourhood Policing
teams to investigate and were treated very seriously. The Cambridgeshire
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator advised she would be happy to co-ordinate
those Neighbourhood Watch Groups who wished to work on the Speedwatch
scheme. ACTION Councillor Davies Councillor
Thornburrow advised that Cambridge City Council were working with external
partners on a Cycle Prevention Task and Finish Working Group examining cycle
parking at the train station. Suggested a report could be brought to a future
meeting on the work was being undertaken. ACTION Councillor Thornburrow. The Anti-Social
Behaviour Officer advised she would find out the location of the CCTV in
Petersfield as requested by Councillor Howarth. The Committee were then advised
of the Cambs against County Lines which had been delivered to over 300
secondary school students. The project had received positive responses and
would continue to be shown in January. The Cambridgeshire
Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator advised that a separate meeting could be set
up to discuss the work of the Neighbourhood Watch. Councillor Baigent advised a
Member briefing session would be passed on the relevant Officer who could
arrange this if there was interest. A member of the
public raised the following question: On policing &
antisocial behaviour: many residents in the East Area are reporting antisocial
behaviour by noisy motorcyclists/moped late at night. After 11 pm, very clearly
and persistently audible from Edward Street (near Norfolk Street). What exactly is
being done to address this? Is the problem
just being shifted around by targeting Area A, shifting it to Area B? Sergeant Stevenson
added the named streets to the list for patrol. |
Making Connections: Have Your Say on Greener Travel in Greater Cambridge Consultation To welcome representatives from the Greater Cambridge Partnership who will provide a presentation on the Making Connections Consultation. This will then be followed by a Question and Answer Session. To find out more or to take part please go to
Minutes: The Chair welcomed Peter Blake, Transport Director, Greater
Cambridgeshire Partnership (GCP) to discuss the Making Connections Consultation
which could be viewed at the following link: The Transport Director said the following in response to
Members’ questions: i.
An Impact assessment had been published based on
the principles of better bus services and charging, highlighting the issues
concerning protected characteristics. ii.
A final publication would be available before a
decision would be made by the board; the report would outline what those
impacts were likely to be. iii.
Investigation into the installation and use of
light rail had been undertaken in 2018. The current assessment had determined a
lack of flexibility and the relative cost in terms of the Greater Cambridge
area and population, but this could not ruled out post 2030. A member of the public asked the following question: What policy risk assessments have GCP officers made on
their proposals that led to significant public protests several years ago, including
but not limited to the Cambridge end of the Cambourne-Cambridge proposed
busway, and congestion charging?" "What analysis have GCP officers
undertaken/commissioned on elasticities of demand regarding congestion
charging? Have they read any literature on the likely reduction in traffic from
different levels of charging both with light-rail-based substitutes, and
bus-only substitutes available? Do they have contingency plans in place if
revenues from charging are much higher or much lower than forecast? The Transport Director responded with the following: i.
The integrated assessment would outline the
benefits and form part of the decision-making process. ii. A final decision had not yet been determined and assessments were being undertaken on many areas such as congestion and air pollution. iii.
Several consultations had taken place including
a citizen’s assembly. There would also be a final round of consultation after
the current consultation had been concluded and analysed. iv.
Some of the congestion charges had been
published and further publications would be forthcoming while working towards a
single proposal. v.
Concerning the light railway-based substitutes,
previous assessments had been undertaken by the GCP and the Combined Authority.
This mode of transport had been discounted as it was costly and inflexible in
terms of delivery for this period of time. |
Presentation: Newmarket Road Improvements by Greater Cambridge Partnership To welcome representatives from the Greater Cambridge
Partnership who will provide a presentation on the Newmarket Road Improvements as
part of the Eastern Access Consultation. This will then be followed by a
Question and Answer Session. To find out more or to take part please go to
Minutes: The Committee
received a presentation from Jo Baker, Technical Lead, (GCP) on the Cambridge
Eastern Access Newmarket Road improvements as part of the Eastern Access
Consultation. Further information
could be found at the following link: In response to
Members’ question the Technical Lead said the following:
was currently no safety data on the cyclops junctions; the Histon Road junction
had been opened in November and was therefore premature to provide any
information at this stage. The following
questions had been received from a member of the public: What assessment
have officers made of past historical studies and proposals for improved
Eastern Access into Cambridge? (Including but not limited to the Cambridge
Futures2 study, the airport proposals from the late 2000s, and other proposals
stored in the Cambridgeshire Collection and County Archives). "Do officers
accept that whatever proposals they come up with for Newmarket Road, the
additional number of homes and the future direction of development in East
Cambridge means that road will never have the capacity to transport such an
increased number of people into the city centre?" "What direct
conversations are GCP officers having with the senior management, and fans
forums of Cambridge United Football Club regarding Eastern Access given the
traffic congestion on match days?" The Technical Lead
responded with the following:
relevant policy documents had been looked at; the strategic outline business
case would have such documents into account as the Cambridge East Area Action
Plan 2008.
The future
of the East Cambridge was very much focused on a range of issues such as the
climate crisis and the challenges that modern living brought.
that a dependency on road traffic was not the solution which was why the Making
Connections Scheme had been brought forward.
It was
critical that all alternatives to the road and private vehicle traffic were
being investigated to accommodate growth in the area.
United Football Club was one of the stake holders and was not treated any
differently to any other stakeholders that the GCP engaged with.
there was an issue of congestion on match days around Newmarket Road most of
which related to informal and off-site parking.
Cambridge United Football Club had limited parking on site, the GCP were
investigating better controls of residential parking to deter car usage and the
provision of better alternatives to make it easier for football fans to access
the stadium. The relocation of the Newmarket Park and Ride would increase capacity
which should significantly contribute. |
Open Forum Minutes: The Chair welcomed
Joe Lewis from Cam Skate who gave a presentation to promote the revamping of
the skate park on Donkey Common and asked Councillors to support their
proposals. A copy of the
presentation could be found on the following link: Choose agenda document pack - East Area Committee 2 December
2021 - Cambridge Council Following a
discussion on the presentation several councillors expressed their support for
the scheme. The Head of Corporate Strategy reminded the Committee that these
expressions of support did not commit to any formal kind of decision or Council
Presentation: Greater Cambridge Local Plan by Greater Cambridge Planning Services To welcome officers from the Greater Cambridge Planning Service who will provide a broad outline of the Greater Cambridge Plan and the formal consultation; how to signpost on how residents and businesses can comment. This will be followed by a question and answer session. The Greater Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals
consultation can be found on the Greater Cambridge Planning website: Minutes: The Committee
received a report from the Strategy and Economy Manager regarding the Greater
Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals consultation. Further information
regarding the consultation could be found via: Greater Cambridge Local Plan ( In response to
Members’ questions the Strategy and Economy Manger said the following:
preferred options documents provided a summary on the position of the water
supply issue and more detail within the topic paper supporting the plan.
Resources East were currently developing a management plan ready for
publication due August 2022.
Work on
the reservoir had started through a ‘rapid process’, through Cambridge Water
and Anglian Water and the current water management plan.
Resources East were looking at a range of issues including water lost through
leakage, agricultural use, water efficiency measures, and giving a wider
message that water is a scare resource that we should all use cautiously. Members of the
public asked several questions, as set out below Re Cambridge
United FC's women's team, for as long as I can remember the team has had to
play its home matches outside of the city, sometimes outside of the county.
What scope within the local plan is there for a new ground for the club, esp given the rising popularity of women's football and the
number of women and girls taking up the sport? The reference to
identify the Abbey Stadium as a development opportunity would potentially give
the opportunity to look at both the men’s’ and women’s team. There were no
specific proposals for a new stadium, however the issue could be looked at
further as the Plan developed. Was the previous
local plan (2006) a success? Is there a report that you can publish and
publicise that highlights whether the city built the amount of social housing
the plan said was needed? Did it build the overall number of homes that was
planned? This Plan first
proposed the Major Urban Extension such as Clay Farm, Eddington Darwin Green,
and development north of Cherry Hinton to name a few examples. There had been a
success in bringing those developments to fruition. Cambridge always had a
five-year supply of land and was on track with the targets. Annual Monitoring
Reports were published every year to show how the plans were performing. I am concerned
about the accuracy of some of your consultants' reports, on leisure facilities
such as swimming pools, and Cambridge's night life. I am concerned that your
consultants are not sufficiently modelling for demand for such facilities that
comes from outside Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire. What is the formal
process for challenging the conclusions of consultants? Members of the
public were encouraged to make comments on the
evidence based
documents through the First Proposals Consultation process and express any
concerns they had. In the New Local
Plan, how will existing Policy 23 be carried forward to strengthen protection
of (a) the northern half of St Matthew's Piece (*not* a designated
"potential development site”; cf Fig. 3.9 in the
2018 Local Plan) and (b) the New Street allotments? Should both areas be
removed from the “Eastern Gate Opportunity Area"? If other explicit
protections would be more effective, what are they and how would this be
achieved? Existing local plans placed a high priority
on the protection and enhancement of green spaces, and this is proposed to be
continued by the First Proposals. The proposal to continue the Eastern Gate
Opportunity Area in the First Proposals Policy
S/OA: Opportunity Areas in Cambridge, which
included the green spaces identified, does not infer that the Councils are
proposing development for these spaces. Inclusion of these green spaces within
the Opportunity Area are rather to ensure that this area is considered in the
context of any development. The adopted Plan explicitly protects St
Matthew’s Piece and New Street allotments as Protected Open Spaces, and the
policy directions set out in the First Proposals including Policy
BG/PO: Protecting open spaces and Policy
BG/GI: Green Infrastructure – which
sought respectively to protect open spaces, and to support protection and
enhancement of existing green infrastructure including allotments, show that it
is highly likely that the Greater Cambridge Local Plan would do the same. Views on the proposed approaches set out
above via consultation
website. In the New Local
Plan, how can existing Policy 60 (on Tall Buildings) be strengthened so that it
is actually applied per its wording (i.e, when
a proposal does significantly exceed the surrounding built form)? Adopted Local Plan policies including Policy
60 were matters for consideration at the planning application stage. For the emerging Greater Cambridge Local Plan, the First Proposals Great Places theme includes a number of proposed policies relevant to design, and Policy GP/PP: People and place responsive design proposes the approach to tall buildings. These proposals would be developed into draft policies following the consultation. Opinions on the proposed policies could be placed on the consultation website so that Offices could take them into account in preparing the draft plan, including how tall buildings should be approached |
Title: City Centre COVID Recovery Project Update - Area Committee Briefing PDF 68 KB Minutes: The briefing paper was noted. |