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Venue: Meeting Room - Cherry Trees Day Centre
Contact: James Goddard Committee Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies For Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Brown, Hart and Herbert. |
Declarations Of Interest Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items
on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal should
be sought before the meeting.
Minutes: No declarations of
interest were received. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 21 and 25 June 2012. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the 21 June 2012 meeting were
approved and signed as a correct record subject to the following amendment: (i)
Typographical error in
12/30/EAC Open Forum question 1. Comments and action point attributed to
Councillor Blencowe should be attributed to Councillor Bourke. The minutes of the 25 June 2012 meeting were
approved and signed as a correct record. |
Matters & Actions Arising From The Minutes PDF 23 KB Reference will be
made to the Committee Action Sheet available
under the ‘Matters & Actions Arising From The Minutes’ section of the
previous meeting agenda. General agenda
information can be accessed using the following hyperlink: Additional documents: Minutes: (i) 12/16/EAC Matters & Actions Arising From The
Minutes “Action Point: Councillor Sedgwick-Jell to respond to Dr Eva’s Riverside Place gritting
concerns raised in ‘open forum’ section. Councillor Sedgwick-Jell to clarify
position with Graham Hughes (Service Director, Growth & Infrastructure –
County) to ascertain gritting schedule.” Councillor Sedgwick-Jell has followed up the gritting issue with County
Officers, they have undertaken to make the Riverside Place cycle lane and road
a priority (ii) 12/17/EAC Open Forum matter arising:
Addenbrooke’s bus service concern. Councillor Johnson and Councillor Sadiq met with Councillor Ward to
discuss this issue. (iii) 12/30/EAC Open Forum “Action Point: Councillors Bourke
and Marchant-Daisley to meet with ward residents and
shopkeepers to discuss drug and alcohol related street life anti-social behaviour in the area around Mill Road and Norfolk Street. Issues to be reported back to
August East Area Committee (EAC).” Councillor Bourke to meet with Inspector Poppitt and Mr Stamp to
discuss Mill Road issues, in particular those affecting the Co-op. A mutually convenient date for the meeting was not
possible prior to 2 August EAC. This topic was
revisited under minutes section 12/42/EAC Police and Safer Neighbourhoods. (iv) 12/30/EAC Open Forum “Action Point: Councillor Johnson
to raise EAC bus service concerns, specifically changes to the Citi 3 bus route, with Andy Campbell
(Stagecoach Cambridgeshire Managing Director).” Councillor Johnson passed
on a response from Mr Campbell: Mr Campbell stated that changes to the Citi 3 route were advertised two
weeks before they took place, and that every bus had a poster advising
passengers of the changes. He added that the poster pointed customers to the
Stagecoach website for the new timetables. Mr Campbell also defended the
changes to the Citi 3 route, explaining that "we were told prior to the
changes that we had too many buses in Bridewell Road, others wanted a
connection to Tesco; and Fulbourn wanted a more direct service. We managed to
accommodate all these requests." (v) 12/30/EAC Open Forum
“Action Point: Councillor Herbert to respond to Mrs Deards EIP question after liaising
with Andrew Preston
(Project Delivery & Environment Manager).” Councillor Herbert
has liaised with the Project Delivery & Environment Manager. The County Council have
raised no objections to the lines, so they should be implemented imminently. (vi) 12/30/EAC
Open Forum “Action Point: Councillor Hart to liaise with Clare Rankin
(Cycling & Walking Officer) and respond to Dr Eva to clarify if the River
Lane Community Centre has cycle racks or alternatives.” Councillor Hart
has liaised with the Cycling & Walking Officer. Councillor Blencowe is pursuing the implementation of a cycle rack
outside of the Cherry Trees Day Centre. (vii) 12/30/EAC
Open Forum matter arising “Action Point: Councillor
Johnson to raise drug users and drug dealing in the Riverside
area as a Police priority at August EAC” Councillor Johnson
invited Mr Catto, of Riverside Residents
Association, to attend EAC and give further background to the alleged problems
in support for making this a police priority. This topic was
revisited under minutes section 12/42/EAC Police and Safer Neighbourhoods. (viii) 12/30/EAC Open Forum matter arising
“Action Point: Councillor Johnson to raise request for double yellow lines along
Riverside with Brian Stinton (Area Manager - County).” Councillor Johnson
has raised the request for double yellow lines along Riverside with
Brian Stinton (Area Manager - County). The County Council felt the suggestion
was reasonable, but not a funding priority. The suggestion has now become an
environmental improvement project priority. (ix) 12/30/EAC Open Forum matter arising
“Action Point: Councillor Blencowe to raise resident’s concerns with the choice of colour for
Riverside railings with the Project Delivery & Environment Manager.” Work on hold pending the outcome of the current moorings consultation. (x) 12/35/EACa
12/0260/FUL: Ryedale House, 40
Cambridge Place This item was
deferred to Thursday 6 September 2012 because amendments
were required to overcome the concerns raised by the owner of Bodyworks dance
studio. These have now been received. |
Open Forum Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking. Minutes: 1. Mr Green
raised the following points about the City Council Planning Policy Issues and
Options Paper: ·
Councillors to question policies in the Plan, particularly those in Chapter 12. ·
City and County Councils were consulting on ways to reduce car usage. Mr Green
felt that people’s car needs were not reflected in the plan and believed the
model policies were based on was flawed. ·
does not have alternatives for surface traffic travel options. ·
a referendum on private motoring. Councillor Smart responded: · The Issues and Options Paper first stage had just closed, but responses were
welcome to future consultation stages. · Car needs for people who drove occasionally could be
addressed through car clubs. · A study by a Cambridge academic suggested an
underground travel system in the City was feasible. Councillor Blencowe said that Councillors
were mindful of responses to the Issues and Options
Paper consultation process. Councillor Blencowe said that Councillors
should set long term priorities based on responses to the Issues and Options Paper consultation process. They
should not concentrate solely on short term options. 2. Mr Carpen asked why Councillors did not
make greater use of social media to communicate with residents. Councillors
said that the Authority used social media, but individual councilors were not
obliged to. Councillors could be active in other ways, such as surgeries.
Jonathan James (Head of Customer Services) was the nominated City Council
social media contact. 3. Mr Gawthrop expressed concern regarding the
lack of progress on implementing traffic calming measures in Tenison Road.
Specifically as further through traffic was expected in future. EAC felt progress on Tenison Road traffic calming measures was
unsatisfactory, particularly as additional Anglian Ruskin University students
are expected to travel along Tenison Road in the near future. EAC recognised
County Council staff issues impacted on project delivery, but the Committee
expected progress. EAC undertook to monitor project progress. |
Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods PDF 175 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report from
Inspector Poppitt regarding the policing and safer neighbourhoods trends. The report outlined actions taken since the
Committee on 12 April 2012. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends
for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details). Previous
priorities and engagement activity noted in the report were: (i)
Alcohol and drug-related
street ASB in the East, targeting known hot spots and focussing on education and
enforcement to address licensed premises selling alcohol to the intoxicated. (ii)
ASB use of mopeds in
Coleridge. (iii)
Vehicle crime, such as
theft and vandalism, in East of City. The Committee discussed the following
policing issues: (i)
Declining levels of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in
Romsey due to Police intervention. (ii)
Vehicle crime such as vandalism in the East
area. (iii)
Drug users and drug dealing in the
Riverside area. (iv)
linked to street drinking. (v)
Street life ASB in east of city. Specifically
relating to alcohol, drugs and threatening behaviour. Geographic areas of
particular concern were identified as Mill Road, Mill Road
Cemetary and Norfolk Street in the east of the city; as well as
related issues in Burleigh Street and Fitzroy Street. (vi)
Greater emphasis on licensing agreement terms to
prevent the sale of alcohol to people who were already intoxicated. Licence
holders should feel supported that they can refuse to sell alcohol when it
would be inappropriate to do so, and that they have a responsibility not to do
so under licensing terms eg when someone is intoxicated. Concern was expressed over the
sale of high strength alcohol. It was noted that Licensees could lawfully sell
high strength alcohol unless their licensing conditions prohibited it. (vii)
The need to address ASB through joined up multi-agency
action. For example, provision of support and facilities for the street life
community, as well as the option for Police and Licensing Officers to take
enforcement action. Greater focus on education, encouragement and support. (viii)
The re-introduction of section 30 dispersal orders. (ix)
People should report crimes in order to help the Police
collect evidence and trend information. Residents expressed concern regarding
response times to the 101 contact number and asked for alternative ways to
report crimes. Inspector Poppitt undertook to liaise with Councillor
Benstead regarding targets for response times to the 101 number. Members of the public made statements and asked a number of questions,
as set out below. 1. Ms
Wright raised concerns about : ·
Street life ASB in east of city. Specifically relating
to alcohol, drugs and threatening behaviour from the street life community or
their dogs in Norfolk Street. ·
The sale of high strength alcohol
as a contributing factor to ASB and littering. ·
Referred to difficulties
when reporting crimes to the Police. Councillor Benstead said that the City
Council was the City Licensing authority. Any concerns regarding licencee
practices should be referred to Licensing Officers. 2. Ms
Dean made the following points: ·
Raised concerns about street
life ASB in east of city. Specifically the impact of ASB in Norfolk Street on
primary school children. ·
Raised concerns about the
sale of alcohol to people who were already intoxicated. ·
Requested the re-introduction
of section 30 dispersal orders. ·
Requested that street
drinking be made an offence in Cambridge either for a set period or
indefinitely. ·
The length of time required
to report crimes through the Police 101 contact number. ·
Supported the work of
Jimmy’s Night Shelter. Street life community members needed better support for
the treatment of issues. The Police would benefit from alternative powers to
the Council to stop habitual drinking problems. ·
Suggested that if one
premises needed a licence review in an area, nearby premises should have one
too by default as they would be likely to be using the same practices. Inspector Poppitt
responded: · The Police would
undertake a licence review if given evidence to justify one. · A geographic
specific public area alcohol drinking ban would help address issues. Councillor Benstead said a licence review of
one premises would not trigger a review of others in the locality, as different
premises could have different licensing conditions. Reviews were triggered when
licensing conditions were broken. Councillor
Blencowe said that Mill Road had been a Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods
priority for over two years. It was clear that the problem was being managed,
but not reduced as issues kept reoccurring in Mill Road, Mill Road
Cemetary and Norfolk Street (plus related issues in Burleigh Street and Fitzroy
Street). Councillor Blencowe recommended that if Police records evidenced there
was a need, the Police should recommend the reintroduction of section 30 in
these specific geographic areas to the Leader of the City Council. This proposal was carried unanimously. Action Point: East Area Committee Chair, Vice Chair and Spokes to meet Inspector Poppitt to discuss implementing a specific street
drinking order on a zonal basis. 3. Mr
Gawthrop made the following points: ·
Reiterated points made by Ms Dean and Ms Wright. ·
Raised concerns about street life
ASB in Mill Road Cemetary. ·
Supported the Police’s
objections to Hobby Home alcohol licence application in Mill Road at the 18
June 2012 Licensing Sub Committee. This was turned down due to the impact on
the Cumulative Impact Zone. 4. Mr
Catto raised concerns about drug dealing in the Riverside Area and
associated ASB such as littering of used needles. 5. Councillor
Johnson said the City Council was not in a position to offer the Police CCTV
evidence unless it was requested. He asked if this policy could be amended. Inspector Poppitt welcomed the use of CCTV
evidence. He undertook to speak to Council and Police colleagues to review if
the policy could be amended or enhanced so evidence could be more easily
provided to the Police. 6. Councillor
Owers queried contact details for Licensing Officers whom Councillors and
residents could report concerns to. Action Point: Sarah Steggles
(Senior Anti-Social Behaviour Officer) to send East Area Committee Members a list
of contact numbers for reporting different types of
anti-social behaviour. These in turn can be passed to residents. Councillor Owers
requested a change to the recommendations. Amendments are shown in bold text. (i)
Alcohol and drug-related street ASB in
the East, targeting known hot spots (including Mill Rd, Mill Rd Cemetery and
Norfolk Street plus drug dealing in the Riverside Area) and focusing on education and enforcement to address licensed premises selling alcohol to the
intoxicated. (ii)
ASB use of mopeds in Riverside, Coleridge
and Abbey areas. The amendments were unanimously agreed. The following priorities were unanimously
agreed: (i)
Alcohol and drug-related street ASB in
the East, targeting known hot spots (including Mill Rd, Mill Rd Cemetery and Norfolk Street
plus drug dealing in the Riverside Area) and focusing
on education and enforcement to address licensed premises selling alcohol to the intoxicated. (ii)
ASB use of mopeds in Riverside,
Coleridge and Abbey areas. (iii)
Vehicle crime, such as theft and
vandalism, in East of City. |
Environmental Improvement Programme PDF 24 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The
Committee received a report from the Project Delivery & Environment Manager
regarding the Environmental Improvement Programme. The report outlined progress
of existing schemes and new suggested schemes for 2012/13. The Project Delivery & Environment Manager referred
to typographical errors in his report: (i)
P41 Appendix A EIP Scheme 13 Palmer’s Walk was
incorrectly labelled as Paradise Walk. (ii)
P41 Appendix A EIP Scheme 14 Burnside/Brookfields
Parking Issues was incorrectly labelled as Petersfield instead of Romsey. (iii)
P41 Appendix A EIP Scheme 16 Mill Road Right Turn into Coleridge Road
was suggested by Councillor Moghadas, not Councillor Marchant-Daisley. (iv)
P41 Appendix A EIP Scheme 17 Coldham’s Lane was
incorrectly labelled as Coldman’s Lane. Existing Schemes: Progress The Environmental Projects Manager referred
to suggestions passed on or not feasible as
projects: (i)
HGV weight restrictions for
Romsey Terraced streets similar to Catharine Street. (ii)
Rayson Way Verge Protection
using bollards. New Schemes That Require
Decisions Members considered a
number of 2012/13 schemes put forward for approval. In response to
Member’s questions the Project Delivery &
Environment Manager answered: (i)
Riverside Railings EIP was
on hold pending consultation. (ii)
The South Area Radial
Review would affect road projects in Appendix C of his report. Members of the
public asked a number of questions as set out below. 1. Mr Rogers
asked why the implementation of Rayson Way Verge Protection using bollards was delayed. The Project Delivery & Environment Manager said
a consultation exercise
was required prior to undertaking action to determine if bollard implementation
was the best method of protecting the verges. 2. Mr Rogers
said that Whitehill Close Neighbourhood Watch had been established to address
issues in the Close. Now these had been resolved, residents wanted the
Whitehill Close Planting environmental improvement project (EIP) to go ahead,
but with flowerbeds instead of flowers in grassed areas as proposed by the EIP.
Mrs Peachey stated that residents would be willing to maintain the
flowerbeds. The
Project Delivery & Environment Manager has liaised with Mr Rogers, residents
and Ward Councillors. Flowers in grassed areas as proposed by the EIP would
save £2,000 - £3,000 per year in maintenance costs compared to flowerbeads. The
Project Delivery & Environment Manager said the EIP could be amended to
include flowerbeds (instead of flowers in grassed areas) that residents would
be responsible for. In this case, the Council would only be responsible for the
provision of bulbs, not replacements. If the flowerbeds were not maintained,
they would be returned to grass. EAC
suggested retaining the project on the EIP list at its present level of
funding, but returning it to EAC for discussion in future. ACTION POINT: Project
Delivery & Environment Manager to
amend Whitehill Close Planting environmental improvement project and return it
to East Area Committee for consideration post discussions with residents. 3. Mr Catto
expressed concern regarding the path near Tescos, covered by the Riverside
Parking Issues EIP. The Resident
Association would like the area enhanced. The Project Delivery & Environment Manager said
a consultation exercise
was required prior to undertaking action to determine if any objections will be
raised to the EIP. Councillor Blencowe
said the issue would be raised at the next Area Joint Committee meeting. Councillor Blencowe
requested to that the following project be added to the list set out in
Appendix A of the Officer’s report. The project was Mill Road Hanging Baskets
for £7,500. Councillor
proposed an amendment to the
Officer’s recommendations: (i)
further investigate
alternative funding options for the Palmer’s Walk/Petersfield Square proposal. (ii)
To reduce the budget for
Coldman’s Lane, Ross Street and Catharine Street Tree Planting EIP from £20,000
to £11,550. This amendment was carried unanimously. Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously) to: (i)
Approve Mill Road Hanging Baskets project proposed by
Councillor Blencowe. (ii)
Allocate funding of up to
£56,200 to the list of proposed projects in Appendix A of the Officer’s report,
except for Palmer’s Walk/Petersfield Square. (iii)
Approve the projects for
implementation, subject to positive consultation and final approval by local
Ward Councillors. (iv)
Note the progress of
existing schemes listed in Appendix C of the Officer’s report. |