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Venue: Virtually via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Committee Manager Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||
Welcome, Introduction and Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies were received. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 March were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Matters and Actions Arising from the Minutes PDF 116 KB Minutes: No matters were raised. |
Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods PDF 308 KB Minutes: Sergeant Stevenson presented a report which outlined the
policing and safer neighbourhood trends and outlined actions taken since the
last reporting period. Local areas for concern were as follows: i.
Anti-social driving ii.
Cycle theft, and iii.
Drug dealing and the protection of local young
people – child criminal exploitation. In response to questions and comments from the Committee Sergeant
Stevenson said the following: i.
If an electric scooter was not part of a hire
scheme they should not be used on the public highways. Legally, private owned
electric scooters are not approved to be on the public highway. Those scooters
part of a hire scheme were GPS monitored and tracked. ii.
Mobility scooters were permissible on the
highways. iii.
The road safety operations undertaken each month
did police electric scooters. iv.
Technically, cycling on a pavement which had not
been identified as a cycle path was not allowed but there was a level of
tolerance from some members of the public. v.
Electric mopeds which had pedals should be on
the highways and not the path. vi.
The 20mph enforcement was taken very seriously
by Police. vii.
There was varying enforcements which could be
used when dealing with anti-social driving such as section 59, which could be
issued to both vehicle and users. If more than one section 59 was issued to
either the vehicle or the user then the vehicle could be seized. viii.
Had received reports of anti-social driving
regarding mopeds in one of the East Area wards and would be sending Police
Officers out to try to witness those committing the crimes. ix.
All information reported to the Police was
valuable and would be investigated; details of vehicles recently reported for
anti-social driving had links to organised crime and one should not be on the
road so would be seized when found. x.
Noted the comments regarding speeding on
Riverside particularly around Beche Road. xi.
Would continue to observe roads in Abbey ward
such as Wadloe Road, Whitehall Road, Ditton Road, Davey Road etc as highlighted
in the report. xii.
Confirmed that Newmarket Road roundabout was on
the road safety operation list; regarding stationary vehicles in this area
keeping their engines idling particularly when the ques built up around the
primary school, this was more of a highways issues rather than enforcement. xiii.
A fixed penalty notice could be issued when
dealing with speeding. xiv.
There was a number of issues which could be
classed as anti-social driving such as constant over revving of engines,
‘donuts’ on public green spaces, vehicles on pathways that should be on the
highway. xv.
Verified there was separate legislation
regarding noise. xvi.
Confirmed that as the Police had objected to the
recently considered and approved premises licence application on Mill Road that
they would support an appeal. xvii.
Details of the public who reported incidents
direct to the control room were logged. xviii.
Street surgeries had been on hold due to the
pandemic. These had been an opportunity for the public to talk to directly to
the Police on a range of issues. These also provided opportunities for the
Police to provide feedback on the work that had been undertaken. It was hoped
that these street surgeries would be able to start again when restrictions had
been lifted. xix.
Noted the comment that the Dudley Road
recreation ground was a hotspot for drug dealing. The Chair thanked Sergeant Stevenson for his report and
advised that the Committee had noted the content and the continued priorities. |
Open Forum Minutes: Member of
the Public: The
matter of vehicle noise has been raised numerous times previously, highlighting
areas across the East Area, but regularly around Barnwell Road, Newmarket Road,
Wadloes Road, Whitehill Road... The regular
response from officials is to continue reporting the matter to collect data.
Some people understand the importance of this data and have tried to do this,
but after many months of reporting and the problem only getting worse, it's becoming difficult to continue. Reports
also don't go very far without video evidence, which
is defeated by the fact that the louder the noise, the further it travels and
the more people it affects. In some cases, where the noisy vehicles (often
off-road bikers) are in residential streets, they have removed number
plates, making the reporting more difficult still. The problem
is, I think, getting worse. Since the end of the third lockdown, I find I
am increasingly interrupted by extraordinarily loud motorists while I'm trying
to get on with life -- in-person conversations, or phone calls for work or
personal matters; and you cannot walk in the worst-affected areas for an hour
without having a conversation interrupted by someone's modified exhaust.
Going back to work near the centre of town, I have found the same problem
increasing there too, with virtually every call or conversation I have
interrupted by someone showing off on East Road, Hills Road, or
Regent Street. When will
the matter genuinely be taken seriously? This cannot go on for years before we
see / hear change. Most of the community needs more than platitudes about the
increasingly regular disturbance, by those keen to disturb the peace... I would be
genuinely interested to see action, like that beginning to come about in other
parts of the UK. Please see and discuss the following: Kensington
and Chelsea's solution: Such a
solution would provide real monitoring and measuring of the problem, rather
than relying on useless reporting, which relies on the public having the will
to keep reporting. Sergeant
Stevenson advised the cameras were operated by the County Council and those
vehicle users causing anti-social behaviour / driving regarding noise came
under environment health legislation. The cameras
could detect a certain level of noise deemed to be more than should be emitted
by a regular moving vehicle which then becomes a statutory nuisance. Had looked at
the Kensington and Chelsea’s solution to this issue which was innovative. Councillor
Bulat advised that she would share the Kensington and Chelsea link with the
relevant county officers and ask for their feedback. Councillor
Moore, as the Executive Councillor for Climate Change and the City Centre
acknowledged that noise pollution was detrimental to quality of life. Would be
happy to work with the resident on this issue to take the matter forward. Would
speak with city council officers on what evidence was needed and the correct
approach followed. The collection
of evidence was vital to take to court for noise abatement notices to be
issued. Kensington and Chelsea had issued public spaces protection orders but
to get the order agreed by the Court, evidence was required to prove there is
anti-social behaviour taking place. Member of
the public: The application by Anderson Group (Planning application
21/02326/FUL) for development south of Coldhams Lane
has land allocated for commercial development but included several wildlife
sites and protected open spaces proposed as an urban country park. The area is
seen to offer green open spaces and for the city’s protecting biodiversity,
however the application covers a large area with major changes in relation to
the 2018 previous consultation. It is of such a scale that it will affect many
people in the area, as well as the environment and wildlife. There is
inadequate guidance to the huge number of public documents involved which are
difficult to access and understand. The development would have numerous
potential impacts, making it is very difficult to grasp fully what is planned
and the time scale involved. It is
important to note the increase in future population of the with the relocation
of the airport and further housing developments. The
statutory consultation process seems far from adequate and questioned if it
would be possible to extend the consultation for people to fully understand
what the issues are and provide a response.
Would it also be possible to improve procedure for the areas which are
proposed for the country park and conservation areas, Councillor
Thornburrow advised in her capacity as the Executive Councillor for Planning
Policy and Transport, she had asked the case officer to contact the Anderson
Group to request they consider further public presentations as none had been
planned. To date 168
comments on the application had been submitted by residents. Agreed it was
vital that residents understood the documentation and would be happy to arrange
assistance when looking at the drawings. Member of
the public: The experimental Mill Road Bridge scheme, created for both social
distancing and encouraging walking/cycling, has shown a more pleasant Mill
Road. Congestion, pollution, noise, and road danger are much lower. But the
consultation to date has been badly done and no-one likes ugly orange bollards! With the
new Joint County Administration, a better, permanent scheme is possible. The
Highways Committee considers Mill Road in July. A new
independent, cross-party group, Mill Road For
People -, have been working up compromise proposals to
resolve the problems some people have raised. It aligns clearly with the new
joint administration's Agreement. meeting with traders and distributing
leaflets to residents to get their ideas. The proposals adjust the current bus
gate scheme: 1. Retain
the bus gate, which is the only way to avoid Mill Road being a rat run for the
city centre. 2. Add
practical, low-cost, improvements along the street to help traders and
shoppers. E.g. disabled parking, delivery bays, short-stay shopper parking,
zebra crossings, removing poles, adding cycle parking, seating areas for cafes
while keeping the pavement clear for the partially-sighted, tree planters,
seating, better bus stops, and other improvements. These would make the street
accessible and welcoming for everyone, and really encourage people to come to
Mill Road. 3. Consult
on allowing taxis over the bridge, ideally just Hackney Carriages (suggested by
Piero of the Traders' Association when we spoke with him), as they are
regulated, and increasingly electric with wheelchair access. 4. Exempt
traders delivery vehicles from the bus gate. We took up Cllr Howitt's
suggestion of speaking with a county officer, who confirmed this can be done, as long as there’s a clear policy. 5. Consult
on Blue badge holders also similarly being able to register to be exempted. 6. Work to
reduce traffic on main roads around the city, as per the administration
agreement, to help residents of Coldham's Lane and
Cherry Hinton Road. 7. Consult
properly with a simple, standard county council consultation, asking residents
on the layout and specific options for exempting types of vehicles. Residents
would fill in a standard leaflet, giving their address to avoid any duplicate
submissions. What do
councillors think? We think a scheme like this will create something that most
people would regard as a fair compromise and avoids going back to the road
danger going on since the 1980s. Councillor Shailer
welcomed the work that had been undertaken and the feedback received from
traders. Stated the joint county council
administration was the greenest that had been elected. Was aware the city
council were working on a survey to collate feedback from a wider area. Councillor
Howitt advised the new administration at the county council were working with
officers to determine that the decision would be based on facts and evidence. Councillor
Thornburrow stressed it was important to think about hidden disabilities that
adults and children had when looking at the open spaces, how people moved through
those spaces and how the community could be brought together. Councillor
Moore had requested that some of the government funding received for city
centre improvements be allocated to other high streets outside of the
city. A strategic plan was needed for
the whole of the city resulting in cleaner air and improved public transport. Member of
the public: Please can you provide an
update on next actions following the Coleridge residents survey. What
actions will EAC take to engage with The Junction as/when lockdown lifts,
regarding engaging with the neighbourhood. When I was a subscribing supporter they mentioned they did not do door-to-door
publicity - something that could be done to recruit local audiences especially
last minute unsold tickets, & local subscribers. At a future
EAC can we discuss post-lockdown community fairs where each ward hosts an event
that community orgs & campaign groups can hold stalls & meet the local
public? Similarly the 3 but on a much larger scale - for The Junction to host, a
societies fair but for South Cambridge (and a similar one in the north),
covering sports groups & clubs. Councillor
Smith (Executive Councillor for Communities) advised she would speak with
representatives from the Junction regarding local community engagement and
bring back this information back to the Committee (ACTION). Acknowledged
that community fairs could be a positive thing to hold. As a Ward Councillor
would be interested in exploring the different creative approaches. It was
important to speak with the community and voluntary sector to determine what
they needed as it did not always have to be a community fair but could be a
conference instead, as an example. Councillor
Smith concluded she would welcome working with the member of the public on
exploring communities fairs etc. Councillor
Moore explained that following the survey this was due to be discussed at the
Coleridge Community Forum in March 2020 but had been cancelled due to the
pandemic. Coleridge Cordaid and Coleridge Food Hub had been set up to assist
local people in need. The group would be officially constituted and all those
who took part in the survey would be invited. There was also the street party
which was being funded by a community grant and the member of the public was
invited to get involved. Councillor
Herbert suggested individual ward forums to talk to those groups, individuals
and charities operating communities’ facilities in the area. Councillor
Davey advised he had spoken to the Junction’s Artistic Director in March who
had undertaken some community engagement but would be concentrating in Romsey
and Petersfield Ward. Councillor
Davey would contact the Junction’s Artist Director for an update (ACTION). |
Outside Body Appointment: Cambridge Airport Consultative Committee Officers seek nominations to this Outside Body Appointment. The Committee is to note the appointment by Officers after this meeting. Minutes: Recommend to Officers that Councillor Davey be the representative for the Cambridge Airport Consultative Committee for the ensuing year. |
Outside Body Appointment: East Barnwell Community Centre Officers seek nominations to this Outside Body Appointment. The Committee is to note the appointment by Officers after
this meeting. Minutes: Recommend to Officers that Councillor H Davies be the representative for the East Barnwell Community Centre for the ensuing year. |