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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Meeting Room - Cherry Trees - Cherry Trees Day Centre. View directions

Contact: Glenn Burgess  Committee Manager

No. Item


Apologies For Absence




Declarations Of Interest

Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal should be sought before the meeting.


Item Number





Personal: Member of East Barnwell Community Centre's Management Committee



Personal: Member of Strategic Hub Steering Group, East Barnwell



Minutes pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 23 October 2014.


The minutes of the meeting of the 23rd October 2014 were agreed and signed as a correct record.


Matters & Actions Arising From The Minutes pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Reference will be made to the Committee Action Sheet available under the ‘Matters & Actions Arising From The Minutes’ section of the previous meeting agenda.


General agenda information can be accessed using the following hyperlink:



Additional documents:


There were no outstanding actions.


Open Forum

Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking. 


1.   Mrs Margaret Cranmer raised a number of traffic concerns regarding Tenison Road. She stated that a number of traffic violations had been reported to the Police but little action had been taken.

     She made the following requests:

·        Improved enforcement action to tackle cars (including taxis) mounting the pavements and dangerous parking by coaches in the vicinity of the Youth Hostel Association premises.

·        That this committee contact the County Council to request action in the area.

·        Education and information for taxi drivers pointing out the speed limits and asking them to be considerate road users.


Councillor Walsh stated that work was on-going to improve the area. 20mph radar activated signs would be installed shortly. He stated that the County Council had been working with local coach companies that use the area.


Members questioned if it would be possible to ban coaches or HGVs from using Tenison Road. However, this would be problematic for construction vehicles.


Councillor Benstead undertook to raise taxi driver’s poor and inconsiderate driving in the area, at the next Taxi Driver Forum. In addition, he suggested that members of the public could report taxi drivers to the City Council who were the licensing authority.

Action: Councillor Benstead


2.   Mr Frank Gawthrop raised concerns that purpose built student housing often ends up being used for other purposes. He suggested that this was a departure from the Local Plan and should have been covered by conditions when considered by the Planning Committee. In his opinion properties were being constructed in a style (individual flats rather than cluster units) which made them too expensive for most students. He further suggested that the Planning Department lacks the resources to ensure that, where conditions exist, they were being adhered to. For example; Brunswick House and the CB1 site.


Councillor Blencowe stated that this should not be the case. He explained that third party letting agents would be bound by the original letting conditions regarding students. Councillor Blencowe suggested that the Planning Department should be requested to investigate this matter further and respond direct to Mr Gawthrop


Action: Councillor Blencowe


3.   Janet Griffiths stated that there were still issues with footpaths in the Burnside / Budleigh Close area.


Councillor Bourke stated that officers had visited the area but had not been able to identify where the problems were. A site visit will be agreed so that residents can point out areas causing problems.

Action: Councillor Bourke


4.   Councillor Moghadas raised concerns about the pavement outside the Post Office on Mill Road Broadway. She had been informed that elderly residents of the adjacent Millcroft Court had experienced falls due to the uneven pavement surface. Councillor Moghadas would look into this matter outside the meeting and report back.

Action: Councillor Moghadas





Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 274 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from PS Chris Norden regarding the Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the Committee of 11th September 2014. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details).


PS Norden responded to questions as detailed below:


1.   Have the dangerous ecstasy tablets, highlighted in the press, been found in Cambridge?


Not to PS Norden’s knowledge.


2.   Members suggested adding Tennison Road and Coldham’s Lane to recommendation three.


This would be taken away and highlighted to Officers as areas of concern within recommendation three. However, the recommendation did not need to highlight this.


3.   Councillor Kavanagh: There has been an increase in dwelling burglaries. Is there a pattern emerging?


Individual streets can be targeted with three or four incidents taking place on the same day. In addition, there is an increasing trend towards burglars travelling to other areas to commit offences.


4.   Councillor Robertson: What can be done to tackle foolish behaviour by cyclists? For example: ignoring red lights and cycling on pavements.


PCSOs are now authorised to ticket cyclists. The recent cycle lights initiative had been successful.


The North Area Committee had agreed a priority action of anti-social cycling in the past. Outcomes were unknown.


Councillor Roberts suggested that parents often encouraged their children to cycle on the pavement and that this should be addressed.


PS Norden stated that Cambridge experienced a number of cyclist related problems and that action was taken to address those. He suggested that all bike owners should mark their machines and should take down a detailed description so that stolen bikes could be reunited with their owners. Members suggested that this advice should be promoted by the City Council.


5.   Members requested an update on the possibility of a Public Space Protection Order for Mill Road.


There was currently not enough evidence to support such a request. Problems in open spaces were often seasonal and any issues should be reported in order to build an evidence base for future action.


6.   Councillor Herbert: Is there any additional information on the recent incident in Ditton Lane?


Action is on-going but details cannot be shared at present. However, the residents can be assured that there is no public risk.


7.   Councillor Roberts: Crime figures in the Abbey Ward appear to be increasing. Why?


There are a number of reasons including changes to recording methods, increased numbers of bars in the area and higher than average incidents of domestic violence.


A multi-agency, violent crime, pilot scheme was being trialled in the area and the next report will include more details on that project.


Councillor Sinnott stated that a more comprehensive breakdown of crime figures was in the pipeline.


8.   Mr Woodburn: could this committee invite someone to attend to explain the policy on fixed speed cameras? They appear to be used only intermittently.


Inspector Matt Johnson stated that the cameras were active 24 hours a day.


Councillor Blencowe stated that this matter did not appear to be an area of concern for other residents. However, specific concerns could be raised direct with Councillors


9.   Councillor Smart: Could accident figures for Mill Road be reported to a future meeting?


Figures were already available on the County Council website.


Resolved: (unanimously) to agree the following priorities:  


     i.        Continue with the work against the supply of Class A drugs and the presence of persons linked to organised crime groups from the London area.


    ii.        Target street drinking and alcohol-related ASB in the Petersfield and Mill Road area.


   iii.        Address road safety matters such as vehicle speeding and anti-social cycling.




Environmental Data Report - East Area pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The Committee received a report from the Public Realm Manager regarding environmental data and providing an update on progress since the last report.


In response to the report members made the following comments:


     i.        Thanked the Public Realm Manager and her staff for their hard work.

    ii.        Welcomed the before and after photos.

   iii.        Suggested the Romsey area was in need of more work.

  iv.        Suggested that the entrances and footpaths leading to the Cambridge United football ground were in need of attention.

   v.        The Newmarket Road underpass was also in need of a spring clean before the football game.

  vi.        Suggested that the entrances to parks and recreations grounds were good locations for additional dog waste bins.

 vii.        Suggested a co-ordinated approach with the ward blitz programme to clean up cycle racks.

viii.        Suggested that litter bin graffiti should be addressed when bins are emptied.

  ix.        Welcome the news that better signage was being designed to educate the public on where they could dispose of dog waste.

   x.        Suggested that action be taken to address the post lunch litter left at the leisure park. Contacting nearby schools and colleges was suggested.

  xi.        Suggested that dog warden patrol times should be varied across the city and not predicable by being the same days/times all of the time.

 xii.        Wider distribution of pocket ashtrays was suggested including East areas that distribute cigarettes, and locations where people smoked e.g. local pubs.

xiii.        Suggested that Mill Road Railway bridge could benefit from a clean up if was the responsibility of the City Council.

xiv.        Requested results of the recent dog fouling campaign.

xv.        Rope Walk was a regular hot spot for flytipping and abandoned vehicles that required regular monitoring.

xvi.        Charity shop donations on Hope Street left outside premises overnight were reported as causing a problem. Working with the shop over signage and management of this problem was suggested.


In response to member’s questions the Public Realm Manager stated the following:


xvii.        The dog fouling campaign would continue for four weeks with some refinements to the poster design and location.

xviii.        Informal advice was given by the City Rangers to address gardens spilling over to pavements. However, formal action was a County Council matter. Figures could be included in this report.

xix.        Results of the dog fouling campaign were being collated and would be released in the near future.

xx.        Bins on streets within the area would be addressed by the enforcement team.


The Committee resolved unanimously to amend recommendation eight as follows (additional wording underlined and in bold) and to add an additional recommendation (ten).


Recommendation 8

Enforcement patrols to deal with the litter issues at Cambridge Leisure Park at Clifton Road including liaison and educational with nearby schools and colleges.


Recommendation 10

Clean up St Matthews play area.


Resolved (unanimously) to agree the following amended priorities:


     i.        Enforcement patrols to tackle fly-tipping on Riverside and The Broadway

    ii.        Enforcement joint working and patrols to deal with illegal camping on green open spaces, including Stourbridge Common

   iii.        Jet wash Barnwell Road and Adkins Corner shops to remove grime and chewing gum from the shop fronts

  iv.        Early morning patrols for dog fouling at the following locations:

·        Romsey Recreation Ground

·        Petersfield Recreation Ground

·        Cannon Green

·        St Thomas’s Square and Road

·        Ravensworth Gardens play areas

·        Coldhams Common

   v.        Deep cleanse of the Tins bridge to include removal of graffiti (pending ownership confirmation from the County Council)

  vi.        Litter enforcement at Ditton Fields Recreation Ground

 vii.        Enforcement patrols to deal with the ongoing issues at Tesco, Cheddars Lane

viii.        Enforcement patrols to deal with the litter issues at Cambridge Leisure Park at Clifton Road including liaison and educational with nearby schools and colleges

  ix.        Dog warden patrols to deal with dogs off leads issues at Budleigh Close and Barnwell Road shops

   x.        Clean up St Matthew’s play area



S106 priority-setting (3rd round): East Area pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Report enclosed separately.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager regarding the S106 Devolved Decision Making: Grant Applications.


He reminded the Committee that developer contributions are for the provision of, improvement or better access to particular types of facilities as specified in S106 agreements, with contribution categories defined in planning policy documents. To be eligible, projects needed to provide additional benefit and be available for access by all sections of the community. S106 contributions could not be used for repairs and maintenance, replacing existing facilities or running costs.


The Urban Growth Project Manager tabled the following revised recommendations:


2.1     allocate £53,000 devolved community facilities S106 contributions to Cambridge Community Church towards the kitchen and portable stage lift at the new C3 centre, subject to satisfactory project appraisal and a community use agreement;


2.2     [REVISED] allocate up to £48,600 of devolved S106 community facilities contributions for eligible works for the conversion of Sturton Street Chapel and Hall into a community centre, subject to the acquisition of the site by the grant applicant, project appraisal approval following further details from the applicant and a community use agreement; and


2.3     [REVISED] defers consideration of the S106 grant application for the redevelopment of the multi-use games area at East Barnwell community hub so that the grant applicant can provide more detailed proposals and so that the amount of S106 funding for which the project may be eligible can be reassessed.


Resolved (Nem con) to defer recommendation 2.3.


In response to Members’ questions the Urban Growth Project Manager stated the following:


       i.          Recommendation 2.2 is intended to allow for fast action to be taken subject to the satisfactory acquisition of the building. Provisional allocations of this sort had been agreed in the past. The allocations were defined as up to £48,600 and the end figure might be less than this, in which case the funding would be reallocated to another project. 

     ii.          Faith based applications needed to commit to a written agreement on inclusion, and a method to be devised to more closely monitor use by the wider community. All grant applicants fully understood the requirements and annual monitoring reports were required.


Resolved (unanimously) to agree the following amended priorities:


2.1     allocate £53,000 devolved community facilities S106 contributions to Cambridge Community Church towards the kitchen and portable stage lift at the new C3 centre, subject to satisfactory project appraisal and a community use agreement; and


2.2     allocate up to £48,600 of devolved S106 community facilities contributions for eligible works for the conversion of Sturton Street Chapel and Hall into a community centre, subject to the acquisition of the site by the grant applicant, project appraisal approval following further details from the applicant and a community use agreement.