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Venue: Meeting Room - Cherry Trees - Cherry Trees Day Centre. View directions
Contact: Glenn Burgess Committee Manager
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Apologies For Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from City Councillor C. Smart and County Councillors Walsh and Whitehead. |
Declarations Of Interest Members of the committee are asked to declare any interests in the items on the agenda. In the case of any doubt, the advice of the Head of Legal should be sought before the meeting. Minutes:
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 31 July 2014. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the 31st July 2014 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Matters & Actions Arising From The Minutes Reference will be
made to the Committee Action Sheet available
under the ‘Matters & Actions Arising From The Minutes’ section of the
previous meeting agenda. General agenda
information can be accessed using the following hyperlink: Minutes: The Committee considered the outstanding action and gave the following updates: Police and Safer Neighbourhoods: A breakdown of crime figures had been discussed with Councillor Sinnott outside the meeting. Willow Trees in Abbey Pool Car Park: On-going. HGV Speeding in Ditton Lane: Meetings with County Councillor for the area were on-going and further details would be available at the next meeting. Contribution from North Area for River Bridge: The North Area Committee have agreed to match the East Areas contribution. Consultation re Romsey Terrace Development: This matter would be considered by the Central Planning Committee in the near future. Location of Cycle racks in Mill Road: The City Council’s Access Officer has reviewed the locations of cycle racks in Mill Road and stated that whilst the pavement is wide enough, street furniture could have been better placed. The cycle racks do not need to be moved at present and a long term solution might be to relocate the bins so that all street furniture is on the same side of the pavement. Shape Your Place: No progress to report. Councillor Bourke is engaged in on-going discussions with the coms team at the County Council. |
Change to Published Agenda Order Under paragraph 4.2.1 of the Council Procedure Rules, the Chair used his discretion to alter the order of the agenda items. However, for ease of the reader, these minutes will follow the order of the agenda. |
Open Forum Refer to the ‘Information for the Public’ section for rules on speaking. Minutes: 1. Antony Carpen:
Addressed the Committee to remind people of the first ‘Be the Change’ event to
be held on the 13th September 2014.
Members thanked Mr Carpen. |
Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods PDF 254 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee
received a report from PS Chris Norden regarding the
Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods trends. The report outlined actions taken since the Committee on 10th
April 2014. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were
also highlighted (see report for full details). PS Norden responded to questions as detailed
below: 1.
Michael Bond: The
Area behind the Cherry Trees Day Centre is suffering from anti-social behaviour
including, drug use, graffiti, litter and aggressive behaviour. This type of behaviour is known to move
about as action in one area moves the problem to a different area. Additional
Police patrols would be arranged. Members of the public were encouraged to
report any concerns. 2.
Richard Taylor:
Could the breakdown of crimes include greater detail regarding the seriousness
of injuries? It would be
difficult to breakdown figures based on injuries. However, it might be possible
to go into greater detail on the type of crimes recorded. Councillor Blencowe stated that those figures were publically available elsewhere and not required for Area Committee purposes. The Area Chairs had made a joint decision to keep the Police and Safer Neighbourhood reports uniform across the four areas. 3.
Councillor Sinnott: Can violence figures be broken down to highlight
how much of this was domestic violence? A visit to
Parkside Police station would be arranged for Councillor Sinnott
for a full briefing of crime recording processes. 4.
Johnson: Requested an update on recent action taken to tackle drug dealing in
the Whitehill Road area. Successful raids had taken place and
arrests had been made. 5.
Johnson: Is there a strategy in place to tackle London dealers taking advantage
of vulnerable individuals in order to use their homes for illegal purposes? The strategy uses partnership working to
support vulnerable residents in the most appropriate way to meet their needs.
This might mean moving them to safer locations. 6.
Councillor Roberts:
Residents have noted an increase in anti-social behaviour in the Newmarket Road
– Elizabeth Way area. Police are aware of, and addressing, this
issue. It is thought to be linked to the access surgery in the area. 7. Councillor Baigent:
Mill Road traders have raised concerns about street drinking and anti-social
behaviour in the area. Can monthly updates be provided? Mill Road has improved in recent months. PS Norden agreed to discuss traders concerns with the local PCSO. Poor response times when using the 101 telephone number, were reported by members of the public. The Committee asked for this comment to feedback to senior Police officers. Members
expressed support for retaining the current priorities. Resolved: (unanimiously)
to agree the following priorities: i.
the supply of drugs in the East area ii.
issues associated with Mill Road
shoplifting in the East area |
Project appraisal: East Barnwell Community Hub – Centre Redevelopment PDF 95 KB Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Head of Community Development regarding the Project Appraisal for East
Barnwell Community Hub. The report outlined the project and asked the Committee to a contribution
towards improved community facilities at East Barnwell Community Centre. The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Expressed support for additional provision for
young people in this area.
Suggested that, due to the clustered nature of
housing in the area (separated by major roads), a single community hub would be
welcomed. In response to Members’ questions the Head of Community Development and the County Council’s Community Hubs
Project Manager said the following:
The project steering group were aware that new
provision would need to serve a wide catchment and a strategy would be in place
to deliver this. iv.
County and City Council officers would be taking a
pro-active approach to engage the community as the project developed.
County Officers were confident that they could
deliver most of the desirable elements of the design brief within existing
budgets. However, additional elements could be added later. Resolved
(unanimously): i.
To approve subject to planning approval, tender
process and completion of a suitable legal agreement, a capital payment of
£255,000 to Cambridgeshire County Council as a contribution towards improved
community facilities at East Barnwell Community Centre. This project is already
included in the Council’s Capital Plan. The total project cost is £1.8m. ii.
Noted that there were no revenue or maintenance
implications for the Council. |
Planning Applications PDF 108 KB The applications for planning permission listed below require determination. A report is attached with a plan showing the location of the relevant site. Detailed plans relating to the applications will be displayed at the meeting. Additional documents: |
14/0607/FUL - 1 Great Eastern Street PDF 218 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought approval for the conversion and extension of existing frontage
building from office to 1no. flat and 1 studio flat;
and erection of 4 studio flats to the rear (following demolition of existing
outbuildings), together with associated infrastructure. The Committee
received representations in objection to the application from the following: ·
Wright ·
Deborah Griffin Sue Wright’s
representations covered the following issues: i.
Loss of
Loss of
3.10a and 3.14b of Local Plan.
Building mass.
Application was rejected in 2011 as being
overbearing and amendments do not go far enough to address this. Deborah Griffin’s representations
covered the following issues: vii.
Bulky building casting shadow. viii.
A better compromise could be achieved.
Volume of building would be doubled.
Out of scale with the area.
Car free requirement could not be managed and
policed. Justin Bainton (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the
application. The Committee: Resolved (by 5 votes to 5 – and on the Chair’s casting vote) to grant the
application for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation,
for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions
recommended by the officers. |
14/1077/FUL - 218 - 220 Mill Road PDF 91 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought (retrospective) approval for rendering external wall and painting in soft stone colour. The Committee
received representations in objection to the application from the following: ·
Freeman ·
Brigham Chris Freeman’s
representation covered the following issues: i.
street scape had been destroyed. ii.
In a conservation area, appearances matter. iii.
Other shops had maintained the Victorian facade. iv.
Is not acceptable, even if other properties have
taken this approach prior to area gaining conservation status. v.
Character of the area should be conserved. Allen Brigham’s representation covered the following issues: vi.
Approving this would be endorsing a race to the
bottom. vii.
Conservation area should be improved. viii.
Conservation status should be inspiring. ix.
Need to be very clear that this is not related to
external insulation. The Committee: Resolved (by 7 votes to 1)
to refuse the application
contrary to the officer recommendations for the following reasons: The rendered finish, because of its
prominence and its extent, would cause significant harm to the character of the
conservation area, in which the original brick predominates, contrary to
policies 3/4 and 4/11 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2006. |
14/0956/FUL - Land Rear of 16 St Barnabas Road PDF 161 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought approval for the proposed
dwelling following demolition of two garage terraces. Don Proctor (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application. The Committee: Resolved (by 10 votes to 0) to grant the application
for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the
reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions
recommended by the officers. |
14/0974/FUL - 27 Tenison Avenue PDF 88 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought approval for a first floor, rear
extension and internal alterations. The Committee
received a representation in objection to the application from Sophie Smiley. The representation
covered the following issues: i.
Area is
of Edwardian character. ii.
to the West of her property is a blank brick wall. iii.
already suffers from a feeling of enclosure. iv.
and dining room already very dark and has built a garden room to gain
additional light. v.
diagrams provided are misleading and do not illustrate the loss of afternoon
light. vi.
A first floor extension would restrict daylight and
increase the sense of gloom. Steve Sillery (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the
application. Ciouncillor Robertson (Ward Councillor for Petersfield)
the Committee about the application and made the following points:
Proposal is overbearing and would overshadow
First floor extension would restrict sunlight and
increase gloom to neighbours.
Would create a feeling of enclosure. The Principal Planner confirmed that the already approved extension to
St Collette’s to the rear of this site, was a material
consideration. Members suggested that they would like to see more detail in the
sunlight study. Councillor Blencowe proposed deferring this item until further
sunlight studies had been completed. He reminded the Committee that, if
deferred, this application would be considered by the Central Planning
Committee and not East Area Committee. This proposal was lost by 5 votes to 3. The Committee: Resolved (by 5 votes to 3)
to refuse the application
contrary to the officer recommendations for the following reasons: Because of its height, length and proximity
to the common boundary with 25 Tenison Avenue, the
proposed extension would have an unacceptable impact on the residential amenity
of the occupiers of that house through an overbearing sense of enclosure,
contrary to policies 3/4 and 3/14 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2006. |
14/0887/FUL - Garages 11-45 Ekin Road PDF 150 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought approval for the erection of 6x affordable units following demolition of garages. Associated car parking and cycle parking and private and shared
amenity space. The Committee
received a written representation in objection to the application from Dr
Hester Goddard. The representation
covered the following issues:
no objection to the development, but had concerns about boundary of her
property. ii.
Had concerns regarding trees planted in the area of
the boundary. iii.
Requested further consultation prior to contractors
beginning work on site. Councillor
Robertson (Ward Councillor for Abbey) addressed the Committee about the
application and made the following points:
speaking on behalf of a resident of Keynes Road.
has a son with a medical condition.
been using the rear of the property to access their garden as their son is a
wheelchair user. iv.
access would be lost of application approved. The Principal Planner
stated that the points raised by Councillor Robertson were civil matters and
not planning considerations. The Committee: Resolved (by 9 votes to 0) to grant the application
for planning permission in accordance with the officer recommendation, for the
reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to the conditions
recommended by the officers. |
14/1181/FUL - 44 Mill Road PDF 125 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: As there had been no objections to this application, the Committee delegated this decision to Officers. |
14/0976/FUL - St Matthews Church And Church Hall PDF 79 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for
full planning permission. The application sought approval for a single
storey extension to form porch and prayer room to allow disabled access into
the front of the Church. David Joy (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application. The Committee considered that the access problems outweighed the impact
of the proposed extension on a Listed Building. The Committee: Resolved (by 6 votes to 4)
to approve the application
contrary to the officer recommendations subject to conditions to be drafted by
officers and approved by Chair and Vice-chair: |
14/0977/LBC - St Matthews Church And Church Hall PDF 78 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received an application for
listed building consent. The application
sought approval for listed building for a single storey extension
to the Church, to form a porch and prayer room. The Committee: Resolved (by 6 votes to 4) to grant the application for listed building consent contrary to the officers recommendation, subject to conditions to be drafted by officers and approved by Chair and Vice-chair (in the absence of the spokes). |
General Items |
591 Newmarket Road Enforcement Report PDF 81 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for planning enforcement action to be taken in
respect of a breach of planning control. The report sought delegated authority to serve an Enforcement
Notice to address the unauthorised development at 591 Newmarket Road, namely, “Without
planning permission the creation of a separate residential unit.” The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to accept the officer recommendation that enforcement
action is authorised in respect of the breach of planning control. |
136 Perne Road Enforcement Report PDF 77 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for planning enforcement action to be taken. The report sought delegated authority to serve an Enforcement
Notice to address the unauthorised development at 136 Perne Road, namely, “Without planning permission the material change of use of a mobile home
to a separate residential unit”. The Committee
received a representation from the owner of the property, Mr Sanderson. The representation
covered the following issues: i.
application for lawful development has been submitted and the fee paid. ii.
It is unfair to consider the matter until that
application has been considered. iii.
A mobile home has been on the site for 14 years and
has been lived in for most of that time. iv.
The property has the correct certificates for
Electricity and Gas supplies. The Enforcement Officer confirmed that if the
certificate of lawfulness was granted after enforcement action had been
approved, that approval would supersede an enforcement action. The Committee: Resolved (by 10 votes to 1) to accept the officer recommendation that an enforcement
notice be authorised to address the outstanding breach of planning control. |
35 Collier Road Enforcement Report PDF 81 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for planning enforcement action to be taken. The report sought delegated authority to serve an Enforcement
Notice to address the unauthorised development at 35 Collier Road, namely, “Without planning
permission the creation of a separate residential unit.” The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to accept the officer recommendation that enforcement
action is authorised in respect of the breach of planning control. |
1 Hemingford Road Enforcement Report PDF 84 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee
received an application for planning enforcement action to be taken. The report sought delegated authority to serve three Enforcement Notices
to address the breach of the following conditions of 11/0066/FUL: Condition 1: Within 1 month of the date of the permission hereby granted details of
facilities for the covered, secured parking of bicycles for use in connection
with the development hereby permitted shall be submitted to and approved by the
local planning authority in writing. The
approved facilities shall be provided in accordance with the approved details
before use of the development commences. Reason: To ensure appropriate provision for the secure storage of
bicycles. (Cambridge Local Plan 2006 policy 8/6) Condition 2: The House of Multiple Occupation hereby approved shall not be let out
to more than 7 tenants at any one time. Reason: To restrict the
intensity of the use in the interests of neighbouring amenity, Cambridge Local
Plan 2006 policy 5/7. Condition 3: Within 1 month of the date of the permission hereby granted a
Management Strategy shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority. The management strategy shall be carried out as agreed. Reason: In the interests of
neighbouring amenity, Cambridge Local Plan policy 5/7. The Committee: Resolved (unanimously) to accept the officer recommendation that enforcement
action is authorised in respect of the breach of planning control. |