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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Committee Manager

Link: Video recording of the meeting

No. Item


To elect a Mayor for the Municipal Year 2019/20


(The Deputy Mayor in the Chair)


Councillor Smith proposed and Councillor Cantrill seconded the nomination of Councillor Gerri Bird as Mayor for the Municipal Year 2019/20.


Resolved (unanimously) that:


i.  Councillor Gerri Bird be elected for the Municipal Year 2019/20.


Councillor Bird then made the statutory declaration of acceptance of the Office of Mayor.



To elect a Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2019/20


Councillor Herbert proposed and Councillor Moore seconded the nomination of Councillor Russ McPherson as Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2019/20.


Resolved that:


i.  Councillor Russ McPherson be elected Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2019/20.


Councillor McPherson then made the statutory declaration of acceptance of the Office of Deputy Mayor.



To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on the 21 February 2019 pdf icon PDF 506 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on the 21 February 2019 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.



To note the Returning Officer's Report that the following have been elected to the office of Councillor

·        Abbey: Haf Davies

·        Arbury: Carina O’Reilly

·        Castle: Greg Chadwick

·        Cherry Hinton: Mark Ashton

·        Coleridge: Grace Hadley

·        East Chesterton: Gerri Bird

·        King’s Hedges: Alex Collis and Kevin Price

·        Market: Katie Porrer

·        Newnham: Markus Gehring

·        Petersfield: Mike Davey

·        Queen Edith’s: George Pippas

·        Romsey: Anna Smith

·        Trumpington: Peter Lord and Dan Summerbell

·        West Chesterton: Damien Tunnacliffe



It was noted the following had been elected to the Office of Councillor:

·       Abbey: Haf Davies

·       Arbury: Carina O’Reilly

·       Castle: Greg Chadwick

·       Cherry Hinton: Mark Ashton

·       Coleridge: Grace Hadley

·       East Chesterton: Gerri Bird

·       King’s Hedges: Alex Collis and Kevin Price

·       Market: Katie Porrer

·       Newnham: Markus Gehring

·       Petersfield: Mike Davey

·       Queen Edith’s: George Pippas

·       Romsey: Anna Smith

·       Trumpington: Peter Lord and Dan Summerbell

·       West Chesterton: Damien Tunnacliffe



To note the appointment of the Mayor's Chaplain for the ensuing year


The Council noted the appointment of Deacon Ian Murray as the Mayor’s Chaplain for the Municipal Year 2019/20.


To pass a Resolution of Thanks to former Mayor Nigel Gawthrope and Jenny Wood


Resolved (unanimously), on the proposal of Councillor Price, seconded by Councillor Bick that:


i. The Council expresses its appreciation of the manner in which the duties of Mayor and Mayoress were discharged by Nigel Gawthrope and Jenny Wood.  (The Common Seal was affixed to a copy of this resolution and presented to Jenny Wood at the meeting).



Mayor's announcements

To be included in the Information Pack.



Apologies were received from Councillor Ashton, Barnett, Dryden, Chadwick, O’Reilly, Payne, Pippas and Tunnacliffe. 


Civic Church Service

The Mott Sermon would be preached at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday, 26 May at 9.30 a.m.


Proclamation of Midsummer Fair

The Proclamation of Midsummer Fair was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 19 June, and details had been circulated.


Mayor’s Day Out

The Mayor confirmed that the Mayor’s Day Out would take place on Tuesday 13 August and asked that if anyone would like to help to let Penny Jackson know.




To elect from among the Members of the Council four Bailiffs of the City for the Municipal Year 2019/20


Resolved (unanimously) to:


Appoint Councillors Massey, Thornburrow, Pippas and Page-Croft Bailiffs of the City for the Municipal Year 2019/20.



To consider the recommendations of Committees for adoption


Civic Affairs: Nominations for Committees for the Municipal Year 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 368 KB


Resolved (unanimously) to:


  i.      Agree the number and size of committees, depart from proportionality on the Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee and to note the nominations listed in the agenda and in the information pack, set out below in full:


Ordinary Committee   



Environment and Community Scrutiny Committee 8 (5 Labour + 3 Lib Dem)

Smart, Barnett, Hadley, Collis, Davies


Summerbell, Martinelli, Payne


Alternates – O’Reilly, Sheil, Page-Croft



Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee  9 (5 Labour + 3 Lib Dem + 1Independent)

Smart, Sheil, Hadley, Green, Baigent


Bick, McGerty, Chadwick




Alternates – McQueen, Bird, Lord


Housing Scrutiny Committee 8 (5 Labour + 3 Lib Dem)

Todd-Jones, Bird, Collis, Sheil


Cantrill, Lord, Porrer


Alternates – Barnett, O’Reilly, McGerty


Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee 5 (3 Labour + 2 Lib Dem)

Davey, Todd-Jones, Green


Bick, Dalzell


Alternates – Davies, O’Reilly, Cantrill


Civic Affairs Committee 6 (4 Labour + 2 Lib Dem)

McPherson, Sargeant, Davey, Thornburrow


Dalzell, Chadwick


Alternate – Moore, Martinelli 


Employment (Senior Officer) Committee 6 (4 Labour +2 Lib Dem)

Sargeant, Thornburrow, Herbert, Sheil


Bick, Nethsingha


Licensing Committee 11 (7 Labour+ 4 Lib Dem)

Bird, Thittala, McQueen, Massey, Moore, McPherson, Sargeant


Pippas, Gehring, Porrer, Summerbell


Alternates – Johnson, Page-Croft


Planning Committee 8 (5 Labour+ 3 Lib Dem)

Smart, McQueen, Green, Baigent, Sargeant


Tunnacliffe, Lord, Page-Croft


Alternates – Thornburrow, Herbert, Nethsingha


Cambridge City Joint Area Committee (with County Council) 6 (4 Labour + 2  Lib Dem )

Sargeant, Smart, Massey, Robertson


Payne, Martinelli


Alternates – Bird, Lord


Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority - 1 seat



Alternate - Sargeant


Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 Labour + 1 Lib Dem

Price, Gehring


Alternates – Davey, Summerbell



Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Audit and Governance Committee 1 Labour + one alternate



Alternate – Price


Greater Cambridge Partnership Joint Assembly 3 (2 Labour + 1 Lib Dem)

Davey, Massey, Bick


Joint Development Control Committee - Cambridge Fringes 6 (4 Labour+ 2 Lib Dem)

Thornburrow, Baigent, Sargeant, Smart


Tunnacliffe, Page-Croft


Alternates- Price, Moore, Porrer, Lord






Civic Affairs: Nominations for Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs Municipal Year 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 161 KB


Resolved (unanimously) to:


Approve the Nominations for Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs for Municipal Year 2019/20.





Vice Chair

Environment and Community Services



Planning and Transport






(nb. Tenant/Leaseholder is Chair of Part 1 of the meeting)

Strategy & Resources



Civic Affairs










 Thornburrow as Lead Cllr




Civic Affairs: Constitutional Updates pdf icon PDF 352 KB


The Leader of the Council informed the Council of changes to Executive portfolios, set out in the Council Agenda pages 39-59.


Resolved (unanimously) to:


Approve the changes to the Constitution as set out below:




The Council shall have the following Overview and Scrutiny Committees. Their role and functions are set out in Article 6 of Part 2 of this Constitution and their procedure is governed by the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules in Part 4 of this Constitution.


Environment and Community (Scrutiny) Committee


Terms of Reference

Overview and scrutiny of the functions for which the Executive Councillors for (i) Communities (ii) CLIMATE CHANGE, Environment al Services and City Centre are responsible for and; (iii)  the community safety responsibilities of the EXECUTIVE COUNCILLOR FOR TRANSPORT AND COMMUNITY SAFETY Streets and Open Spaces  are responsible


As required by Section 19 of the Police and Justice Act 2006 to be the crime and disorder committee with the power to review or scrutinise decisions made by the Council or by the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership.


Planning and Transport (Scrutiny) Committee


Terms of Reference

Overview and scrutiny of the functions for which the Executive Councillor for (i) Planning Policy and OPEN SPACES Transport  is responsible for and (ii) the transport responsibilities of the EXECUTIVE COUNCILLOR FOR TRANSPORT AND COMMUNITY SAFETY




Annual Statements pdf icon PDF 618 KB

Group Leaders will each have the opportunity to speak for not more than 10 minutes on their Group’s priorities for action and objectives for the forthcoming municipal year in the following order:


Councillor Herbert

Councillor Bick


Annual Statement of the Labour Group is appended.


Councillor Herbert spoke to a written Annual Statement on the Labour Group’s priorities for the forthcoming Municipal Year, which had been appended to the agenda for the meeting.  It was note a typographical error on page 61 second line of the Agenda which should read ‘ Four commitments to deliver….’


Councillor Bick spoke to a written Annual Statement on the Liberal Democrat Group’s priorities for the forthcoming Municipal Year, which had been appended to the information pack for the meeting.



Adoption of Policies and Procedures

The scheme for Annual Statements provides that the Statement of the Leader of the largest group on the Council shall be deemed to be a motion for adoption. It may therefore be debated and amendments proposed after which it shall be put to the vote and, if carried, shall be adopted as Council policy for the municipal year. The Council will therefore consider the Annual Statement of the Labour Group as a motion for adoption.


If the adopted Annual Statement contains proposals which fall outside of the Council’s budgetary or policy framework, the proposals shall not be acted upon until there has been a report to the relevant Scrutiny Committee(s) and Executive Councillor(s) in the normal way and approval at a subsequent meeting of the Council.


Resolved (by 23 votes to 0) that:


i. The Annual Statement of the Labour Group, as appended to the agenda, be adopted as Council policy for 2019/20.