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Home > Council and Democracy > Attendance summary

Attendance summary

Explanation of the statistics columns

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend in their capacity as member of that committee.
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in their capacity as member of that committee.
In attendance
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Expected Present In attendance
Councillor Mark Ashton760
Councillor Dave Baigent24210
Councillor Naomi Bennett21211
Councillor Tim Bick12120
Councillor Gerri Bird1090
Councillor Immy Blackburn-Horgan770
Councillor Sam Carling17160
Councillor Hugh Clough660
Councillor Mike Davey10101
Councillor Iva Divkovic1080
Councillor Robert Dryden1480
Councillor Ingrid Flaubert1140
Councillor Jenny Gawthrope Wood11110
Councillor Alice Gilderdale15130
Councillor Jean Glasberg870
Councillor Tim Griffin15150
Councillor Olaf Hauk880
Councillor Mairéad Healy540
Councillor Cameron Holloway990
Councillor Delowar Hossain550
Councillor Matthew Howard640
Councillor Daniel Lee651
Councillor Nadya Lokhmotova660
Councillor Anthony Martinelli650
Councillor Russ McPherson15150
Councillor Rosy Moore11100
Councillor Antoinette Nestor11100
Councillor Cheney Payne850
Councillor Katie Porrer21191
Councillor Dinah Pounds17150
Councillor Richard Robertson13131
Councillor Patrick Sheil1151
Councillor Martin Smart20170
Councillor Anna Smith550
Councillor Simon Smith11100
Councillor Richard Swift1290
Councillor Baiju Thittala880
Councillor Katie Thornburrow20180
Councillor Mike Todd-Jones861
Councillor Elliot Tong880
Councillor Rachel Wade14110
Councillor Karen Young15142