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Meeting attendance

Thursday, 25th May, 2023 12.00 pm, Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Council Chamber, The Guildhall, Market Square, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ [access the building via Peashill entrance]

Contact:    Democratic Services
Committee Manager

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Richard Robertson Chair Present
Councillor Dave Baigent Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Naomi Bennett Committee Member Present
Councillor Tim Bick Committee Member Present
Councillor Jenny Gawthrope Wood Committee Member Present
Councillor Cameron Holloway Committee Member Present
Councillor Karen Young Committee Member Present
Councillor Mike Davey Leader and Executive Couniclllor for Transformaiton Executive Councillor Present
Councillor Alice Gilderdale Executive Councillor for Recovery, Employment and Community Safety Executive Councillor Present
Councillor Simon Smith Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources Executive Councillor Present