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Forward plan

June 2024 to August 2024 - republished 2 July 2024  (01/06/2024 to 31/08/2024)

Plan items
No. Item

Environment and Community Scrutiny Committee – 27 June 2024 (Key Decisions)


Community Funding Programme 2025/26 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Communities

Decision due:   27 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Julie Cornwell

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


2024/25 S106 Allocations for Community and Sports Facility Improvements - Part 3 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Community Safety, Homelessness and Wellbeing

Decision due:   27 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Ian Ross

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024

Environment and Community Scrutiny Committee – 27 June 2024 (Non Key Decisions)

Non key items will only appear on the agenda if requested for pre-scrutiny by 13/06/24


Single Equality Scheme Annual Report 2023/24 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Communities

Decision due:   27 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Helen Crowther

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


The Council's Future Approach to Grant Fund Management New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Communities

Decision due:   27 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Allison Conder

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


Annual Report on the Council's Key Strategic Partnerships (E&C) New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Community Safety, Homelessness and Wellbeing

Decision due:   27 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Andrew Limb

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


SOS Funding Round - Streets & Open Spaces New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Open Spaces and City Services

Decision due:   27 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  John Richards

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024

Housing Scrutiny Committee – 18 June 2024 (Key Decisions)


Part 1 - Management of the Council’s Housing Stock


HRA Outturn Report 2023/24 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision due:   18 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Julia Hovells

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


Procurement of Planned Maintenance Contractor New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision due:   18 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Will Barfield

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024

Housing Scrutiny Committee – 18 June 2024 (Non Key Decisions)


Part 1 - Management of the Council’s Housing Stock


Non key items will only appear on the agenda if requested for pre-scrutiny by 04/06/24


Rent Regulation Errors - Update Report New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision due:   18 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Julia Hovells

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


Compliance Update New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision due:   18 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Sean Cleary

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024

Housing Scrutiny Committee – 18 June 2024 (Key Decisions)


Part 2 - Strategic Housing


Update on New Build Council Housing Delivery New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision due:   18 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Ben Binns

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


Report on Ekin Road Stage 2 Options Appraisal New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision due:   18 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Ben Binns

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


Report on Stanton House New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision due:   18 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Samantha Shimmon, Ben Binns

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


Greater Cambridge Housing Strategy 2024-2029 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Housing

Decision due:   18 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Helen Reed

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024

Housing Scrutiny Committee – 18 June 2024 (Non Key Decisions)


Part 2 - Strategic Housing


Non key items will only appear on the agenda if requested for pre-scrutiny by 04/06/24


Currently no non key items scheduled for 18/06/24

Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee – 25 June 2024 (Key Decisions)

Currently no key items scheduled for 25/06/24

Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee – 25 June 2024 (Non Key Decisions)

Non key items will only appear on the agenda if requested for pre-scrutiny by 11/06/24


Currently no non key items scheduled for 25/06/24

Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee - 1 July 2024 (Key Decisions)


Annual Treasury Management Outturn Report 2023/24 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources

Decision due:   1 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Mathew Crosby

Decision status:  Item Deferred

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


2023/24 General Fund Revenue and Capital Outturn, Carry Forwards and Significant Variances New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources

Decision due:   1 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Mathew Crosby

Decision status:  Item Deferred

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


Development Agreement to Surrender and Re-grant New Lease - Plots 9, 10-11 & 12 and Wider Master-planning - Plots 6-16 Mercers Row Industrial Estate, Cambridge New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources

Decision due:   1 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Philip Taylor

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


People and Culture Strategy 2024-27 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources

Decision due:   1 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Lynsey Fulcher

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) Strategy New!

Decision maker:  Leader of the Council

Decision due:   1 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Dominic Burrows

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024

Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee - 1 July 2024 (Non Key Decisions)

Non key items will only appear on the agenda if requested for pre-scrutiny by 17/06/24



Annual Performance and Customer Feedback Report 2023/24 New!

Decision maker:  Leader of the Council, Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee

Decision due:   1 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Jane Wilson

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024


Annual Report on the Council's Key Strategic Partnerships New!

Decision maker:  Leader of the Council

Decision due:   1 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Andrew Limb

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/05/2024

Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee - 18 July 2024 (Key Decisions)


2023/24 General Fund Revenue and Capital Outturn, Carry Forwards and Significant Variances New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources

Decision due:   18 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Mathew Crosby

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/07/2024


Annual Treasury Management Outturn Report 2023/24 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources

Decision due:   18 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Mathew Crosby

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/07/2024

Regulatory Committees


This section includes items scheduled for consideration by the following Regulatory Committees:


·       Civic Affairs

·       Licensing Committee


Committees that consider planning applications are not included on the Forward Plan.


All items listed on the plan will automatically be included on the relevant committee agenda for decision and debate. 


Committee reports will be available one week before the meeting from Democratic Services.

Civic Affairs - 10 July 2024


Update to Alternative Options to Area Committees New!

Decision maker:  Civic Affairs

Decision due:   10 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Andrew Limb

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/05/2024


External Audit Plan 2023/24 New!

Decision maker:  Civic Affairs

Decision due:   10 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Jody Etherington

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/07/2024


Interim Value for Money Arrangements Report 2022/23 New!

Decision maker:  Civic Affairs

Decision due:   10 Jul 2024

Lead officer:  Jody Etherington

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/07/2024

Licensing - 24 June 2024


Hybrid Report New!

Decision maker:  Licensing Committee

Decision due:   24 Jun 2024

Lead officer:  Yvonne O'Donnell

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/05/2024