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Issue details

Project Appraisal for St.Andrew's Hall Community Centre Extension (Capital Grant)

To agree a capital grant towards the development of additional community space at St.Andrew’s Hall, East Chesterton.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/04/2013

Decision due: 25 Jun 2013 by Executive Councillor for Communities.

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Communities.

Lead director: Director of Customer and Community Services

Department: Community Development

Contact: Email: trevor.woollams@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: Not currently requested for pre-scrutiny.

Background Information: In January 2013 the Executive Cllr for Community Development and Health provisionally allocated £140k of developer contributions towards the scheme, subject to approval of a project appraisal.


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