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Issue details

Environmental and Waste Services - Budget 2012/13

To approve Revenue and Capital Budgets 2012/13 (Revised), 2013/14 and 2014/15 (Forecast). 

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/04/2013

Decision due: 15 Jan 2013 by Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment

Lead director: Director of Resources

Department: Resources

Contact: Email: david.horspool@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: This is a key decision and will automatically appear on the agenda.

Background Information: Approve proposed charges for 2013/14, approve funding requests, capital rephasing and changes for 2012/13 and approve revenue and capital budget proposals, for 2013/14 and 2014/15.


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