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To approve the award of homelessness prevention grants (HPGs) to agencies.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Significant effect on communities living or working in any ward in Cambridge;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/12/2024
Decision due: 4 Feb 2025 by Executive Councillor for Community Safety, Homelessness and Wellbeing
Lead member: Executive Councillor for Communities
Department: Communities Group
Contact: Simon Hunt, Housing Services Manager - Housing Advice Email:
Additional Information: This is a key item and will automatically appear on the agenda for discussion / debate.
Background Information: Each year the Council invites agencies to submit bids for funding for homelessness-related services. Bids are considered by a panel of officers, and applicants have to demonstrate how their proposed service will prevent or relieve homelessness. The panel considers the strategic and operational value of the proposed service and the ability of the submitting agency to self-fund in whole or in part when awarding funds.