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Consultation on the expansion of the Smoke Control Area (SCA)

To consult the public on expanding the Smoke Control Area (SCA) to cover the whole of the district (and whether to include or exclude residential river boats).

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/08/2024

Decision due: 26 Sep 2024 by Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment

Department: Communities Group

Contact: Jo Dicks, Environmental Quality & Growth Manager Email: Jo.Dicks@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: Requested for pre-scrutiny by Cllrs Hauk and Payne.

Background Information: The primary pollutant of concern from solid fuel burning is PM2.5 and is estimated to account for 40% of PM2.5 emissions in Cambridge. The Clean Air Act 1993 gave Local Authorities power to introduce SCA's. These are designated areas where only approved fuels or exempt appliances can be used. Cambridge City Council commissioned an independent report to investigate environmental, health & economic impacts of expanding the SCA in Cambridge to cover the whole city considering both the inclusion & exclusion of residential river boats. It concluded that the expansion would deliver environmental, economic & health benefits. Where changes to an existing SCA is proposed a statutory consultation is recommended. Where inclusion of river boats is to be considered a formal statutory consultation is required by DEFRA. We are seeking permission to formally consult the wider public on the expansion of the SCA, considering both the inclusion and exclusion of residential river boats.