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Proposed Improvements to the Market Square

1 Note the update on the project status and next steps for the project workstreams.


2 Note the need to consider the project in line with the heat network feasibility study and GCP’s Road network hierarchy review and resulting proposals before a more detailed scheme proposal can be developed in order to ensure that a strategic approach is taken to the project. This is likely to mean that the development  of a final scheme  for approval to  progress to a planning application will not be finalized until at least 2023.


3 Approve the amended vision as proposed in section 4.3.


4 Delegate authority to the Director, in consultation with Chair and Spokes, to continue to develop the project in line with the Corporate Programme Office and project management requirements, and with the Council’s formal decision processes.  The project will be managed in collaboration with partners leading other major schemes which may have an impact on the outcomes for this project. Formal scheme development, where proposed, will be developed  in line with current policy, including on voluntary and statutory consultation, and brought to committee. Future delivery of any approved project will be subject to available funding.


5 Approve the proposal to set up a liaison group to ensure information and updates on the project are  informally shared with key stakeholders.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/02/2022

Decision due: 24 Mar 2022 by Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Climate Action and Environment

Department: Environmental Services

Contact: Fiona Bryant, Programme Director – Major Regeneration Email: Fiona.Bryant@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: Requested for pre-scrutiny by Cllrs Payne & Porrer.

Background Information: Following work done on the Market Square Project to date and the last report to Environment and Communities Scrutiny Committee in 2021, the Council announced its intention to review the project and stakeholder feedback and to come back to Committee with an update in March 2022. This report provides an update on the Project.


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