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Complaint Upheld by the Housing Ombudsman Service relating to Housing Repairs

The Exec Cllr is recommended to note the findings of the Housing Ombudsman Service in respect of this case and the actions taken by the Council in response

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/09/2021

Decision due: 23 Sep 2021 by Executive Councillor for Housing

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Housing

Contact: Lynn Bradley, Head of Housing Maintenance and Assets Email: lynn.bradley@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: This item will automatically appear on the agenda.

Background Information: A Council tenant raised a complaint re. the Council's handling of 1.Repairs made at his property, 2.His request for an adaptation to the bath, 3.His reports of a rat infestation in the loft, 4.His concerns of potential asbestos in the property. The Housing Ombudsman noted a service failure in respect of the Council's handling of repairs at the property & in the handling of the request for adaptation to the bath & in the handling of the resident's concerns of potential asbestos. No maladministration was found re. the handling of the reports of a rat infestation. The Housing Ombudsman Service has made a number of orders and recommendations in relation to the service failure.


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