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Members are recommended to approve licensing officers to put on hold their current process of providing available Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licenses to next individual on waiting list for the next 6 months.
Decision type: Non-key - Low
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/02/2021
Decision due: 22 Mar 2021 by Licensing Committee
Department: Licensing
Contact: Wangari Njiiri, Environmental Health and Licensing Support Team Leader Email:
Additional Information: This item will automatically appear on the agenda.
Background Information: Cambridge City Council currently have a limit on the number of Hackney Carriage Vehicle (HCV) Licences, set at 321. This limit is set by the results found by the Demand Survey, and a 'waiting list' developed for those wishing to hold a HCV Licence. A demand survey was due to be completed in summer 2020, however due to Covid-19 restrictions and impact on the trade, the decision was made to wait until the current Covid-19 impacts have diminished. However, due to the financial impact on the Trade, a request has been received for the Council to put on hold the current procedure of providing newly available licenses to the next individual on the HCV waiting list. Report to be presented to Members for instruction for Licensing officers.