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Update on programme and core site summary baseline business plan.
Information report, no decision required.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/12/2020
Decision due: 8 Feb 2021 by Executive Councillor for External Partnerships
Lead member: Executive Councillor for External Partnerships
Contact: Fiona Bryant, Programme Director – Major Regeneration Email:
Additional Information: Requested for pre-scrutiny by Cllrs Bick & Dalzell.
Background Information: The development of the core site (site in the north east fringe jointly owned by the Council and Anglian Water) is being taken forward by their master developer, U&I on behalf of City and Anglian Water’s Joint Venture partnership. The development of the site will only really take place following the relocation of Anglian Water’s Waste Water Treatment plant (2028), although some meanwhile use and early development work may take place earlier. This report provides progress on the overall programme and outlines the summary baseline business plan for the site.