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Cambridge City Housing Company Update

As shareholder, to inform the Board of Directors of Cambridge City Housing Company of the comments of the Council for consideration in finalising the Business Plan for the Company.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/12/2020

Decision due: 8 Feb 2021 by Executive Councillor for External Partnerships

Lead member: Executive Councillor for External Partnerships

Department: Property Services

Contact: Dave Prinsep, Assistant Director, Assets and Property Email: dave.prinsep@cambridge.gov.uk Tel: 01223 457318.

Additional Information: Requested for pre-scrutiny by Cllrs Bick & Dalzell.

Background Information: The Council is the sole shareholder of Cambridge City Housing Company. The Housing Company’s Board of Directors have to make decisions for the company in a Board Meeting. It is agreed that the Council as shareholder will be consulted on the draft business plan for the Company through the Strategy & Resources Scrutiny Committee. This approach allows the Council as shareholder to inform the Board of its comments to be considered when finalising and approving the business plan.


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