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ROD: CIty Centre Parking Fees from August 2020

• Approved the creation of a single tariff of £1 per hour Monday to Sunday 24/7 at city Council owned multi-storey and surface car parks for up to three months until the 31st October with the ability to review on a monthly basis to determine need and efficacy of the arrangements.

• Agreed to retain the provision of free parking permits for public and voluntary sector key workers to be reviewed at the end of August

• Removed the provision of a City Centre Worker permit at the discounted rate, as all parking will be at the £1/hour rate

• Agreed to reinstate the enforcement of parking fees in City Council owned surface car parks from the end of August.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Executive Proposals: Development of new plan or strategy;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/08/2020

Decision due: 29 Sep 2020 by Executive Councillor for Open Spaces and City Services

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Open Spaces and City Services

Contact: Claire Tunnicliffe, Committee Manager Email: claire.tunnicliffe@cambridge.gov.uk.

Background Information: The decision needed to be made urgently to support city centre recovery and the next planning and transport scrutiny committee was not until September. If the decision was not made the return of customers to the city centre (within public health guidelines) and business income likely to be impacted resulting in further delay to economic recovery.


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