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S106 Community Facility Grants 2020

1. Approve the awards recommended for 2020 S106 Community Facilities funding subject to project appraisal and signed grant agreements.

2. Note updates and recommendations on existing projects.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £300,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/08/2020

Decision due: 1 Oct 2020 by Executive Councillor for Communities.

Lead member: Executive Councillor for Communities.

Department: Community Services

Contact: Jackie Hanson, Community Funding and Development Manager Email: jackie.hanson@cambridge.gov.uk.

Additional Information: This is a key item and will automatically appear on the agenda.

Background Information: The 2020 S106 Community Facilities round is for use of the funding remaining from the collection of generic S106 contributions.to mitigate the impact of development.


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